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The YuriWitch
joined Dec 23, 2020

But...but I wanted cookies. :<

joined Apr 28, 2022

Microwave or not she made the person happy that she wanted too xD! Nice wholesome chapter <3

joined Jan 6, 2017

oh no, baby
you don’t bake cookies in the microwave
why would you put them in the microwave?

Oh god, I thought it was a toaster oven but it really is a microwave. Damn.

Otherwise, this chapter was pure sugar! Love seeing them just enjoying being a couple.

Most Japanese kitchens aren't designed with ovens in mind so many of the ovens they have look like microwaves or are microwave oven combos.

last edited at Jul 2, 2022 10:55PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

That moment when your girlfriend comes over to eat all of your cookies. She better get all the smooches in return for baking them haha

joined Aug 29, 2019

Huh, so it really has become kinda slice-of-life-y. I don't really mind, what we're getting is really cute, but I do hope that we will get back to previously teased plot progression elements.

Also yeah, microwave ovens with literal ovens in them are a thing nowadays, and practical to boot – no reason to heat up the huge oven when you just need to bake a few small things. Ours gets used about 50/50 as oven and microwave.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Dec 20, 2018

Must've been really good cookies.

joined Jan 18, 2016

theyre so fuckin wholesome together what a couple of cute dorks,
also need a side story for wakana n yuina’s romance too hahah theyre so cute

joined Apr 28, 2022

With their morning routines... Am I alone in the fact that I don't brush my teeth until AFTER I eat breakfast? I hate eating/drinking anything after I brush and it would also kinda defeat the purpose @_@.

joined Aug 17, 2012

With their morning routines... Am I alone in the fact that I don't brush my teeth until AFTER I eat breakfast? I hate eating/drinking anything after I brush and it would also kinda defeat the purpose @_@.

I'm definitely brush before breakfast... But my breakfast is a coffee when I get into work ;D... I have problems with this morning thing ;p

joined Feb 11, 2022

Who in the world actually likes confetti?

joined Aug 19, 2021

With their morning routines... Am I alone in the fact that I don't brush my teeth until AFTER I eat breakfast? I hate eating/drinking anything after I brush and it would also kinda defeat the purpose @_@.

Lmao I'm glad I wasn't the only one that was like "what" just after realizing.

You aren't alone.

joined Jan 6, 2017

With their morning routines... Am I alone in the fact that I don't brush my teeth until AFTER I eat breakfast? I hate eating/drinking anything after I brush and it would also kinda defeat the purpose @_@.

It's better for your teeth if you brush before breakfast. So doesn't defeat the purpose

joined Jan 14, 2020

It's better for your teeth if you brush before breakfast. So doesn't defeat the purpose

Why? Wouldn't it be better to get rid of the breakfast food gunk?

joined Nov 13, 2018

i've heard that eating makes your mouth more acidic, so brushing your teeth directly after eating can be harsher on your teeth. i think it's recommended to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth. (i'm not a dentist, so feel free to correct me)

joined Dec 20, 2018

That's a nice birthday surprise. ^_^

Now give Sora more jam!

joined Dec 23, 2020

Every time I think this series is coming to an end, we get another chapter...

This yuri train just keeps on going!

joined Apr 28, 2022

Another cute fluffy chapter with the loveable Sora and Ayaka. I really like that at this point around their friends they don't even attempt to hide being a couple even if they haven't just outright came and said it. And oh boy! Another school yuri staple next the school trip! Surely no more drama can come from this series though at the same time I will not complain if we just keep getting nothing but wholesome fluffy chapters for another 20+ either tbh. These two are one of my favorite yuri couples going.

joined Nov 28, 2021

They're gonna have seegs. He he he.

Sora and Ayaka that is.
joined Jun 6, 2020

they really hit the yukata and trip staples now huh.

honestly i just enjoy the slow pace and gentle breeze

joined Sep 27, 2017

I'm still loving the fluffy coziness of this series.

joined Jan 14, 2020

I enjoy it, but Sora seems so childish a lot of the time. Wide-eyed expression of surprise...

joined Apr 28, 2022

I enjoy it, but Sora seems so childish a lot of the time. Wide-eyed expression of surprise...

I think that has a lot to do with who she was/how she acted pre Ayaka. She was always alone she didn't have friends to really experience these kinds of things so it's a bunch of firsts for her so she's taking it all in and enjoying everything to the max.

joined Oct 27, 2018

Remember kids. Glasses don't actually do anything and can be gotten rid of at a moments notice.

joined Jun 5, 2018

Remember kids. Glasses don't actually do anything and can be gotten rid of at a moments notice.

True, i dislike seeing things too.

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