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joined Jun 25, 2019

Maybe not? This being BDSM smut is pretty well known, so I'd expect most people that'd take issue with it simply won't watch

You'd hope, but unfortunately an anime adaption brings a new level of visibility, and that tends to come with a wave of people angry about something.

It'll be the age thing that they whine about the most. You'll get some people defending it because people tend to be more forgiving of something like this because of the yuri angle. But the age of the characters and the fact that the mangaka is male will have large amount of people dismissing it a fetish stuff aimed at men and calling it problematic for x-reasons. And yeah, Interspecies Reviewers got hit HARD by the controversy machine to the point it basically had to stop airing normally and lost it's dub. Then again, Redo of Healer managed to weather it. Though that was so audacious they basically knew exactly what they were doing and counted on that. It's hard to know what will happen with this, though I have a bad feeling. Then again, as long as nothing happens to the manga I don't really mind.


You forget the biggest "problem". Most of the cast are suposs to be middle schoolers.

Replying to both, right character ages in anime get a lot of backlash, and regardless of genre. Usually resulting in generalized anime hate, and sometimes even offensive comments about Japan. Yeah I'm just going to keep my head down, and try to ignore the drama when the adaption comes out.

Don't get me wrong, i'm still happy that it's getting an anime adaptation.

joined May 29, 2021

Am I the only one that thinks this isn't going to make much noise at all? this isn't even that far well known on Yuri circles, it's one of those "not everyone's cup of tea" situation where it was already avoided before and it will certainly be avoided now by the same people, this is either going to be one of those Anime that the general audience will call "filler" of the season (It's one hell of an stupid term but it does happens) or just go under the radar of everyone who isn't from a Yuri circle

Yuri has been getting more and more high profile in general. Lycoris Recoil last year (even though it was bait mostly), Witch From Mercury, and this season Magical Revolution is topping tons of popularity polls in Japan and abroad. I Favor The Villainess will be starting next month. I feel like any yuri show is going to have increased popularity these days.

joined Jan 1, 2019

And yeah, Interspecies Reviewers got hit HARD by the controversy machine to the point it basically had to stop airing normally and lost it's dub.

There was no actual controversy over Interspecies; mainly the anime just added a ton of original borderline H scenes that nobody was expecting and that Funimation didn't want associated with their brand image. A few Japanese broadcasters had their own issues but if HiDive had licensed it it likely wouldn't have been an issue.

I don't really know what kind of reception to expect... a lot of normie otaku I run across are still like "eww, yuri" and I can't think of a yuri ecchi since maybe Valkyrie Drive which was not that good. The manga does have 5m in sales though so there's an audience out there.

And the only thing we get in April is Yuri Is My Job! -- ILTV isn't a spring series. Hopefully summer.

joined May 29, 2021

And the only thing we get in April is Yuri Is My Job! -- ILTV isn't a spring series. Hopefully summer.

Yeah I just checked this spring's anime list and it wasn't there. I could swear one of the trailers I watched back in December said April, though.

joined Apr 27, 2013

Yeah I just checked this spring's anime list and it wasn't there. I could swear one of the trailers I watched back in December said April, though.

Whoever is maintaining the list you used did an oopsy. WataYuri premieres April 6th, according to it's own site

joined May 29, 2021

Yeah I just checked this spring's anime list and it wasn't there. I could swear one of the trailers I watched back in December said April, though.

Whoever is maintaining the list you used did an oopsy. WataYuri premieres April 6th, according to it's own site

Sorry I think there's been a misunderstanding. I meant I Love The Villainess. I thought a trailer a saw for it back in December said April.

joined Jan 1, 2019

I only brought up WataYuri because its the only yuri airing in spring -- unless you want to count Birdie Wing S2.

Anyway I'm hyped for an adaptation but I'm still really curious about studio as well as cast. We'll find out soon enough I suppose.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Are we pretending Gundam isn't yuri now?

joined Apr 2, 2017

The anouncement of the anime almost made me cry, dude. This manga is soooo good in every freaking aspect and I cannot be more happy about the anime. It's like the "Girlfriends" anime adaptation anouncement I never had.
I'm just so happy, and I dont even like ecchi that much, but this story is beyond anything I've ever seen

joined May 29, 2021

Are we pretending Gundam isn't yuri now?

Good point, though I'm a little worried they'll veer away because of drama. Hope not, though. Also yeah, Birdie Wing could be a thing. It has big lesbian vibes but could still be bait.

joined Feb 18, 2013

I hope the anime is by the same people lavishing insanely good animation cuts all over ONIMAI. Baiser discipling Azul animated on 2s? Yes, please.

joined Mar 29, 2021

Oh man how i love this manga! hope it gets an anime at some point!

If only a studio was brave enough to adapt something like this. But if they did... boy would that be a glorious day.

Ayyy, I feel vindicated with this anime announcement. Feels a bit bad that most of the discussion here has focused on the possible backlash the series will get when the anime gets around to being done (which I don't doubt would actually happen, but whatever. They can complain all they want). Now it is time to patiently wait for the studio to be revealed.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Oh man how i love this manga! hope it gets an anime at some point!

If only a studio was brave enough to adapt something like this. But if they did... boy would that be a glorious day.

Ayyy, I feel vindicated with this anime announcement. Feels a bit bad that most of the discussion here has focused on the possible backlash the series will get when the anime gets around to being done (which I don't doubt would actually happen, but whatever. They can complain all they want). Now it is time to patiently wait for the studio to be revealed.

I would laugh soooo hard if it was clover works. Can you imagine? Dress up darling/Akebi but it’s magical girl BDSM.

joined Jan 1, 2019

Feels a bit bad that most of the discussion here has focused on the possible backlash the series will get when the anime gets around to being done (which I don't doubt would actually happen, but whatever.

I think hoping that your favorite borderline H series can generate a moral panic is a kink in and of itself at this point. I'm cautiously optimistic we're going to get a good studio, but its kind of unusual compared to other borderline series in that the action scenes are where the magic happens. We'll see I suppose.

Tangentially I hope they don't put nipples everywhere. It would work better if they do it like KissXSis for lack of a better comparison.

Are we pretending Gundam isn't yuri now?

Off topic but... I mean its still a Gundam first and foremost, so there's still a lot of political melodrama, tragedy, and confessions from male characters to go in S2.

joined May 18, 2019

You forget the biggest "problem". Most of the cast are suposs to be middle schoolers.

Number one reason I'm concerned about the adaptation. Like these are 14 year olds and grade schoolers getting put in highly sexual situations. People are gonna talk MAD abt this

joined May 18, 2019

It might cause a lot of noise because we can't forget that this year is strangely massive for yuri, no other year could compare to this and it's satisfying but also strange getting all at once since winter of 2022, I can't be the only one a little bit concern about this, right? so strangely convenient.

People prophesied the amount of Yuri for 2023 when they were saying 'Happy new Yuri' last year lmaoo

joined Apr 6, 2013

I love how Enorme was completely uninteresting to Utena, to the point of boredom, but now that she has a personal vendetta and comrades she actually cares about, through character development she has become interesting to Utena.

joined Oct 14, 2014

You forget the biggest "problem". Most of the cast are suposs to be middle schoolers.

Number one reason I'm concerned about the adaptation. Like these are 14 year olds and grade schoolers getting put in highly sexual situations. People are gonna talk MAD abt this

I mald so hard every day remembering BL and het series mostly get away with it but for some reason yuri has zero immunity

But at the same time I really would rather not have "basedlolicon1488" trying to defend something that's definitely too specific for them to truly enjoy

Edit: There's also the fact that 90% of the reason the cast is middle schoolers is because that's magical girl convention smh... if this started getting written after Hirogaru Sky now that it's got an adult in the main Cure squad it wouldn't be entirely tweens

last edited at Mar 21, 2023 8:55PM

joined Feb 11, 2018

I only brought up WataYuri because its the only yuri airing in spring -- unless you want to count Birdie Wing S2.

Birdie Wing is obviously yuri, it's just that it's an action comedy as well. There's nothing vague or plausibly deniable about it. Eve is a chick-magnetic Casanovette, but she also can't keep herself off from touching and egregiously flirting with her rival, who in turn has a ginormous crush on Eve and gets a brain meltdown every two minutes about it.

Thankfully it is an original story, so writers can (hopefully) just go all the way there.

Problem with adaptations is that they can struggle where to end the last episode. Many serials don't have convenient dropoff points, and don't want to give up final resolution to ongoing story, which might affect sales of manga or LN negatively.

joined Jan 2, 2022

Yeah it looks like there's gonna be an anime. There's no way it isn't massively toned down, though. Honestly I have a hard time believing it will hold a candle to the manga. Too many people would whinge about it. Still, I guess we'll see.

Pretty certain people on social media will take issue with the series regardless. The main character is an outlandish sadist villain and that's not going to go over well. I'm just gonna do my best to keep my head down and avoid the drama the best I can..

You forget the biggest "problem". Most of the cast are suposs to be middle schoolers.

I'm not sure why problem is in quotes here. It is a problem. Like, I enjoy reading this, but I would never recommend this even to people that I know like manga. It's just a lot, and I don't think it's unreasonable to give this the side-eye. Plus, the Netflix Cuties controversy wasn't that long ago. The BDSM stuff is whatever, the ages of the characters feels like not only a huge barrier to entry, but a huge problem if this gets more widely known.

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Love the way lord was super creeped out at first lol. I guess they just let her leave as well? For the public execution. Pretty fun that leo related so much

joined Sep 27, 2017

I really hope they don't execute her...

Feels a bit bad that most of the discussion here has focused on the possible backlash the series will get when the anime gets around to being done (which I don't doubt would actually happen, but whatever.

I think hoping that your favorite borderline H series can generate a moral panic is a kink in and of itself at this point. I'm cautiously optimistic we're going to get a good studio, but its kind of unusual compared to other borderline series in that the action scenes are where the magic happens. We'll see I suppose.

Tangentially I hope they don't put nipples everywhere. It would work better if they do it like KissXSis for lack of a better comparison.

As someone who is so far has been enjoying the manga, and is curious as to how the adaption will be handled, I simply think discussing the possible reaction to the anime is a natural part of the discussion, due to this being one of the more controversial series out there in terms of content. I'm not hoping for moral panic, that's exhausting, and I've already seen people in some Yuri circles deeply disturbed that this series is getting adapted. At the end of the day I watch what I want to, there's just a choice to be made on if I want to engage or avoid interaction with people on social media when the adaption comes out. This definitely feels like a series I will likely steer clear of the anime discussions when it comes to various platforms.

last edited at Mar 21, 2023 9:23PM

joined Aug 23, 2011

Japan doesn't care about twitter, thankfully.

Putting the drama aside, I love how strangely wholesome this manga manages to be. That scene with the girls feeding Berserga is just another in a series of scenes where the "good" guys resolve their differences with the "bad" guys using the power of friendship.

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

I’m honestly so curious with which Seiyuu is gonna be voicing Utena and Kiwi, bc whoever it is they must be fucking wild as well lol

Lmao didn’t think about that. Actually really looking forward to Utena’s vocal performance when she’s being evil

joined Sep 27, 2017

Japan doesn't care about twitter, thankfully.

Putting the drama aside, I love how strangely wholesome this manga manages to be. That scene with the girls feeding Berserga is just another in a series of scenes where the "good" guys resolve their differences with the "bad" guys using the power of friendship.

I'd more so say the power of love, even if it's often twisted love :P

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