Forum › Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! discussion

joined Jun 5, 2018

Youll never see it coming

joined Jan 6, 2017

On our inevitable path for Asumi and Nanao to form the most powerful polycule known to lesbian kind.

joined Jun 1, 2020

Firstly, that was hot. Like hot hot.

Secondly, I am absolutely fucking loving the way things are unfolding on the Nanao front, and next chapter cannot come soon enough. The panel where she's basically gushing over Asumi's cuteness is amazing, and then the girl discovers a whole new world, just incredible.

What I'm hoping would happen is that somehow Asumi's name is mentioned and Ena goes like "hey I had a girl with that name" or something, and then Nanao would freak out. Either case Nanao's corruption has begun and I am here for it.

Just want to say that what ultimately pushes Nanao to make the reservation is the idea that she might get to have sex with Asumi, naughty girl.

And it is absolutely glorious. Like she isn't even remotely subtle about it, the entire way she's vocally talking to herself about the entire thing

Paradoxically though, doesn't this development actually reduce the likelihood of Nanao and Asumi actually hooking up in the story?

I personally don't think that's necessarily the case, I definitely hope that isn't the case since I want them to hook up so bad. I do find the whole thing amusing though.

Thinking about it, I'm actually impressed at how it's handled here, as in other series this sort of misunderstanding would be getting old very quickly, but because the payoff in this one is consistently good, it can get away with stretching things out like that.

last edited at Aug 13, 2022 9:55AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Lmfao, not the misunderstanding I expected Nanao to have, but one that's headed for exciting results nonetheless.

joined Feb 1, 2021

What's great about this is that instead of asking Asumi directly, Nanao is just picking a girl and hoping for the best - exactly the same thing that led Asumi down her current path of iniquity.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Did Mai still exist ?

joined Mar 19, 2020

What's great about this is that instead of asking Asumi directly, Nanao is just picking a girl and hoping for the best - exactly the same thing that led Asumi down her current path of iniquity.

Though tbf asumi had no way of reaching Mai. Probably

joined Jun 8, 2020

another hoe sister

joined Jun 8, 2020

another hoe sister

joined Jul 8, 2021

Love this development, I hope in the future Nanao accidentally chooses Mai.. which will probably happen since it'll take forever before Asumi and Mai actually meet

joined Jan 14, 2020

What's great about this is that instead of asking Asumi directly, Nanao is just picking a girl and hoping for the best - exactly the same thing that led Asumi down her current path of iniquity.

Considering these days the girls she’s picking is so diverse, it’s like she’s trying to prolong this search so she can have a reason to keep going to the brothel, despite the fact her horniness is all the reason she needs. Asumi is pretty the journey and not destination kind of gal, unless the destination is climax of course

AFAICT, Asumi is picking a new girl each time, still hoping to find Mai. The only 'repeat' was someone brought in on a threesome. Asumi seems to not trust the descriptions, or not have an idea of how Mai would have grown up or is presenting herself, so isn't going by descriptions the way Nanao did.

joined Jun 5, 2017

It's kinda a bit shame that Nanao's first time won't be Asumi. But I'm sure we'll get there eventually, beside, this is not a bad direction it's going at all lul.

joined Jan 9, 2017

What's great about this is that instead of asking Asumi directly, Nanao is just picking a girl and hoping for the best - exactly the same thing that led Asumi down her current path of iniquity.

Considering these days the girls she’s picking is so diverse, it’s like she’s trying to prolong this search so she can have a reason to keep going to the brothel, despite the fact her horniness is all the reason she needs. Asumi is pretty the journey and not destination kind of gal, unless the destination is climax of course

AFAICT, Asumi is picking a new girl each time, still hoping to find Mai. The only 'repeat' was someone brought in on a threesome. Asumi seems to not trust the descriptions, or not have an idea of how Mai would have grown up or is presenting herself, so isn't going by descriptions the way Nanao did.

But she is primarily picking girls with the wrong hair colour

joined Jan 9, 2017

Guys, guys, guys!

Before you go completely ballistic over Asumi x Nanao, remember that Senpai literally ordered some Asumi Lewds, This Ain't a two horse race!

joined Feb 1, 2021

Guys, guys, guys!

Before you go completely ballistic over Asumi x Nanao, remember that Senpai literally ordered some Asumi Lewds, This Ain't a two horse race!

Asumi has repeatedly shown that she exudes some kind of lesbian catnip and has 3 + n suitors, where n is the number of chapters the manga ends up getting / number of ladies she ends up hiring to sleep with.

joined Jan 14, 2020

But she is primarily picking girls with the wrong hair colour

Realistically they would all have dark hair, unless lesbian sex workers are really into dying their hair. Manga/anime often use different hair just to make differentiation easier.

joined Mar 25, 2021

Did Mai still exist ?


joined Jul 9, 2020

Guys, guys, guys!

Before you go completely ballistic over Asumi x Nanao, remember that Senpai literally ordered some Asumi Lewds, This Ain't a two horse race!

If this isn't a full poly route, it's gonna be a tesseract.

joined Aug 9, 2019

Came here for some well drawn porn, stayed for Asumi x Nanao

joined Jun 15, 2021

This is getting frustrating. When will Mai show up???

joined Aug 16, 2018

Do you think they change all the water in that pool after every couple of guests leaves, before new guests arrive?

If they do, it'll turn really expensive really quick. If they don't, it's not very hygienic. I mean, most people who get that particular room prolly want to have sex in the pool...

joined Aug 30, 2020

Do you think they change all the water in that pool after every couple of guests leaves, before new guests arrive?

If they do, it'll turn really expensive really quick. If they don't, it's not very hygienic. I mean, most people who get that particular room prolly want to have sex in the pool...

Probably part of the extra cost on the room, but I don't imagine they clean it every time

last edited at Aug 14, 2022 3:29AM

joined Jun 27, 2017

Eh, a m³ of water doesn't even cost a Euro - not sure what it's in Japan, but let's assume a similar range. So that's what, max. 10€? Plus probably actually easier to clean than sheets and beds and such, and while the water needs more frequent replacement the pool itself probably doesn't need nearly as much maintenance ...
... I mean, I'd find it sorta unrealistic because such a pool would be very, very heavy and thus expensive to integrate into a building. But if you got that covered I don't think it'd be too much of a hassle. Possibly the biggest hurdle just the time to empty it and fill it up again.

joined Aug 21, 2020

Nanao segs incoming, good job Nanao.

joined Sep 5, 2018

Do you think they change all the water in that pool after every couple of guests leaves, before new guests arrive?

If they do, it'll turn really expensive really quick. If they don't, it's not very hygienic. I mean, most people who get that particular room prolly want to have sex in the pool...

Chlorine, chlorine, chlorine. I’m pretty sure any kiddie pool at your local swimming pool has more pee in it than this pool has... other biomass.

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