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joined Dec 29, 2022

Imagine being such a vile, selfish piece of shit you think you get to decide where someone else LIVES, and then also imagine being such a spineless wimp you allow this to happen and have the gall to ask your partner OVER TEXT if it's alright to postpone settling on an apartment in one of the biggest cities in the world for a full month just to appease this person.

joined Dec 13, 2014

After waiting a bit to let the anger and rage subside, I'm gonna try to be positive.

Is it an absolute stupid decision ? Yes

BUT Kase is a people-pleaser and as far as I remember she never had to face the fact that she can't please everyone, so it's probably gonna be her learning moment. Hopefully she's gonna realize that and will tell her roommate (who can fuck right off (fucking bitch)) that she is leaving and that's it, then her roommate will be upset with it but no matter, Kase will have learned that you can't be on good terms with everyone.
Technically it's better if characters aren't perfect and learn things in the story (although it still could have been done better)

joined Jul 15, 2016

The chapter gave me a serious whiplash. Characters who have previously acted like -- more or less -- fleshed-out people with motivations and flaws now behave like cardboard cutout school anime archetypes. I am not sure how to come to terms with this change. :-/

last edited at Dec 29, 2022 3:07PM

joined Oct 19, 2020

Kase is being such a pushover, that I honestly just want to punch her in the face to wake her up... And senpai is even supporting this sh*tshow, even though she knows that it will put a strain on her relationship (at least I think senpai knows about her situation, can't recall how much she figured out when she was visiting their high school).

I honestly hope that the next chapter will be Yamada storming that dorm and giving everyone a reality check and putting them in their place. I know it won't because Yamada is too much of a goody two shoes and letting Kase off for all her antics, but I really want her to put her foot down this time. This is just too much. I'm pretty chill and I would still probably make it an ultimatum moment, out of sheer indignation.

last edited at Dec 29, 2022 3:16PM

joined Mar 10, 2018

Everyone here is an idiot. I don't know how the roommate would ever think this is a good idea, the other track team members are idiotic and selfish for egging her on, and the senpai knows Kase is moving in with her girlfriend yet still pushing this through. At least Kase didn't give in and was majorly peer pressured by the rest of the team, for what little that is worth.

joined Sep 16, 2019

Hot damn. I’ve heard of roommates from hell before, but somehow thinking that you can decide whether or not your roommate moves, or that they have to tell you about their plans first, is something else.

Imagine being such a vile, selfish piece of shit you think you get to decide where someone else LIVES, and then also imagine being such a spineless wimp you allow this to happen and have the gall to ask your partner OVER TEXT if it's alright to postpone settling on an apartment in one of the biggest cities in the world for a full month just to appease this person.

I mean, if we’re pointing fingers here, don’t forget the nosy-ass dorm-mates who, upon hearing the challenge, immediately burst into the room and essentially made the decision for Kase. Not to mention the fact that, despite knowing that she was actively searching for an apartment, they decided that the race had to be held in a month, even though it’s something that could be done almost immediately.

joined Jan 1, 2019

After waiting a bit to let the anger and rage subside, I'm gonna try to be positive.

Is it an absolute stupid decision ? Yes

BUT Kase is a people-pleaser and as far as I remember she never had to face the fact that she can't please everyone, so it's probably gonna be her learning moment. Hopefully she's gonna realize that and will tell her roommate (who can fuck right off (fucking bitch)) that she is leaving and that's it, then her roommate will be upset with it but no matter, Kase will have learned that you can't be on good terms with everyone.
Technically it's better if characters aren't perfect and learn things in the story (although it still could have been done better)

OR Kase will realise she's not ready for an adult relationship that involves moving in together because she still has that 'high school teenager mentality', she has her 'grown up moments' but they are far and few between. Yamada's going to feel uncomfortable with Kase's recklessness and they'll go on a break to work on themselves. Yamada's come too far in her relationship to be messed around with and if some college room mate's dissatisfaction with her moving out to be with someone else causes Kase to put a hold on her/their plans (something they've been planning since before graduating), over text, then her/their priorities need to be (re)examined. That should be Kase's story arc.

last edited at Dec 29, 2022 3:19PM

joined Aug 25, 2021

Look, I've adored this series for several years now; but this chapter was an absolute trainwreck at the end that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

joined Dec 13, 2014

After waiting a bit to let the anger and rage subside, I'm gonna try to be positive.

Is it an absolute stupid decision ? Yes

BUT Kase is a people-pleaser and as far as I remember she never had to face the fact that she can't please everyone, so it's probably gonna be her learning moment. Hopefully she's gonna realize that and will tell her roommate (who can fuck right off (fucking bitch)) that she is leaving and that's it, then her roommate will be upset with it but no matter, Kase will have learned that you can't be on good terms with everyone.
Technically it's better if characters aren't perfect and learn things in the story (although it still could have been done better)

OR Kase will realise she's not ready for an adult relationship that involves moving in together because she still has that 'high school teenager mentality', she has her 'grown up moments' but they are far and few between. Yamada's going to feel uncomfortable with Kase's recklessness and they'll go on a break to work on themselves. Yamada's come too far in her relationship to be messed around with and if some college room mate's dissatisfaction with her moving out to be with someone else causes Kase to put a hold on her/their plans (something they've been planning since before graduating), over text, then her/their priorities need to be (re)examined. That should be Kase's story arc.

Yeah, what matters is that this should be a learning experience, and it should NOT be resolved with the race.
But to be honest I don't expect a 19-20 yo to be an adult yet

joined Oct 19, 2020

OR Kase will realise she's not ready for an adult relationship that involves moving in together because she still has that 'high school teenager mentality', she has her 'grown up moments' but they are far and few between. Yamada's going to feel uncomfortable with Kase's recklessness and they'll go on a break to work on themselves. Yamada's come too far in her relationship to be messed around with and if some college room mate's dissatisfaction with her moving out to be with someone else causes Kase to put a hold on her/their plans (something they've been planning since before graduating), over text, then her/their priorities need to be (re)examined. That should be Kase's story arc.

I don't see this series ever doing something this angsty. We just recently finished the "Kase was a bit jealous, so she assaulted a celebrity" arc, which turned a possibly life-altering event for both of them (if said celebrity was at least a little petty) into a minor punchline. And now we have another, even more personal, completely self-inflicted, relationship-ending f*ckup from Kase. No lessons were learned. Unless the author is building up to Yamada finally blowing her lid, I don't expect anyone to do anything drastic. Which is unfortunate - I wanna see an angry, indignant Yamada.

joined Jan 1, 2019

OR Kase will realise she's not ready for an adult relationship that involves moving in together because she still has that 'high school teenager mentality', she has her 'grown up moments' but they are far and few between. Yamada's going to feel uncomfortable with Kase's recklessness and they'll go on a break to work on themselves. Yamada's come too far in her relationship to be messed around with and if some college room mate's dissatisfaction with her moving out to be with someone else causes Kase to put a hold on her/their plans (something they've been planning since before graduating), over text, then her/their priorities need to be (re)examined. That should be Kase's story arc.

I don't see this series ever doing something this angsty. We just recently finished the "Kase was a bit jealous, so she assaulted a celebrity" arc, which turned a possibly life-altering event for both of them (if said celebrity was at least a little petty) into a minor punchline. And now we have another, even more personal, completely self-inflicted, relationship-ending f*ckup from Kase. No lessons were learned. Unless the author is building up to Yamada finally blowing her lid, I don't expect anyone to do anything drastic. Which is unfortunate - I wanna see an angry, indignant Yamada.

God! Imagine a Yui Yamada so hurt and insulted by Kase's actions that on the day of the race she shows up to 'support' Kase. Kase wins the race and runs up to Yamada like it's some grand gesture and Yamada, with frustrated tears in her eyes, just slaps her across the face right in front of everyone. They remain a couple but Yamada forces Kase to really reflect on her accumulated actions. This 'bet' is the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak.

joined Dec 29, 2022

Hot damn. I’ve heard of roommates from hell before, but somehow thinking that you can decide whether or not your roommate moves, or that they have to tell you about their plans first, is something else.

Imagine being such a vile, selfish piece of shit you think you get to decide where someone else LIVES, and then also imagine being such a spineless wimp you allow this to happen and have the gall to ask your partner OVER TEXT if it's alright to postpone settling on an apartment in one of the biggest cities in the world for a full month just to appease this person.

I mean, if we’re pointing fingers here, don’t forget the nosy-ass dorm-mates who, upon hearing the challenge, immediately burst into the room and essentially made the decision for Kase. Not to mention the fact that, despite knowing that she was actively searching for an apartment, they decided that the race had to be held in a month, even though it’s something that could be done almost immediately.

Oh absolutely, they're all some garbage tier "friends" here. I think the lions share of the blame is still on the roommate, Kase, and the senpai. Honestly I can't remember the last time I've been this mad at a manga chapter. I literally made an account on this site finally because I needed to vent my frustrations haha.

joined Apr 6, 2017

So ya haha Kase can just tell the dorm she wont move out after all but what about Yamada? She is renting a apartment that normally requires prior notice of moving out and giving up the lease or renewing it for another year. She doesn't have room for this back and forth shit to play out.

joined Apr 6, 2017

Imagine being such a vile, selfish piece of shit you think you get to decide where someone else LIVES, and then also imagine being such a spineless wimp you allow this to happen and have the gall to ask your partner OVER TEXT if it's alright to postpone settling on an apartment in one of the biggest cities in the world for a full month just to appease this person.

That wasn't much of a asking but instead a saying ya ok we gonna be waiting a month on deciding on a apartment just after saying lets choose a apartment now.

joined Oct 19, 2020

Oh absolutely, they're all some garbage tier "friends" here. I think the lions share of the blame is still on the roommate, Kase, and the senpai. Honestly I can't remember the last time I've been this mad at a manga chapter. I literally made an account on this site finally because I needed to vent my frustrations haha.

IMHO the person who comes off as the biggest pos, by far, is Senpai.

Kase is weak, which we all know, and she is in a position where she doesn't really want to reveal her relationship in public to solve it - which is fair.

The roommate is just being jealous and a bit hurt, because she thinks that Kase is just abruptly moving out, with no extenuating circumstances.

Dorm mates aren't really thinking, they are just jumping on the bandwagon, for some entertainment, not meaning any harm.

But Senpai. She is not weak, she is in a position of relative authority in a group, and she knows Kase's situation. And yet she is still being a complete pos and instead of helping Kase to dodge the bullet when she sees her in trouble, she holds her down even tighter so she can't even try to dodge it.

edit: Man, I still hate everyone in this chapter, except poor Yamada

last edited at Dec 29, 2022 3:57PM

joined Oct 15, 2014

Well going by the next chapter preview Kase will at least explain the situation properly to Yamada (while also getting slightly excited over the word "bed") Also next chapter's gonna be titled Kiss Mark and Kase-san (Part 1) so that's sure to be something.

joined Apr 1, 2015

No teacup for Yamada

joined Jan 18, 2017

THIS IS NOT HOW YOU PLAN YOUR FUTURE. So Kase's postponing moving into an AFFORDABLE and AVAILABLE apartment that manages to check all their boxes with her girlfriend for an ENTIRE MONTH (in which case the apartment would most likely be gone) to race some chick she BARELY knows because she feels 'guilty' and was pressured to actually bet her future plans with her partner because, again, some chick has gotten comfortable with having Kase there and doesn't want a new room mate. I love this series but in reality this is the kind of BS that makes partners reevaluate their relationships. This is some high school level kind of shit. I legitimately feel sorry for Yamada having to deal with Kase's childish crap while she's, basically, venturing way outside her comfort zone and trying to become an actual adult and have a real long lasting relationship. I know they're fictional but if my partner TEXTED me that shit AFTER FINDING AN APARTMENT and told me that they were betting moving in/out on a fkn race with someone I don't even know, there would need to be a good amount of understanding on my part to even excuse that crap. I can see the lighter side of it but that's just insulting to EVERYONE involved (characters and audience).

That's how much this chapter's ending annoyed me and I love this series and author's work.

I know this feeling way well, I wanted to rent this house and I have been used as a bait by the agency so they could sell it to another desperate couple for a bigger price. By literally giving me an appointment at the same time with the desperate couple and giving them priority to check the house as well as we literally had all cash and documents needed to finalize everything in the agency, they came down and the couple ran the shit out and the agent: "Sorry guys, that couple brought it for more than what you asked with a fake sad face. Thankfully we found something way better and cheaper but this triggered some rage that i didn't knew i still had in me.

An affordable, available and decent apartment don't last days, let alone a fucking month.

last edited at Dec 29, 2022 4:15PM

joined Sep 20, 2022

Imagine being such a vile, selfish piece of shit you think you get to decide where someone else LIVES

Not that I want to fight you, but you're missing a lot. We have plenty of evidence that Fukami has a massive crush on Kase. Fukami doesn't know Kase is taken, even less that she is already preparing to pretty much marry Yamada. From Fukami's POV Kase is leaving her—a friend—to live with some other girl who is also a friend. And this is a catastrophe for her because it'll make her lose her only special bond with Kase (roommates) and her best chance to worm her way into Kase's heart. If Fukami knew what really is going on, she wouldn't act like that.

Yamada will think "Oh noes the orders of a hierarchical superior are absolute!" and will not object to the race. Then Kase will race Fukami and win. Then Yamada will jump into her arms and kiss her or something. Then and only then will Fukami and the others find out that Yamada is Kase's girlfriend! (In other words, that Kase wasn't planning to move in with some random homie but with her LOVER!) Then Fukami will hit Kase on the noggin and tell her she's got to be stupider than a monkey to bet her future with the woman she loves in a motherfucking race. And then, only then, Kase will be enlightened.

I think you're right. Especially the end.
Fukami made such an awful angry scene because Kase hadn't informed her properly of the situation (Kase leaving the dorm) and I can see her making another angry scene, even worse and more violent than the first, because Kase hasn't informed her properly that she has a gf and wants to live with her in connubial bliss.

last edited at Dec 29, 2022 4:23PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Imagine being such a vile, selfish piece of shit you think you get to decide where someone else LIVES

Not that I want to fight you, but you're missing a lot. We have plenty of evidence that Fukami has a massive crush on Kase. Fukami doesn't know Kase is taken, even less that she is already preparing to pretty much marry Yamada. From Fukami's POV Kase is leaving her—a friend—to live with some other girl who is also a friend. And this is a catastrophe for her because it'll make her lose her only special bond with Kase (roommates) and her best chance to worm her way into Kase's heart. If Fukami knew what really is going on, she wouldn't act like that.

Yamada will think "Oh noes the orders of a hierarchical superior are absolute!" and will not object to the race. Then Kase will race Fukami and win. Then Yamada will jump into her arms and kiss her or something. Then and only then will Fukami and the others find out that Yamada is Kase's girlfriend! (In other words, that Kase wasn't planning to move in with some random homie but with her LOVER!) Then Fukami will hit Kase on the noggin and tell her she's got to be stupider than a monkey to bet her future with the woman she loves in a motherfucking race. And then, only then, Kase will be enlightened.

I think you're right. Especially the end.
Fukami made such an awful angry scene because Kase hadn't informed her properly of the situation (Kase leaving the dorm) and I can see her making another angry scene, even worse and more violent than the first, because Kase hasn't informed her properly that she has a gf and wants to live with her in connubial bliss.

Yeah, getting yandere vibes from Fukami here.

joined Sep 10, 2022

Not that I want to fight you, but you're missing a lot. We have plenty of evidence that Fukami has a massive crush on Kase. Fukami doesn't know Kase is taken, even less that she is already preparing to pretty much marry Yamada. From Fukami's POV Kase is leaving her—a friend—to live with some other girl who is also a friend. And this is a catastrophe for her because it'll make her lose her only special bond with Kase (roommates) and her best chance to worm her way into Kase's heart. If Fukami knew what really is going on, she wouldn't act like that.

I agree. I'm not as annoyed by the friends or even Fukami. It's not their fault. Kase is the only one making the situation worse (not confident about what Senpai actually knows). The friends think it's normal, playful teasing; and Fukami has a crush on a person, who to her is a single woman who is moving out suddenly, potentially severing their early relationship. It's Kase who has made the situation so crazy, and it's her who is postponing things with her significant other over a random race. She could tell them that Yamada is a close, best friend (or even childhood friend) with whom she's had plans with since before college. Instead, we have this.

last edited at Dec 29, 2022 4:35PM

joined Dec 29, 2022

Imagine being such a vile, selfish piece of shit you think you get to decide where someone else LIVES

Not that I want to fight you, but you're missing a lot. We have plenty of evidence that Fukami has a massive crush on Kase. Fukami doesn't know Kase is taken, even less that she is already preparing to pretty much marry Yamada. From Fukami's POV Kase is leaving her—a friend—to live with some other girl who is also a friend. And this is a catastrophe for her because it'll make her lose her only special bond with Kase (roommates) and her best chance to worm her way into Kase's heart. If Fukami knew what really is going on, she wouldn't act like that.

I dont disagree that she'd be acting different if she knew this was a romantic relationship, but you still DO NOT GET TO DECIDE WHERE SOMEONE ELSE LIVES. Crush or no, that's a really scummy thing to do to someone. She used something personal kase shared with her ("you and senpai used to decide things all the time with races!") and twisted it to her needs, because there were no life altering decisions made by those races I can guarantee you that. She waited until after she gave kase, her supposed friend and crush, the cold shoulder for days so she'd be feeling bad and uncomfortable and looking for a solution to put her on the spot with this bullshit. It's really manipulative and uncool even with the caveat of her not knowing the whole situation.

last edited at Dec 29, 2022 4:42PM

joined Feb 4, 2019

Ffs, just fucking tell everyone you've got a girlfriend (or partner if you wanna keep it ambiguous) ohmygods. Also fuck all of those "friends"??? Who the fuck thinks it's okay to just dictate how/where someone lives on a fucking whim??? That's not a joke. This chapter really just does not sit well at all (to put it nicely)

joined Mar 20, 2014

Oh, for crying out loud, Kase! Why do you give in to peer pressure so easily? Just say you're moving out, period. You don't even have to tell them why.

Knowing Yamada I don't think she will get angry about this, but I would be completely on her side if she did. Sheesh....

last edited at Dec 30, 2022 8:00AM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

The roommate is making some very good points. Yamada-san should find someone else.

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