Forum › A Scummy Gap Student With a Hard Life Calls Upon a Lady of the Night discussion

joined Feb 11, 2014

Me : "oh noes, this might get wholesome and not scummy anymore !"
Author sensei : "hold my teacup."

joined Jul 23, 2019

Yeah, that blank facial expression was definitely not a good sign. Mashiro has a lot of trauma, so I am not sure what exactly Makino's offer had activated, but she is not okay, that's for certain.

Mashiro's trauma is that she thinks nobody in the world likes her or needs her, except as a pussy for rent. She feels she has no use for anyone, unless it's for fucking.

She thought she was friends with Makino now, and the idea of having a friend made her all happy. But then, after hanging out with her for about a hour, Makino said 'Yeah ok I'm done with this shit, here are some bucks, bitch, let's get to humping!'

This is the first time, since the manga started, that I really want to kick Makino's ass.

joined Oct 19, 2022

It brought flashbacks of Club Amour, a yuri series I read online a while ago. Daisy thinks she's doing well with her bf but they never meet or talk unless he calls first, and it's always to take her to a bar or a café and then to a hotel. Dana tells her he only cares about her body and Daisy starts to worry. On their next date, after dinner, he wants to go to a hotel and have sex but Daisy says she doesn't feel like it and suggests doing domething romantic like walking hand in hand and catching the sights. He goes apeshit. "What's your problem, didn't I spend enough today or what? You're just a cum dump, I wanna FUCK!"

A few details aside, it's the same pattern of what Makino has just done.

joined Jan 1, 2022

She is such a scumbag lmao. I love it!

joined Jan 9, 2017

Yeah, that blank facial expression was definitely not a good sign. Mashiro has a lot of trauma, so I am not sure what exactly Makino's offer had activated, but she is not okay, that's for certain.

Mashiro's trauma is that she thinks nobody in the world likes her or needs her, except as a pussy for rent. She feels she has no use for anyone, unless it's for fucking.

She thought she was friends with Makino now, and the idea of having a friend made her all happy. But then, after hanging out with her for about a hour, Makino said 'Yeah ok I'm done with this shit, here are some bucks, bitch, let's get to humping!'

This is the first time, since the manga started, that I really want to kick Makino's ass.

It goes deeper than that, at its core she has abandonment issues due to her parents

joined Aug 15, 2015

It brought flashbacks of Club Amour, a yuri series I read online a while ago... He goes apeshit. "What's your problem, didn't I spend enough today or what? You're just a cum dump, I wanna FUCK!"

A few details aside, it's the same pattern of what Makino has just done.

The level of treatment varies greatly
In your example, "I pay and you slave, regardless of what you feel"
In Makino's case, it's "I offer, you take time to make the decision to provide service or not (and write a receipt later)."

Sure they both use money to create and maintain relationships but one is exploitative and the other is contractual. Of course, this is not a defense for the MC, and we can argue there is some exploitative nature behind their relationship. However, let's not forget the MC also respects and genuinely appreciates the service, as well as growing to become more aware of her own scumminess.

last edited at Feb 8, 2023 9:56PM

joined Jan 19, 2021

Wow nice going Makino you finally managed to do something so scummy that even I am pissed off. You really couldn't go one hour without treating her like a prostitute again? Days after she tried to kill herself? She looked so hurt in the last panel :(

I guess I have to pay my respects to the author for her commitment to the character. She's supposed to be a scumbag and she remains an unrepentant scumbag, and honestly that checks out because in the past she's only been rewarded for being selfish. She still wasn't thinking about Satou even during that whole suicide arc, she was just thinking about herself and how to get Maron to go back to delivery health so she can keep her one-sided relationship with her waifu going. Probably thought she managed to salvage the situation by lying that she's ok with being just friends and now she can go right back to being selfish. It wouldn't be right if she was rewarded for her actions by getting Satou to immediately fall in love with her. Maybe this time she'll finally learn her lesson when things inevitably go wrong again.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Shipping Kosuzume-sensei and her editor is wrong. :-(

joined Dec 11, 2022

Man that was so scummy I've never cringed this hard

joined Apr 7, 2021

Shipping Kosuzume-sensei and her editor is wrong. :-(

hahahaha I will try not to.....

joined Oct 16, 2013

Lmfao at this point, these sudden tragic backstories are just funny. But it was interesting to learn that Makino's delivery health obessession was a coping mechanism for more than just feeling useless about the future.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Shipping Kosuzume-sensei and her editor is wrong. :-(

hahahaha I will try not to.....

I was also oddly confused by my feelings in that afterward.
I'm sure she must have done that on purpose because she knows her readers so well.

joined Feb 27, 2023

I am happy that my favorite character is back, for quite awhile I thought the artist killed her off. What is the chance of this manga ended up having a kuzu x kuzu x kuzu plot?

joined Apr 28, 2022

Every time I think Makina is starting to change she opens her mouth and proves me 100% wrong lol.

Also what is it with Rina's in manga. This one seems to have about the same personality as the one from I won't sleep with you for free.

joined Jul 21, 2020

Shipping Kosuzume-sensei and her editor is wrong. :-(

hahahaha I will try not to.....

I was also oddly confused by my feelings in that afterward.

No, Kosuzume-san, don't do it!
You can't dump your rich and generous husband for some lady editor!
Remember he's the father of your children!

joined May 28, 2012

The landmine girl is back, hell yay!

joined Sep 20, 2022

Shipping Kosuzume-sensei and her editor is wrong. :-(

hahahaha I will try not to.....

I was also oddly confused by my feelings in that afterward.

No, Kosuzume-san, don't do it!
You can't dump your rich and generous husband for some lady editor!
Remember he's the father of your children!

Kosuzume x editor => Cheating
All aboard! :-D

joined Aug 16, 2018

Return? But... had she ever left?

joined May 7, 2022

Author-san... That's kind fruity of you.

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Shipping Kosuzume-sensei and her editor is wrong. :-(

hahahaha I will try not to.....

I was also oddly confused by my feelings in that afterward.

No, Kosuzume-san, don't do it!
You can't dump your rich and generous husband for some lady editor!
Remember he's the father of your children!

I don't know if you realize it but "think of the children" is a favorite line of the male-controlled establishment. It's the number one shitty line they tell a woman to guilt-trip her into not leaving an unhappy bond. I know you were joking but the joke is in bad taste.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Shipping Kosuzume-sensei and her editor is wrong. :-(

hahahaha I will try not to.....

I was also oddly confused by my feelings in that afterward.

No, Kosuzume-san, don't do it!
You can't dump your rich and generous husband for some lady editor!
Remember he's the father of your children!

Well we know what Author-san is basing her next story on !:)

joined Sep 27, 2017

Also what is it with Rina's in manga. This one seems to have about the same personality as the one from I won't sleep with you for free.

Both are self absorbed and unhinged, but I feel like the one in "I Won't Sleep With You For Free" is far less likely to stab you, so I'll go with her over the one in this series any day haha

joined Jan 9, 2017

Shipping Kosuzume-sensei and her editor is wrong. :-(

hahahaha I will try not to.....

I was also oddly confused by my feelings in that afterward.

No, Kosuzume-san, don't do it!
You can't dump your rich and generous husband for some lady editor!
Remember he's the father of your children!

I don't know if you realize it but "think of the children" is a favorite line of the male-controlled establishment. It's the number one shitty line they tell a woman to guilt-trip her into not leaving an unhappy bond. I know you were joking but the joke is in bad taste.

Woman tell that to their husbands too

joined Jan 9, 2017

Interesting tidbit about Makino's past. It doesn't really change the general inexcusability of her behavior, but it's nice to know that it didn't come out of nowhere or from her family, and that the "inferiority compared to her sister" of the first chapter was as fake as it looked. If she's been ostracized for her whole high school life, it's hardly surprising that she didn't have much motivation to get into college afterward.

Kinda ironic that she disliked being judged from her looks, but then did exactly that, and only learned about Satou on a personal level over time. Yet again, very fitting for her personality, and the usual story of "I've been hurt, so I'll make sure no one else goes through this because of me" is a naively optimistic take. Makes sense that treating someone badly leads them to treating others badly, too.

Not-so-useless manga character confessing in public : happy fangirling noises

Not-so-useless manga author confessing in credits page : confused fangirling noises

Your comment confuses me, Scummy very much have been repeatedly called inferior to her sister by her parents. The fact that her social life was a disaster too doesn't mean it has to be one or the other. There hasn't been any judging someone by their looks, Scummy was desired by the boys for her looks, she was hated by the girls for the attention she was getting, she grew fond of Mashiro because she functioned as a safe space for her and concequently fell in love with her because she is lonely and suddenly had someone she was intimate and relaxed with.

Scummy is judgemental and not socially adept due to her hard life which means that she isn't acing supporting Mashiro, but it's not like you would ever have expected her to be at all smooth at that role. Her heart is in the right place.

joined Oct 28, 2022

Return? But... had she ever left?

Hahahaha I wondered the same thing! What return??? Makino's kept being scummy around the clock!!! She's like a scum machine, she just doesn't stop!!! And what she did to Mashiro in the chapter before this–hurting her feelings only because she was horny? New scummy record!

Wtf return, she can't return if she's already here and doing her best!!

No but thinking again I believe it means the return of Rina. ;P

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