Forum › Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri discussion

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Toudou has really made a 180 to just a nice chill guy

joined May 28, 2020

That was such a nice chapter. So was 25. Toudou has really changed.

joined Jun 13, 2023

Toudou has really made a 180 to just a nice chill guy

what getting laid does to a mf

joined Sep 6, 2018

Toudou has undergone an extra-intense tomoko kuroki transformation. she's thriving as a chill poly chick magnet and I love that for her. Kurohime is so adorable, I like her so much. Freaks finding community and healing with each other is really the best, isn't it? I want to inject it into my veins.

joined Jan 11, 2014

Toudou is just so fckin' nice now. She and Kurohime are Adorable.

joined Jan 30, 2017

Toudou is unrecognizable from the first chapters, in a good way. I love awful characters mellowing out.

joined Apr 16, 2020

Character growth is always nice.

joined Jun 12, 2019

I really like the character growth this series offers, especially considering I wasn't expecting any to begin with

This. This is me too, lol. I adore this manga. Toudou has mellowed out and developed but every now and then she can still be the selfish little asshole I love that got me reading this in the first place.

joined Feb 5, 2020

I can't believe this started with wild aphrodisiac gay sex and now I'm pterodactyl screeching over cheek kisses.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Ruruka just lost her best friend position

joined Jun 22, 2018

Wow I haven't paid attention to this in a while and so much has changed whew. I'm really loving the character development in this, plus it's just plain funny to read, too. The way Toudou acted with Rin when alone was surprisingly wholesome, and has made me think that they might be the end game.
Tho I hope there's more Yanagi in the near future, she's poggers

joined Mar 24, 2015

Kinda hoping there is no endgame here. I'm sure if it went that way, whomever she wound up with would be super wholesome and great, but I'm actually really into her dynamics with all these different girls. Kurohime didn't really stand out at all to me before, but this latest chapter was pretty great. Please make me root for everyone.

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

Of course the mellowing of Toudou Itsumi is very noticable (no doubt making out with lots of cute girls helped), but I want to point out that Shirashiro also calmed down massively since her introduction. She used to be rather unhinged. Her manga like persona was obviously a defense mechanism, but I once would have ranked her at the top 3 of most unreasonable characters in this story. Now she is mostly just a shy introvert who tries her best. Toudou also went from treating her like a nutcase to calling her her best friend. It is truly something remarkable.

On the topic of the Twitter previews, seeing Tsubasa on the tweet talking about erotic developments gives me pause. Either Mochi is trying to integrate her into the fold again or she has plans to put Tsubasa into a pairing with another girl. Or perhaps it is just a reaction to something erotic going on that doesn't involve Tsubasa herself...

And as many predicted, Toudou's little sister is most likely a siscon. Not only is it implied that her little sister's popularity is what even awakened Toudou's desperate need for attention and approval, it also seems that she has no idea she is being the target of incestuous affection. It wouldn't be Mochi without a little incest.
That strange ball she is holding makes me wonder if aside from love potions you can order online there are still many other strange products to be discovered.

Ruruka just lost her best friend position

And deservedly so.

last edited at Jul 3, 2023 10:54AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

Ruruka just lost her best friend position

And deservedly so.

Now taking bets on whether finding out about it will cause Ruruka to

a) become even more unhinged/boundary-ignoring with jealousy
b) reflect on her transgressions and mellow out as well in an effort to be a better friend to Toudou

joined Dec 27, 2020

This author successfully has me rooting for everyone at the same time

joined Mar 20, 2014

Awww.... Kurohime. That made my heart melt!

joined Nov 6, 2018

I hope this series isn't losing its edge. I liked how mean it was before.

Yuri Yuriyuri
joined Aug 21, 2020

Damn Toudou is drowning in girls these days

joined Aug 4, 2018

"Boiiiiing... boiiiiing..."
A new onomatopoeia: the sound of indulging in lesbian reverie.

I hope you had a happy birthday, Valentine!

joined May 27, 2019

I see a little sister chapter on the horizon

what does everyone think? Mochi gonna Mochi? Or is Arare not interested?

joined May 27, 2019

Toudou has undergone an extra-intense tomoko kuroki transformation. she's thriving as a chill poly chick magnet and I love that for her. Kurohime is so adorable, I like her so much. Freaks finding community and healing with each other is really the best, isn't it? I want to inject it into my veins.

in a lot ways this series feels like what would happen if watamote was focused on the yuri in the first place

joined Jul 31, 2019

Ruruka just lost her best friend position

Not like that was hard, since she only had it by virtue of being the only friend :P

joined Oct 28, 2022

Ah, poisoning the well. (snip)

Somebody cares to condense it?

I can do it for you, real easy. It's an incoherent word salad, full of blabbing and devoid of meaning. He toots all his headcanons as if they were facts, he accuses the other poster of personal attacks (because they reminded him of the forum rules) and demands that they address his arguments (when they aren't the one who was debating with him). I think this was just an attempt to drown everyone under a logorrhea. Srsly, you did the right thing not reading it.

joined Feb 22, 2023

Ruruka just lost her best friend position

Not like that was hard, since she only had it by virtue of being the only friend :P

But what if Ruruka stops stealing the lip balm? ;)

Licentious Lantern
joined Sep 17, 2021

Ah, poisoning the well. (snip)

Somebody cares to condense it?

I can do it for you, real easy. It's an incoherent word salad, full of blabbing and devoid of meaning. He toots all his headcanons as if they were facts, he accuses the other poster of personal attacks (because they reminded him of the forum rules) and demands that they address his arguments (when they aren't the one who was debating with him). I think this was just an attempt to drown everyone under a logorrhea. Srsly, you did the right thing not reading it.

Well at least you two have something in common, you both didn't read my post.

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