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joined Dec 21, 2016

Liberty will skip the next issue of Galette.

joined Jul 26, 2013

lmaoooo maki if you take her back…I stg

joined Feb 10, 2022

Any news about this regarding its next chapter?

joined Dec 21, 2016

Any news about this regarding its next chapter?

No news, it's not listed on the next issue of Galette which will come out in February.

joined Aug 26, 2022

Ngl the most bdsm aspect of those story is rhe shade casted repeatedly on the protagonist

joined Feb 11, 2021

Any news about this regarding its next chapter?

No news, it's not listed on the next issue of Galette which will come out in February.

Any updates coming in the next issue?

joined Jun 12, 2015

Nope. This could be a long hiatus.

joined Dec 21, 2016

Any news about this regarding its next chapter?

No news, it's not listed on the next issue of Galette which will come out in February.

Any updates coming in the next issue?

It's gonna skip next issue as well, but it will feature a story by Momono Moto. I think it's an irregular serialization. I'm gonna scanlate it if I like it.

joined Oct 25, 2014

Kitta Izumi got married, right? Maybe she won't continue writing this manga.

last edited at May 20, 2023 11:59PM

joined Dec 21, 2016

Kitta Izumi got married, right? Maybe she won't continue writing this manga.

She kept writing Liberty even after she got married. Like I wrote on MD:

Chapter 22 was scheduled to appear on galette 24, but disappeared since then. Momono Moto explained the reason for this stop on Galette's fanbox, from what I could understand it's on hiatus because Kitta Izumi can't write, maybe because of personal reasons or because she run out of ideas. Our only hope to see a new chapter this year is the december issue.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Kitta Izumi can't write

I believe many of us were aware of this already.

joined Nov 27, 2021

Is there any hope for a continuation? Galette is at 28 and the last chapter was around 20?

Kinda feels like that at this point it's just safe to assume that it either got axed or abandoned by Izumi.

joined Oct 19, 2020

It's not in 28, so no new chapter.

It's a weird feeling - I can't say I like it, yet I feel like I really need to see this train wreck until the end. Thus I would be really disappointed if it got abandoned or axed. At the moment, it feels like watching one of those videos that cuts off a frame before someone falls on their face.

last edited at Nov 28, 2023 10:12PM

joined Dec 21, 2016

Update: it's not slated to appear on Galette #29 either.
No trace of Goodbye, Daisy as well, but I didn't have much hope to begin with.
The official account of Galette hasn't tweeted about Liberty since October 2022.
Kitta Izumi hasn't tweeted about it since July 2022.
Momono Moto's last tweet about Liberty was on February 2023 to announce its indefinite hiatus, which later explained on Galette's fanbox (see my previous post).
It didn't get axed, it was an abrupt interruption for unclear reasons. Like I said, it was supposed to appear on Galette #24 (December 2022 issue), but it didn't. Then, on the same issue, Momono Moto and Kitta Izumi's name appeared on the preview for Galette #25 (February 2023 issue), but the only thing we got was the announcement for Goodbye, Daisy with no explanations for Liberty's disappearance.
The lack of communication about Liberty's hiatus is kinda infuriating, but there's not much we can do about it.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Harsh. >_<
Not much we can do, really. Thanks for the information, Yuricchin!

last edited at Jan 25, 2024 5:13PM

joined Oct 20, 2019

I have an update coming directly from the English translator:

last edited at Dec 7, 2024 4:29AM

joined Jun 12, 2015

Liberty will be back in June 2025.

joined Dec 21, 2016

Liberty will be back in June 2025.


last edited at Feb 17, 2025 3:23AM

joined Dec 3, 2010

I know that Liz's ex aka senpai came back and hired her for a job in ch12, but seeing out of context, it could also mean that Liz's ex is taking advantage of Liz.
Using job to get close to Liz but took her to bed.
It's pretty terrible, don't you think so?

Is that what Liz's ex aka senpai considered 'a mature way of having relationship'?

But if Liz were to found out that she got the job from cosmetic company and that it was her ex aka senpai who pulled the string, and she even had to sleep with her in order to get that, it's going to put her career on jeopardy.
It's going to be nasty scandal.
Just saying.

I still think that business and private matter should be separated.

But hey, for fiction, drama is inevitable.
It's nice to see this sort of drama/ conflict going on and off.
It spiced up life.
So it's all good.

But I also understand that those argument are invalid because Liz is still pretty much in love with her ex aka senpai.
So the thing is, it's totally avoidable. However Liz still loves her senpai, that's why she cheated on Maki.

But hey, aren't both of you sign a slave contract?
It wasn't like an official relationship thing, so I guess, it's all right..?

Oww.. quick progress.

Did Liz's ex aka senpai gaslight Maki san into thinking she is the problem of all and persuades her to break up with Liz?
What a terrible person she is o_o..

Liberty's work is fast-paced, and no nonsense fillers, just drama/conflict happening within 10-15 chapters.
The progress is fast. I kinda like it actually.

What a cool pace of development writing style.
Really nice to read.

Wow, what a twist about her ex aka senpai's background O_O...

Oh, I really like the pace and where it's going
That's nice
Looking forward for next chapter soon (in June 2025 I believe?)

Kitta Izumi sensei, congratulations.

last edited at Feb 23, 2025 9:58AM

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