Forum › A Kiss for the Girls' Scars discussion

joined Oct 10, 2018

Can't believe I just saw this, an onee-sama setup where they're vampire tutors is perfect. I wonder how much older the onee-samas are though?

In terms of chapter 6's events, I gotta say Yucca's sudden shift is just weeeird. They didn't hype up her affection for Emielle nearly enough for it to make sense for her to go all crazy yandere, but I guess it gives Eve an excuse to be all cool and save her so I guess that's what the author is going for? Minus points in terms of my enjoyment for it to be so forced but I'm still gonna keep an eye on this series.

joined Dec 5, 2016

i am currently on page 13 and i just want to say how fucking stupid the school is for giving them real weapons.

joined Sep 11, 2020

"Alright, here are real weapons, now do REAL combat training!"

Students: do real combat training and hurt each other

"No, not like that!"

joined Jul 29, 2017

"Alright, here are real weapons, now do REAL combat training!"

Students: do real combat training and hurt each other

"No, not like that!"

Ik,r? “Next up: the intramural lawn darts championship.”

At first this didn’t make much sense, and I thought it was stupid.

Now it makes even less sense, and I think it’s great.

I’m looking forward to it making even less sense in the future.

joined May 7, 2022

So Yucca was just straight up a psychopath from the beginning, huh?

joined Mar 28, 2015

Obviously, their standard for what's dangerous, and what is not, is not the same as humans.

I rather think it makes sense. They are future predators and they have preternatural healing abilities, but in turn they're also hunted.

There's been plenty of hints before that the school considers the death of some of their pupils as something pretty much unavoidable.

The teachings are tuned to that, whereas you people react as if they were human children.

last edited at Jul 16, 2022 2:45PM

joined Oct 16, 2013

Ok so Yucca has always been yandere and Emilie legit has a harem

joined Aug 12, 2021

Ok so Yucca has always been yandere and Emilie legit has a harem

Oh to be Emilie

joined Jul 31, 2019

okay I didn't expect the backstory involving an knife fight, what the hell lmao

joined May 7, 2022

Ok so Yucca has always been yandere and Emilie legit has a harem

Oh to be Emilie

Oh to be in Emielle's harem

joined Jul 29, 2017

The teachings are tuned to that, whereas you people react as if they were human children.

No, the characters in the story react as if bloody wounds are definitely not expected in “melee training.”

That’s the basic absurdity here—the milieu of a genteel upper-class girls’ school as the setting for the potentially deadly training of supernatural predators.

Which is a worse faux pas—one’s ribbon being tied incorrectly, or having it spattered with a victim’s blood?

The immaculate
joined Mar 19, 2020

Low key felt bad for yucca with her unrequited feelings and kinda shipped it, thanks to the author for knocking that right away with a single chapter. Can stick to canon couple now.

joined Apr 28, 2022

I've not liked Yucca from the start and you would think most of the time a backstory would help you understand a character.. Yep understand she was a psycho from the start and Emielle is an idiot. Time for her to become sisters with whatsherface now.

valence Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Mar 3, 2022

I mean, I imagine there’s slightly more to Yucca’s character than just “she’s a psycho” (though she definitely is), since that would be suspiciously one-dimensional. We’ll probably have some kind of backstory to why she’s like that later on. Another possibility I think is that she’s normally not like that but gets possessed or something, Asagi Rinko-style (evidenced by the background of page 9’s middle panel, her surprised facial expression after the attack and the references to her facial expression as an indicator of entering this “possessed” mode) — plausibly she wanted to hide it because of shame or something.

last edited at Jul 16, 2022 4:44PM

joined Aug 19, 2021

No wonder so many of these girls just get slaughtered by the first hunter they come across, their supposedly melee training is... not the best.

joined Oct 21, 2017

So basically Yucca was already a psychopath to begin with.

joined Dec 13, 2018

I mean, I imagine there’s slightly more to Yucca’s character than just “she’s a psycho” (though she definitely is), since that would be suspiciously one-dimensional. We’ll probably have some kind of backstory to why she’s like that later on. Another possibility I think is that she’s normally not like that but gets possessed or something, Asagi Rinko-style (evidenced by the background of page 9’s middle panel, her surprised facial expression after the attack and the references to her facial expression as an indicator of entering this “possessed” mode) — plausibly she wanted to hide it because of shame or something.

I don't know any more, my dude. I think you might be overestimating the competence of this manga. I'm just in it to see what happens next.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I'm definitely rooting for Yucca. Because of my personal tastes.

Also, the odds she stabbed her sister are rising rapidly.

joined Aug 15, 2015

"Alright, here are real weapons, now do REAL combat training!"
Students: do real combat training and hurt each other
"No, not like that!"

Kids play rough and violent too. It's part of learning about their own strength and body, to explore the range when it's hurtful and when it is playful.
Sure, there are plenty of those "No, not like that" moment but that is part of the learning, also why adults should be around just in case they learn the wrong lesson.

With that said, I do agree lethal weapons aren't the right learning tools for them to swing at each other for learning purposes, at least when they're newbie. But that's just me being a human being biased against those hard-to-die vampire's education.

joined Jul 29, 2017

"Alright, here are real weapons, now do REAL combat training!"
Students: do real combat training and hurt each other
"No, not like that!"

Kids play rough and violent too. It's part of learning about their own strength and body, to explore the range when it's hurtful and when it is playful.
Sure, there are plenty of those "No, not like that" moment but that is part of the learning, also why adults should be around just in case they learn the wrong lesson.

With that said, I do agree lethal weapons aren't the right learning tools for them to swing at each other for learning purposes, at least when they're newbie. But that's just me being a human being biased against those hard-to-die vampire's education.

Dynasty law: There is no manga so stupid that there won’t be somebody to defend it.

joined Mar 28, 2015

And there's no manga so removed from reality that somebody won't try to apply whatever happens in it to real life and protest about how it's "unrealistic".

joined Jul 29, 2017

And there's no manga so removed from reality that somebody won't try to apply whatever happens in it to real life and protest about how it's "unrealistic".

To explain again, since it apparently wasn’t clear the first times, my take on this series isn’t that it’s not realistic—neither the “sœur yuri” finishing school for genteel upper-class maidens nor, ahem, a prep school for supernatural vampires genres are “realistic”—but that putting them together inherently creates a dissonance of plot and tone, that if not addressed, leads to, at best, a lot silliness in a series that is not obviously trying to be silly.

An accomplished author could potentially ride the resulting energy of the premise “Marimite, only they’re vampires in combat training” to great effect, as genre-mashups sometimes do, and that “comparing the story to real life” business isn’t the issue.

This story doesn’t seem to care much about the internal implications of its disparate premises, though, leaving a bunch of “how the f**k is that supposed to ever work?” questions. (Like handing out edged weapons for “melee training,” then characters shrieking and scolding when one student cuts another.) To me, the author not answering such questions gives this series a kind of nutso charm, but I find the response “that’s exactly how it would be in this situation” . . . not very convincing.

last edited at Jul 17, 2022 9:55AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

The fact that the author glosses over the ins and outs of how this school, or world, works, means, in my opinion, that it's not something they think would bring anything to the story, or is not the kind of story they want to tell.

The plot is obviously built on death, blood, drama and strong emotions (of love and others) and is plot/character driven, not "world building" driven.

I can understand how it would be frustrating to some to not have an exposition about how, in a far far away future, Vampire and Human societies interact, how can Vampires "grow up" (do they have parents? Are there any male Vampires?) and why the school doesn't seem to value the well-being or life of the students, but the author decided against laying out explanations, for now or forever.

When Yucca cuts Emielle, it wasn't the school that reacted, but the other girls, because Emielle is popular, not really because she could have died. She even stabbed her feet, but it amounted to nothing. She healed in a matter of minutes. There seems to be a pervasive indifference toward death in that society. Which I can understand, because Vampires are hunted too and death is a common occurrence. When Shiki died, the other students were like "it can't be helped" (and the school didn't call a counselor to talk about it with them... life goes on)

So, actually, I think the author gives answers, but more implicitly than explicitly.

If you're the type that want answers spelled out to you in exposition, it's probably not the series for you.

joined Jul 26, 2013

I thought this was going to a cute fluffy manga about vampires after reading chapter 1 lol…oh boy

joined Oct 16, 2013

How they kinda gloss over everything so fast makes me lol, but I just go with the flow now with this series

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