Forum › Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! discussion

joined May 27, 2019

Am I the only one still wanting to see her end up with Mai? The little glimpses we've gotten of Mai are so cute. This chapter was adorable, but not enough to get me off of SS Mai.

No, she and Mai are souImates, and they are a destined 0TP; the MC may need to get this out of her system, though

While I’m also fairly confident that Asumi and Mai are going to end up together, I’d be surprised and disappointed if that ends up being monogamous/exclusive.

Asumi clearly enjoys having a wide variety of partners and Mai was only planning a small break after reuniting with her first love. Also it feels cruel to build up things with Nao so much and not do polyamory lol

joined Jul 8, 2021

I don't mind who Asumi ends up with. But Serina=best girl imo

joined Nov 27, 2021

Good stuff

last edited at May 11, 2022 3:07PM

joined Nov 27, 2021

Itsuki kuro sensei's art is just so damn cute too

joined Nov 27, 2021

Man I wanna see more of their childhood

joined Nov 27, 2021

Man I wanna see more of their childhood

joined Nov 27, 2021


Very wholesome

joined Nov 27, 2021

Oh baby Asumi, if you think it's fun sharing a bed with Mai NOW, just wait...

Baby Asumi was so damn cute arghhhh

joined Nov 27, 2021

Asumi was such a lady killer from a young age.

Wonder what they were upto that night

joined Feb 11, 2022

You know you can edit your posts if you wanna add to them, right?

joined Dec 20, 2018

Wondering how this this was even possible considering Asumi's been a ladykiller since elementary. Though considering how dense she is with Nao...

joined Aug 1, 2020

I kinda want her to stay with Nao...

Nao's just adorbs.

joined Dec 20, 2018 chapter 12 this month? Curious Nao is adorable

joined Feb 10, 2022 chapter 12 this month? Curious Nao is adorable

Yea chapter 12. She Tails Asumi cause she think Asumi's boyfriend is making her work so she can give that money to him tho she saw Asumi meeting another girl from the brothel

joined Mar 17, 2022

Well, looks like this is going to be getting an official English release:

joined Jul 21, 2020

Well, looks like this is going to be getting an official English release:

Anything that multiplies the popularity of this manga, increases sales and brings more money to the author is a good thing.

She deserves all the money in the world for making something so great and amazing.

joined Mar 17, 2022

Well, looks like this is going to be getting an official English release:

Anything that multiplies the popularity of this manga, increases sales and brings more money to the author is a good thing.

She deserves all the money in the world for making something so great and amazing.

Oh I'm 100% in agreement, I'm super happy for the mangaka! This has been a surprisingly cute and wholesome story considering, so the more popular this gets the better! :)

joined Jun 28, 2019

Well, looks like this is going to be getting an official English release:

Anything that multiplies the popularity of this manga, increases sales and brings more money to the author is a good thing.

She deserves all the money in the world for making something so great and amazing.

Oh I'm 100% in agreement, I'm super happy for the mangaka! This has been a surprisingly cute and wholesome story considering, so the more popular this gets the better! :)

Actually make it plus one million; never mind I'm only one, my feelings on this awesome manga are strong enough for a zillion!

joined Feb 11, 2022

I know I suggested it the last time they sent out a survey, but I never thought they’d actually license it. Cool.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Once again mixed feelings. I'm really happy the manga is getting more attention. It's easily top 5 ongoing ones for me so love to see it
But I also hate Seven Seas so I'm also very sad to see them specifically picking this up

last edited at May 18, 2022 6:27PM

joined Aug 4, 2018

But I also hate Seven Seas so I'm also very sad to see them specifically picking this up

Let's hope they will ganbaru and do a good job.

joined Jul 26, 2016

But I also hate Seven Seas so I'm also very sad to see them specifically picking this up

Let's hope they will ganbaru and do a good job.

Ah. An optimist.

joined Jun 21, 2021

I keep hearing ppl say this, why is Seven Seas so disliked?

joined Jun 21, 2021

I know I suggested it the last time they sent out a survey, but I never thought they’d actually license it. Cool.

That damn seven seas survey, I’ve been suggesting lonely girl for like the last year….

I keep hearing ppl say this, why is Seven Seas so disliked?

Pretty much the same reason everyone complains about a company doing an official localization of something, they all make little/dumb mistakes.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Pretty much the same reason everyone complains about a company doing an official localization of something, they all make little/dumb mistakes.

It's as if scanlators didn't do mistakes to. They are humans too and mistakes canhappen from time to time.

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