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joined Oct 17, 2017

Oh no... Kureha-sama~~~~

joined Mar 17, 2022

Huh. That's an interesting twist.

I don't know if I believe the Aunt, but if she's telling the truth it would add an interesting conflict to the story

joined Aug 12, 2021

you know the more I hear of the relationship between Kazuha-chan and her mother and "father" and "real father" the more I'm just like, damn what the fuck is everyone involving themselves into this for. Like Kazuha-chan's "father" isn't a great parent by any means but holy hell it sounds like he's legitimately the only person in her family who actually cares about her even if he shows it badly by keeping her cooped up out of safety worries.

And like Nagashima really does seem to have started realizing the real core of the issue, everyone wants something with Kazuha-chan but what does she want herself. So I'm looking forward to seeing this continue to unfold.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Huh. That's an interesting twist.

I don't know if I believe the Aunt, but if she's telling the truth it would add an interesting conflict to the story

Honestly, it probaly is true, but I get the feeling her aunt dosen't want to seperate her from her father to "take care of her" but rather to take over the company. I don't get the feeling the aunt really cares for her

joined Jul 26, 2016

This is starting to turn into a full on telenovela which... actually makes a whole lot more sense than the rather dubious initial appearances.

joined Feb 11, 2022

This aunt is sus. I don’t trust her one bit.

joined Aug 18, 2015

The premise is bizarre, the story is hard to follow, and the characters' motivations make absolutely no sense.

...but it's Akashi so I'm here for it anyways.

joined Jun 12, 2021

The premise is bizarre, the story is hard to follow, and the characters' motivations make absolutely no sense.

...but it's Akashi so I'm here for it anyways.

How I felt about this from the get-go.

joined Mar 19, 2022

Like Kazuha-chan's "father" isn't a great parent by any means but holy hell it sounds like he's legitimately the only person in her family who actually cares about her even if he shows it badly by keeping her cooped up out of safety worries.

Like the adorable body guards he got for Kazuha. Yes they are very overprotective, but its clear they care about her well being and it says something that Kazuha's father got folks that are willing to help her with her every whim.

And like Nagashima really does seem to have started realizing the real core of the issue, everyone wants something with Kazuha-chan but what does she want herself. So I'm looking forward to seeing this continue to unfold.

Exactly. Looks like Kazuha will help Nagashima find out how approach the core issue too, just ask Kazuha where and whomst she wants to be with.

I do always enjoy Akashi's approach of how characters go about helping one another's development. The drama tends not to stay for that long since they just communicate with each other. So I'm looking forward to seeing how Nagashima deals with her past of being dehumanized by society and even her own mother, now that she has someone that cares about her well being as a person.

joined Jul 31, 2019

They're unraveling this weird intrigue faster than I thought :P
Also, I'm starting to wonder if the girl finding Nagashima on the bridge was a coincidence or not - she could have caught wind of her aunt's weird plan, and maybe she somehow went on to find the "investigator", for whatever purpose.
Or maybe not, it's all convoluted enough that it could be million things. I still find it weird that the best these ostensibly rich and powerful people could come up with is ordering a random office woman to spy on her.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I still find it weird that the best these ostensibly rich and powerful people could come up with is ordering a random office woman to spy on her.

TBF is Papa Wolf has been thorough enough about blocking more conventional avenues of approach they just might be desperate enough to try more unlikely and unorthodox methods...

Also known as "throw things at wall and see what sticks".

joined Dec 21, 2021

Yeah... I would react like that too.

(; ̄ー ̄川|)

joined Jun 17, 2021

Hmm. Maybe it's my western, non-rich culture, maybe it's my deep love for family, but I would never just ignore my clearly unhinged aunt like that. I'd insist she go get some psychological help and try to see her sometimes.

That's of course leaving out the fact that this broken woman is just going to cause more trouble in the future if left alone with no treatment for her issues.

joined Apr 15, 2018

I'd insist she go get some psychological help

Yeah, people don't do that in Japan. They should. But they don't.

joined Jun 17, 2021

I'd insist she go get some psychological help

Yeah, people don't do that in Japan. They should. But they don't.

Yeah, definitely that about Japanese culture. But the other part is just refusing to negotiate at all with a family member for your time - at least met at a cafe or something.
But also also, she's just a teenager. This is way too much family drama for her to be able to calmly deal with.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I think it's sweet that people are treating this madhouse as a situation with any real-life connection at all.

joined Jul 31, 2019

shniffles lmao

joined Jun 6, 2013

This hand art is scuffed AF. You'd think they would want to be a bit more accurate with just hand and face to focus on.

Also been 2 months I remember nothing of this story lol.

joined Jul 26, 2013

The writing in this is kind of hard to read and follow.


joined Jul 4, 2019

this is my fourth attempt at reading this story only because it's Akashi's, and, wow, it's the 6th chapter now and I still fail to care about anything that's going on

Yeah, that scene with all the 'OH NO SISTER PLEASE DON'T REJECT ME' was kinda funny for the wrong reasons. Wtf with this drama dumping? This plot about the girl's mother's is so poorly implemented, it's really hard to read. All plot points just come out of nowhere and pile up in this huuuge boring abomination of a story. I was hoping for something better.

last edited at Jun 21, 2022 11:15AM

joined Feb 13, 2022

like a lot of the other commenters, im mostly reading this because its by Akashi.
I saw someone compare it to 'cant defy the lonely girl', which is accurate, because i was thinking the same thing while i was reading this. They both had really contrived plots with characters that just went along with the ridiculous plot for no reason despite there being a million better ways to go about doing it, and i felt the same frustration as i was reading that.
i also dont really get any sort of chemistry from the main girls in this series, which might just be me. i really want to like this story, but its starting the feel like a chore. the first chapter was iffy, but i had my hopes, but it just keeps getting drowned out in forced subplots with the tone flopping back and forth, which is jarring considering how well still sick juggled its tone.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Legit had to go read all of them again it's been so long lol. Interested to see what her shitty aunt said. And that ending. I didn't expect this series to get into some deep ass kidnapping and crap.

joined Jan 11, 2022

Thanks for the update!

joined Jun 17, 2021

There's been a few comments about how people don't like this story because it's a bit of a mess. Just want to put it out there, I do like this story, and am interested to see how the "mess" all comes together.

Hoping for continuing updates...?

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