Forum › The Moon on a Rainy Night discussion

joined Nov 9, 2017

Haven't seen this one before. Now I'm in love with it and can't wait for more
the gayness of Saki is super cute but I hope something'll actually happen from it... especially with how infrequent the chapters seems to have been so far.

Monthly is pretty standard, no?

joined Jul 6, 2020

Oh no the fuck is that teacher doing

joined Jun 22, 2018

Haven't seen this one before. Now I'm in love with it and can't wait for more
the gayness of Saki is super cute but I hope something'll actually happen from it... especially with how infrequent the chapters seems to have been so far.

Monthly is pretty standard, no?

Oh I suppose, I just saw it was released last summer and thought that was very infrequent for 5 chapters. But ofc there's actually 9, effectively.

joined Oct 17, 2017

If that disgusting man-thing lays a hand on her I'm going to flip my shit

joined Feb 23, 2022

don’t do it teacher

joined Apr 20, 2021

I've had a hearing loss my whole life and the number of people who have claimed it wasn't real always befuddled me. I never understood why they thought that. It never occurred to me it that it might be because they can't see it. I figured it was just my bad luck I ran into so many people like that so I'm surprised to see this phenomenon described in this manga.

It's interesting to hear to me, cause hearing loss is pretty common among older people (especially partial). It would probably be different in school setting or smt, but its actually really surprising to me that people wouldn't believe it.

Or maybe I just got lucky that I never met people who would be that ignorant to others...

joined Jun 21, 2021

I think a lot of people sadly just lack the ability to empathize or understand something that isn’t tangible and right in their face, if something intangible goes against a persons belief it’s just a natural defense mechanism to ignore it or deny it, people aren’t willing to have their world views tested or expanded by the unknown

joined Jan 12, 2021

I often see men used as a tool for the conflict/problem in yuri, so that may not be good there... let's hope for the best.

Also, I really want them to KISS, but I also think it's too early. It's a mixed feeling for me, but because it's yuri, I enjoy it regardless.

joined Aug 1, 2020

oh my goddess i kinda hate my brain...
i think this male teacher is gonna be someone kanon would get close to then misunderstandings happen between our two babies. since, from how he got mad at kanon for falling asleep in class, it seems he doesn't give her special treatment. heavens, we know how she's uncomfortable with that. so this new person who treats her equally as the rest of the students might actually be refreshing for her and change her world view, help her be more optimistic or something. i know we have saki at that but like saki may be the person to open that path for her but teacher may be the person to widen said path. theeeen of course since it's pretty obvious to us saki kinda likes kanon, love triangle drama ensues, saki being depressed about it all especially since she's already tagged as "friend". basically, that last page says: prepare for angst.

hope im wrong tho. i'm too soft these days i can't handle too much angst

joined Jul 29, 2017

I often see men used as a tool for the conflict/problem in yuri, so that may not be good there... let's hope for the best.

That’s not necessarily the case here—while Kuzoshiro’s Living With With My Brother’s Wife isn’t officially yuri, it’s certainly female centered, and in that series men are not just problems, sources of conflict, or completely in the background (as opposed to, say, the Kase-san series). Who knows exactly what sensei-san is up to right now, but just given the author and the tone here, I’d guess that the probabilities are against anything like sexual harassment or anything highly negative. But of course that all remains to be seen.

As to the way people treat people with hearing loss, the invisibility of the different ability really makes it hard to always remember it when you’re with them in a casual situation. People routinely turn their heads away or put their hands over their mouths when speaking, not to mention speaking very quickly, so if you don’t keep that person’s needs in mind all the time it’s easy to lose them. (My own hearing is OK, but in certain acoustic circumstances, like a large echoey space with lots of people and ambient noise, I can sometimes have trouble following conversations in a group.)

And how people with hearing loss have been coping with pandemic masking I can’t even imagine.

joined Feb 24, 2022

It is kinda obvious that it will be the first teacher who will treat her a equal since the previous panels has her talking about her fustration with getting special treatment, and later on, it shows the teacher who although seems apathetic, will probably be the "wisdom giver" whom will better the girl's life.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I really liked this chapter. In general, I just really enjoy this story more and more. This theme of breaking a hard shell of ice around a disabled girl. A shell that the girl created herself because she's frustrated and hated being treated special. And as it was said in this chapter alone, the world (Well, the school at least) is there to show her it's not about treating her special, but treating her fair. I'm sure there'll be plenty of drama down the road.

Also that Saki's smile at the end there.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Join the literature club, it's where the lesbians gather.

joined Aug 12, 2021

you know I somehow didn't expect the teacher to be a good teacher, haha.

joined Jul 29, 2017

you know I somehow didn't expect the teacher to be a good teacher, haha.

As I said, given the way men function in this author's other works, I'm not surprised at all.

My guess is (and that's all that it is at this point) that his function will be to expand Oikawa's cadre of "people willing to help her out" so that when the lesbian-jumping-bones part comes, Saki won't be "the person who helps Kanon out" but "the person whose bones Kanon wants to jump because love."

My hope anyway.

EDIT: And yes, "the person I like" =

last edited at Mar 16, 2022 10:11AM

joined Apr 7, 2021

Why do I feel like it's going to be yuribait after read chap 5.5? But still, I'm going to wait a bit more of it, who knows maybe kanon and saki going to be a gf soon

joined Jun 21, 2021

Not much between our two leads, but still a very solid chapter

joined Sep 27, 2017

The teacher so far seems like a solid guy, but why did the creator have to make him look so incredibly shady looking? haha

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Why do I feel like it's going to be yuribait after read chap 5.5?

I don't know. Frankly, that one line about where she'd want to sit kind of blows that concept out of the water for me.

joined Mar 24, 2021

He seems like a good dude… I feel like, the majority of the time in stories where the guy is a full on antagonistic force, the author usually doesn’t give them much character depth/relatability. That being said can totally see a misunderstanding scenario but that’s pretty standard.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Why do I feel like it's going to be yuribait after read chap 5.5?

I don't know. Frankly, that one line about where she'd want to sit kind of blows that concept out of the water for me.

Yeah so far I'm just getting that she appreciates having a respectful teacher, who is also nice. Doesn't seem romantic.

joined Mar 25, 2019

The teacher is pretty funny, I’m a sucker for deadpan characters. It would have been incredibly boring if he was just the bad guy.

joined Aug 12, 2021

The last panel kind of gives me a vibe that Saki, too, is happy and mad. She may be happy that Kanon found something she wants to do and someone she can talk to, and mad about the fact that she isn't the only one anymore. I especially think this because the font on the "it's not weird" is bigger and bolder. Saki might be a lil jealous.

last edited at Mar 16, 2022 4:25PM

joined Oct 30, 2018

I'm kinda hoping they don't go the 'girl develops a bit of a crush on a male teacher out of respect which drives a wedge between her and the girl who likes her to create drama only to show the teacher is already married so the drama was completely unnecessary' route. Seen that happen one too many times before and, while a some good angst is never a bad thing, I feel there are already plenty of other paths they could take if they wanted to add some angst to the story.

Still really liking this one so far though, and happily looking forward to future chapters!

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