Forum › Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! discussion

joined Feb 18, 2013

I'm gonna take the long bet and put my chips on Ayaka and the cute CEO that shut Hiroko down cold. Ayaka gets enticed away to work with her girlfriend and becomes a gay force of nature equal to Hiroko.

I am ready for my disappointment now, I am committed.

joined Aug 12, 2019



I second this!

joined Apr 29, 2020

As much as it is laudable that Hiroko rejects her in a very professional way. She’s a giant bitch for not apologizing about all the lying and giving her the run around.

joined Nov 25, 2020

She’s a giant bitch for not apologizing about all the lying and giving her the run around.

The first thing she did was apologize for lying? Second, I don't see how you could say she's given Ayaka the run around. Ayaka is pursuing her, and Hiroko has done her utmost not to reciprocate (for many reasons, some understandable some not). That's not giving someone the run around, that's pretty concretely telling them "no".

last edited at Jun 15, 2023 11:33PM

joined Jun 20, 2022

look I was already mad at Hiroko but wtf is this now?? We better get a story arc thoroughly explaining the reason she refused Ayaka and it better be good, or else I'm done with her lol

also like there was never any hint to another reason for them not to get together other than her thinking Ayaka was straight, so I really don't see where this is going

joined Jun 12, 2019

Risa deserves better than to be the "rebound" but as long as she gets a W somewhere in this story, I'll take what can get

joined Mar 22, 2013

A lot of people act like she's being mature about this, but she absolutely isn't. She's not declining Ayaka's advances because it's something she doesn't want. It's because she's something she's too scared to handle: A real, honest to God, committed relationship.

But this is actually what makes this so interesting to me. She is an older woman, who still hasn't got her shit together. She will make some progress along the story, I'm sure. And that's what I'm here for >:)

joined Jan 30, 2017

A lot of people act like she's being mature about this, but she absolutely isn't. She's not declining Ayaka's advances because it's something she doesn't want. It's because she's something she's too scared to handle: A real, honest to God, committed relationship.

But this is actually what makes this so interesting to me. She is an older woman, who still hasn't got her shit together. She will make some progress along the story, I'm sure. And that's what I'm here for >:)

She can make all the progress she wants, on her own, while Ayaka is on her honeymoon with Risa.

joined May 28, 2022

please for once can the main ship be sunk I can't stand hiroko lol

joined Sep 2, 2018

I'm guessing the only reason the last SEVERAL chapters don't have the "love triangle" tag is because we're all waiting to see if the series ends soon or keeps going past this arc, to decide if it should be by chapter or full series. Does anyone know if the author has indicated how much of the series is left?

last edited at Jun 16, 2023 2:46AM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Risa deserves to get the gold,but is that how it will turn out?...


Hiroko's hinting at Risa so is Ayaka going to end up with Risa!? Love triangle trope finally subverted?


please for once can the main ship be sunk


last edited at Jun 16, 2023 3:59AM

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Just to be clear, I wouldn't mind if Risa got Ayaka (and it was done well). It just won't happen.

joined Mar 8, 2014

A great deal of people will be very angry when this happens because Liz and Hiroko, even tho they're thought-provoking characters, are not popular with the readers. Many will claim that Maki deserves better than Liz and Ayaka deserves better than Hiroko. Well, that might be true, but as Blastaar said, "Deserve's got nothing to do with it." I for one read fiction for the interesting stories rather than for lessons of fictional justice served to the fictionally deserving.

I think love can be messy like that. We don't always fall for the people that deserve us and that's fine. We can learn and grow as long as there isn't a blatant red flag or something. Love triangles where one character is main and the other supporting usually don't work because the main one needs to complete their character arc somehow. I can't think of a way for Hiroko to complete her character arc unless she interacts with Ayaka, which why I think only a break up works. But that's a bit sad for Ayaka isn't it? And Risa would always be the second choice. I don't think it's a good ending.
As for Hiroko yeah, she was in denial because she always had this issue and didn't want to date anyone from work, especially not her juniors. It's not because she thought Ayaka was straight really. That's more of a red herring. When Hiroko tells herself "think like a straight person" it's pretty clear that she's afraid of being outed etc which is her underlying issue. I think it's interesting how the stort subverted the misunderstanding trope and actually gave a reason as to why it happened even if it's outrageous. That's why Hiroko says "of course, she has been saying it this whole time".

joined Jun 27, 2018

Just to be clear, I wouldn't mind if Risa got Ayaka (and it was done well). It just won't happen.

Wanna bet?

joined Feb 27, 2023

Hiroko blows so hard lol
Last 2 chapters dropped my opinion of this manga immensely.

joined Mar 10, 2018

I respect Hiroko turning her down professionally like that, but she's still screwing it all up by not allowing Ayaka to say anything herself. She's just telling her how things are instead of having a conversation.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Just to be clear, I wouldn't mind if Risa got Ayaka (and it was done well). It just won't happen.

Wanna bet?

I'll take that bet, since Ayaka already said she doesn't like Risa to her face, after Risa confessed. Have we forgotten what happened earlier in the manga?

Risa is doomed and knows it. That's why she's being so aggressive, she's basically Diana at this point. She's great and an amazing friend but she's not owed someone's love because of that. They are not "made for each other" because only the individual gets to decide that and Ayaka has been around her and has decided, no. This is a lesson for real life as well. Similarly, Hiroko is not bad just because she didn't give someone the love they wanted. Denying reciprocation is not wrong. No one is owed anything and love is not transactional. You don't put in your 9-to-5, expect love to come like a salary and get angry at the person when it doesn't. Ayaka is within her right, not to view her romantically, she's said as much and that's the end of that.

I feel for Risa however she's doing what Ayaka is doing but much worse. At least Hiroko likes Ayaka and is only avoiding her because of a desire to remain closeted at work. Ayaka has point blank said she's not really interested and has never shown a hint of going back on that, or even considering it further. Risa can find another great woman from the bar, honestly. They hounded her last time and are also lovely. Otherwise she's unfortunately setting herself up for failure, unless something drastic happens or she's just someone Ayaka settles for after giving up on Hiroko. I'd rather she avoid that.

last edited at Jun 16, 2023 6:24AM

joined Oct 20, 2017

The sharp teeth on pg 16... She is feral

joined Sep 6, 2018


joined Jul 29, 2017

I for one read fiction for the interesting stories rather than for lessons of fictional justice served to the fictionally deserving.

To absolutely no one’s surprise: me too.

The amount of helpful personal advice and guides to righteous behavior generated on behalf of fictional characters by Dynasty readers is truly formidable.

But the characters aren’t listening.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Being Ayaka is suffering: she has spent 2 days gathering the energy to finally punch through Hiroko's neutronium skull, but when it came time to fire, she was completely off mark and the problem came from a completely different direction...

joined Jun 17, 2021

I feel for Risa however she's doing what Ayaka is doing but much worse. At least Hiroko likes Ayaka and is only avoiding her because of a desire to remain closeted at work. Ayaka has point blank said she's not really interested and has never shown a hint of going back on that, or even considering it further. Risa can find another great woman from the bar, honestly. They hounded her last time and are also lovely. Otherwise she's unfortunately setting herself up for failure, unless something drastic happens or she's just someone Ayaka settles for after giving up on Hiroko. I'd rather she avoid that.

Lol. What?
I mean, we can see Hiroko's thoughts, but Ayaka and everyone else in the story cannot.
From the perspective from everyone but us omniscient viewers, Hiroko has no interest in Ayaka, and that makes Ayaka and Risa exactly the same, not Risa worse.
Also, Ayaka didn't say "no, I'm not attracted to you", she just likes someone else. Weirdly enough, people can change...

joined Mar 8, 2014

I think that when Risa hugged her or something and Ayaka said "but I like Hiroko-senpai or sth" it was a pretty straightforward rejection even if being so committed to a person you aren't dating is kinda silly. Ayaka was never straightforwardly rejected until now so can sooort of justify her actions, except the over the top ones when she was drunk and the kabedon lol...
But I really hope Ayaka stops pursuing Hiroko now cause otherwise she will look like an idiot.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Lol. What?
I mean, we can see Hiroko's thoughts, but Ayaka and everyone else in the story cannot.
From the perspective from everyone but us omniscient viewers, Hiroko has no interest in Ayaka, and that makes Ayaka and Risa exactly the same, not Risa worse.
Also, Ayaka didn't say "no, I'm not attracted to you", she just likes someone else. Weirdly enough, people can change...

I'm talking from the position of potential ends. Yes, Ayaka can not read Hiroko's thoughts but we can and we know that Hiroko does like Ayaka. Therefore, we know that Ayaka is in a potentially better position than Risa, whose love interest already denied her and moved on. And I already pre-addressed the idea of Ayaka's feelings changing when I mentioned "drastic changes," etc. I highly doubt that happens either way, because she's been with Risa for over a year and yet has shown no indication of ever considering her, even after Risa's confession and with all the troubles with Hiroko. Ayaka hasn't once even thought deeply about Risa in that way. It would take a sudden shift, for her to see Risa differently than she's always seen her and I see no indication that, that is coming or likely. She treats Risa more like a sister and any other further interactions they've had have been pushed by Risa, like how Ayaka pushes Hiroko.

But I really hope Ayaka stops pursuing Hiroko now cause otherwise she will look like an idiot.

I think it's a bit complicated for her. Because even here with this "rejection" Hiroko never said she doesn't like Ayaka. She only said she doesn't believe she could make her happy. Ayaka could view that as just another obstacle, to show that she's fine being secret at work or to show Hiroko that she doesn't have to worry as much.

last edited at Jun 16, 2023 10:25AM

joined Oct 4, 2016

The amount of helpful personal advice and guides to righteous behavior generated on behalf of fictional characters by Dynasty readers is truly formidable.

I suspect that in most cases the advice is based on fictional experience, so it all comes out in the wash.

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