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joined Dec 11, 2021

I don't quite get how these days every every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be

I feel lika those exact words could be said of anytime people ship two female characters in a non F/F work no?

kinda like "why does everytime two female characters interact a bunch of f/f shippers seem to show up regardless of the actual narrative" or something like that.

like, at the end of the day shipping can be as simple as "I like the idea of these characters together" or "I like the idea of this kind of relationship"

so in the case of love triangle works attracting poly shippers, well you already have multiple characters involved in romantic setting, so the idea of the characters working out things all together seems like a simple step for those who want to see that kind of relationships.

On a personal opinion about this manga, I am on the camp that would have liked a poly development, since the characters did have a good chemistry together, and it just didn't feel like the kind of story that had me rooting for one side over the other.

Funny or sad, I also think this manga had managed a better ground up for a poly relationship than say "an introduction to love triangles" or "blue luminous".
In the former one side of the triangle was way better developed than the other two sides involving the third character in my opinion at least (like if that was a non-polylove triangle I would have been rooting for the Kohai way over the friend).
And in the latter it just had to shot directly towards its ending even if the ground up wasn't there yet.

On that subject, regardless of Pol or not, this last update did feel like it was steeping on the gas towards the finish line...

to finish, people will ship what they like and that's that, and damn it why do Yuri manga get cut short so often :<

This was quite promising. Luminous was ok for me. The introduction of the triangle thing didnt like the end cause of Akira since it felt she accepted the 3p relationship for the sake of Rin. And Akira never apologized for badmouthing Mayuki. There the Rin/Mayuki would have been the best but anyway. I've read other poly manga but are H like futari to futari. Tho most of them turn to be a couple of chapters with lack of character development and then Fin. But yea at the end we ship what we want, at the end if the ship never sails then we have to accepted whether we like it or no

joined Dec 11, 2021

This can’t end like Kashimashi. I am hoping for a beautiful poly because they all love each other so much.

Unfortunately, author said chapter 15.1 and 15.2 are the last. So take it as Kashimashi 2.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I don't quite get how these days every every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be

I feel like those words could be said of anytime people ship two female characters in a non F/F work no?

kinda like "why does everytime two female characters interact a bunch of f/f shippers seem to show up regardless of the actual narrative" or something like that.

You're right--I do stories, not imaginary people. Others do other things.

I've never understood "shipping" in the sense of getting some personal wish-fulfillment investment in a relationship that the story sends clear signals is never going to happen. (That's as distinct from "It's fun to imagine two unlikely characters getting together.")

Sure, there are stories that put the romantic endgame up for grabs, posing the question of who is going to end up with whom, and in those cases I often have my preferences. But the success or failure of a series as a story for me has nothing whatsoever to do with whether Person A "wins" the MC or there's a poly ending or whatever.

I mean, talking about the yuri genre, love triangles are fairly common, love quadrangles are fairly rare, and poly outcomes are extremely rare--getting invested in a poly outcome without indications from the story that such a resolution is on the table just seems to me to be setting yourself up for disappointment. Better in reading fiction than in real life, I guess.

EDIT: And I'm going to do a re-read of this one before commenting again in this forum.

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 3:45PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

Ok, I did a quick skim through the manga. It's obvious that the poly route seems like what it's all heading to, and also obvious that we zoomed through the last two chapters. At the same time, the manga never got a chance to resolve the big issue with Rinna, which is that she falls in love so easily. Sayo is only in love with Mei. Rinna forms little loves just on getting compliments and formed a little love from the accidental kiss with Sayo. That to me points to her infatuation with Mei, rather than her love of Mei. It feels like a teenager's feelings. Whereas, Sayo has been in love with Mei for a long time, and understands what it means to sacrifice her feelings to make Mei feel good about where they are. Even when Mei takes her on a date, it still takes Mei asking Sayo to be more selfish for anything to happen. And despite not being interested in love, there is a point where Mei wants to go out with Sayo just so that she won't lose her. Like these two really, really want to be with each other, whatever the circumstances. Rinna doesn't quite fit into that.

To put it another way, Sayo and Mei would wind up together regardless of their living situation, whereas if Rinna wasn't Mei's roommate, then they probably wouldn't.

Of course, that might just mean that Rinna's development arc would have come later if the manga had kept going, but if it's getting axed now, then Sayo is the only one that makes sense.

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 3:54PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Yup! I couldn't have said it better, Flowshead! we're seeing just another case of rushed ending because of an axe, but the "True ending" was going to be different.

joined Dec 11, 2017

I just gonna say it to make it clear, i just don't like poly endings for love triangle.

That's fine. For me, an excellent writer can make just about anything convincing, but judging by the evidence here on Dynasty that's very hard to do well--such poly endings as there are tend usually to seem rushed or imposed on the story rather than occurring organically.

I don't quite get how these days every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be (I'm not saying that about this one--I need to do a re-read to remember the overall flow of the relationships here).

I think this particular series seems to be reasonably read as at least teasing the possibility.

I mean, it starts off as a fairly straightforward love triangle, but it definitely seems to point towards a poly conclusion numerous times. Mei definitely has actual feelings towards Rinna and Sayo, she isn't just reluctant to hurt somebody. That by itself is standard love triangle stuff, but Rinna -also- has a bit of a crush on Sayo, with the little budding love arrow (hell, even in this latest chapter, the love arrow that leads Mei to Sayo? Came from Rinna

Pair that with the fact that the story goes out of the way to show us (and Mei) that poly relationships are a thing, with the teachers, and it definitely seemed like they were planting the suggestion that there is another option besides choosing one or the other.

Now, it's possible that this was just the author exploring the general theme of the comic that there are different kinds of romantic love. But at the very least, I get why somebody would feel like it's foreshadowing something along those lines.

joined Dec 20, 2018

It certainly also helps that, from re-reading some of the first chapters, it's Rinna who first causes Mei to feel happy about a possible romance.

joined Dec 11, 2021

Ok, I did a quick skim through the manga. It's obvious that the poly route seems like what it's all heading to, and also obvious that we zoomed through the last two chapters. At the same time, the manga never got a chance to resolve the big issue with Rinna, which is that she falls in love so easily. Sayo is only in love with Mei. Rinna forms little loves just on getting compliments and formed a little love from the accidental kiss with Sayo. That to me points to her infatuation with Mei, rather than her love of Mei. It feels like a teenager's feelings. Whereas, Sayo has been in love with Mei for a long time, and understands what it means to sacrifice her feelings to make Mei feel good about where they are. Even when Mei takes her on a date, it still takes Mei asking Sayo to be more selfish for anything to happen. And despite not being interested in love, there is a point where Mei wants to go out with Sayo just so that she won't lose her. Like these two really, really want to be with each other, whatever the circumstances. Rinna doesn't quite fit into that.

To put it another way, Sayo and Mei would wind up together regardless of their living situation, whereas if Rinna wasn't Mei's roommate, then they probably wouldn't.

Of course, that might just mean that Rinna's development arc would have come later if the manga had kept going, but if it's getting axed now, then Sayo is the only one that makes sense.

I don't think Rinna's feeling was the typical teenager. She was cleary in love with Mei. She cried after taking the decision to sacrifice her love for Mei's sake since Mei wasnt sure whether to take the 3p route or choose one of them. See that Mei almost takes the decision of not choosing one cause she knew that it means that either Sayo or Rinna was gonna get a heart breaking. Sure Sayo is more than obvious that she loves Mei and is the closest one for being childhood friends. I think Sayo was gonna be first step, Rinna the second one, and last would be Sayo and Rinna for the 3p route. Take in consideration that the author never add any kind of rivalry between Sayo and Rinna since the 3 of them get along together. In my opinion the accidental kiss was let's say the start of their love development that was gonna take place later. I think the author just decided to get rid of this manga with this ending and focus on the other 2~3 manga the author is working on. The author already announced chapter 15 is the last one so yea most likely kinda axed.

joined Jan 6, 2017

That's fine. For me, an excellent writer can make just about anything convincing, but judging by the evidence here on Dynasty that's very hard to do well--such poly endings as there are tend usually to seem rushed or imposed on the story rather than occurring organically.

I don't quite get how these days every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be (I'm not saying that about this one--I need to do a re-read to remember the overall flow of the relationships here).

(As long as poly includes harem) I'd argue that most love triangles are primed for poly endings. So poly shippers coming into them makes perfect sense.

Like, you have multiple characters who are romantically involved with each other all of whom are usually treated as equals by the narrative. Which leads the poly route to feel like a very natural progression, no?

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 4:46PM

joined Jan 2, 2022

Ok, I did a quick skim through the manga. It's obvious that the poly route seems like what it's all heading to, and also obvious that we zoomed through the last two chapters. At the same time, the manga never got a chance to resolve the big issue with Rinna, which is that she falls in love so easily. Sayo is only in love with Mei. Rinna forms little loves just on getting compliments and formed a little love from the accidental kiss with Sayo. That to me points to her infatuation with Mei, rather than her love of Mei. It feels like a teenager's feelings. Whereas, Sayo has been in love with Mei for a long time, and understands what it means to sacrifice her feelings to make Mei feel good about where they are. Even when Mei takes her on a date, it still takes Mei asking Sayo to be more selfish for anything to happen. And despite not being interested in love, there is a point where Mei wants to go out with Sayo just so that she won't lose her. Like these two really, really want to be with each other, whatever the circumstances. Rinna doesn't quite fit into that.

To put it another way, Sayo and Mei would wind up together regardless of their living situation, whereas if Rinna wasn't Mei's roommate, then they probably wouldn't.

Of course, that might just mean that Rinna's development arc would have come later if the manga had kept going, but if it's getting axed now, then Sayo is the only one that makes sense.

I don't think Rinna's feeling was the typical teenager. She was cleary in love with Mei. She cried after taking the decision to sacrifice her love for Mei's sake since Mei wasnt sure whether to take the 3p route or choose one of them. See that Mei almost takes the decision of not choosing one cause she knew that it means that either Sayo or Rinna was gonna get a heart breaking. Sure Sayo is more than obvious that she loves Mei and is the closest one for being childhood friends. I think Sayo was gonna be first step, Rinna the second one, and last would be Sayo and Rinna for the 3p route. Take in consideration that the author never add any kind of rivalry between Sayo and Rinna since the 3 of them get along together. In my opinion the accidental kiss was let's say the start of their love development that was gonna take place later. I think the author just decided to get rid of this manga with this ending and focus on the other 2~3 manga the author is working on. The author already announced chapter 15 is the last one so yea most likely kinda axed.

Why wouldn't Rinna be the feelings of a typical teenager? She starts to fall for Mei because Mei is cute. And that's still the case for a while. She says she also fell in love with Mei's personality later on, but the initial infatuation was only because Mei was her type. That's exactly like a teenager.

Rinna crying and letting Mei go for Sayo has nothing to do with anything except recognizing how Mei feels for Sayo, and it's not the first time either. When Mei asked Sayo out, and when Sayo admitted she wouldn't do anything about it, Rinna wanted to help them get together. This isn't a manga with a lot of conflict, all of the characters are essentially "good girls" so I wouldn't expect a jealous response anyway. Rinna is a good girl, so she wants her friends to be happy.

joined Jan 2, 2022

That's fine. For me, an excellent writer can make just about anything convincing, but judging by the evidence here on Dynasty that's very hard to do well--such poly endings as there are tend usually to seem rushed or imposed on the story rather than occurring organically.

I don't quite get how these days every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be (I'm not saying that about this one--I need to do a re-read to remember the overall flow of the relationships here).

(As long as poly includes harem) I'd argue that most love triangles are primed for poly endings. So poly shippers coming into them makes perfect sense.

Like, you have multiple characters who are romantically involved with each other all of whom are usually treated as equals by the narrative. Which leads the poly route to feel like a very natural progression, no?

Are you defining love triangle as everyone being interested in each other, or any type of love triangle? If two people are interested in the same person, that doesn't imply poly route to me. Most stories also assume monogamy is what the characters want, so most stories don't usually imply that everyone will get involved.

I guess it depends on the story, but most of the times it feels like jealousy and wanting to monopolize a lover feels anathema to a poly route. I also just don't buy into any harems. Poly I get, but wish fulfillment isekais with harem endings seem silly and with underwritten characters.

joined Jul 29, 2017

That's fine. For me, an excellent writer can make just about anything convincing, but judging by the evidence here on Dynasty that's very hard to do well--such poly endings as there are tend usually to seem rushed or imposed on the story rather than occurring organically.

I don't quite get how these days every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be (I'm not saying that about this one--I need to do a re-read to remember the overall flow of the relationships here).

(As long as poly includes harem) I'd argue that most love triangles are primed for poly endings. So poly shippers coming into them makes perfect sense.

Like, you have multiple characters who are romantically involved with each other all of whom are usually treated as equals by the narrative. Which leads the poly route to feel like a very natural progression, no?

I was speaking specifically of Dynasty forums, though, and yuri is very, very scant on harem compared to het manga, though, and it's almost always played for big-time laughs.

joined Dec 11, 2021

Ok, I did a quick skim through the manga. It's obvious that the poly route seems like what it's all heading to, and also obvious that we zoomed through the last two chapters. At the same time, the manga never got a chance to resolve the big issue with Rinna, which is that she falls in love so easily. Sayo is only in love with Mei. Rinna forms little loves just on getting compliments and formed a little love from the accidental kiss with Sayo. That to me points to her infatuation with Mei, rather than her love of Mei. It feels like a teenager's feelings. Whereas, Sayo has been in love with Mei for a long time, and understands what it means to sacrifice her feelings to make Mei feel good about where they are. Even when Mei takes her on a date, it still takes Mei asking Sayo to be more selfish for anything to happen. And despite not being interested in love, there is a point where Mei wants to go out with Sayo just so that she won't lose her. Like these two really, really want to be with each other, whatever the circumstances. Rinna doesn't quite fit into that.

To put it another way, Sayo and Mei would wind up together regardless of their living situation, whereas if Rinna wasn't Mei's roommate, then they probably wouldn't.

Of course, that might just mean that Rinna's development arc would have come later if the manga had kept going, but if it's getting axed now, then Sayo is the only one that makes sense.

I don't think Rinna's feeling was the typical teenager. She was cleary in love with Mei. She cried after taking the decision to sacrifice her love for Mei's sake since Mei wasnt sure whether to take the 3p route or choose one of them. See that Mei almost takes the decision of not choosing one cause she knew that it means that either Sayo or Rinna was gonna get a heart breaking. Sure Sayo is more than obvious that she loves Mei and is the closest one for being childhood friends. I think Sayo was gonna be first step, Rinna the second one, and last would be Sayo and Rinna for the 3p route. Take in consideration that the author never add any kind of rivalry between Sayo and Rinna since the 3 of them get along together. In my opinion the accidental kiss was let's say the start of their love development that was gonna take place later. I think the author just decided to get rid of this manga with this ending and focus on the other 2~3 manga the author is working on. The author already announced chapter 15 is the last one so yea most likely kinda axed.

Why wouldn't Rinna be the feelings of a typical teenager? She starts to fall for Mei because Mei is cute. And that's still the case for a while. She says she also fell in love with Mei's personality later on, but the initial infatuation was only because Mei was her type. That's exactly like a teenager.

Rinna crying and letting Mei go for Sayo has nothing to do with anything except recognizing how Mei feels for Sayo, and it's not the first time either. When Mei asked Sayo out, and when Sayo admitted she wouldn't do anything about it, Rinna wanted to help them get together. This isn't a manga with a lot of conflict, all of the characters are essentially "good girls" so I wouldn't expect a jealous response anyway. Rinna is a good girl, so she wants her friends to be happy.

Well we will never know whether you or I am correct. This manga lacked of development between Rinna and Mei. As I stated I think at first for the author was intending to develop Sayo first and then Rinna. I still gonna say that Rinna loves her for because of what I said before and the arrow which was never explained very well tbh. But anyway now this abrupt change all I'm waiting is to see Rinna with Akane her idol friend who seems to be interested in Rinna or that's what I got from chapter 9.2 cause at least she deserves a happy ending too

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 5:30PM

joined Apr 2, 2017

I just gonna say it to make it clear, i just don't like poly endings for love triangle.

That's fine. For me, an excellent writer can make just about anything convincing, but judging by the evidence here on Dynasty that's very hard to do well--such poly endings as there are tend usually to seem rushed or imposed on the story rather than occurring organically.

I don't quite get how these days every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be (I'm not saying that about this one--I need to do a re-read to remember the overall flow of the relationships here).

tenuous? they literally visited a whole other poly throuple smh

joined Jan 6, 2017

(As long as poly includes harem) I'd argue that most love triangles are primed for poly endings. So poly shippers coming into them makes perfect sense.

Like, you have multiple characters who are romantically involved with each other all of whom are usually treated as equals by the narrative. Which leads the poly route to feel like a very natural progression, no?

Are you defining love triangle as everyone being interested in each other, or any type of love triangle? If two people are interested in the same person, that doesn't imply poly route to me. Most stories also assume monogamy is what the characters want, so most stories don't usually imply that everyone will get involved.

I guess it depends on the story, but most of the times it feels like jealousy and wanting to monopolize a lover feels anathema to a poly route. I also just don't buy into any harems. Poly I get, but wish fulfillment isekais with harem endings seem silly and with underwritten characters.

Usually I define it as any type of set up where three people are romantically entangled but in this case I was specifically talking about Vs where two characters are in love with one person. Hence why I also compared it to harems (the set up) where two or more people are in love with one person.
And two people being interested in the same person doesn't necessarily make poly feel the most natural. I'm talking about very simple and straightforward stories like this one, which in my experience includes most triangles (although I don't have much experience. All the ones I actually like aren't these simple stories and most that are/seemed to be I dropped).

Here's how I see it:
Most of these simple stories don't specify the MC's feelings all that well nor do they specify if the MC specifically wants a mono relationship or not. They just have two or more people in love with the same person.
If these stories don't put much focus on the MC's feelings then that would imply that the amount of time the MC/narrative spends with any given character reflects their feelings on that character. So if every character gets equal treatment then the assumption is that the MC loves each of these characters equally. And if they do then I think it'd make way more sense that they'd want to date all of them instead of just choosing one.
And if this doesn't sit with the love interest then I think it should be brought up early on (like, actually show that they want to monopolise the MC and won't compromise on that instead of just having it be assumed). And also, if the MC wants a poly relationship but the love interests don't that should be a source of conflict!
If the story ever addressed any of these things directly, if it ever clarified the MC's feelings, clarified the love interests' jealousy/desire to monopolise, etc then poly wouldn't be the natural conclusion. But if it doesn't then poly tends to just feel like a much more sensical ending considering the story never actually made any of the love interests into the "main" love interest.

Essentially, this kind of poly route would work in a story that failed to setup any kind of ending. Poly at least makes sense in that case because it doesn't pull plot points and/or feelings out of it's ass to justify a mono ending.

Anyway, this discussion is starting to get off topic so if you wanna continue maybe we ought to move to either Love Triangle's or Polyamory's discussion pages?

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 7:15PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I just gonna say it to make it clear, i just don't like poly endings for love triangle.

That's fine. For me, an excellent writer can make just about anything convincing, but judging by the evidence here on Dynasty that's very hard to do well--such poly endings as there are tend usually to seem rushed or imposed on the story rather than occurring organically.

I don't quite get how these days every garden-variety love triangle seems to bring out a bunch of poly shippers, no matter how tenuous the narrative possibility might be (I'm not saying that about this one--I need to do a re-read to remember the overall flow of the relationships here).

tenuous? they literally visited a whole other poly throuple smh

Geez, I guess in addition to the very last sentence you actually quoted, I should have said I wasn’t directly addressing this series several more times.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I'm not sure why people thought this would be poly? It's been very clear it's a love triangle for awhile now. Not once did the story feel like it was ever going in that route outside of the one scene, which was dropped and forgotten about.

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 7:36PM

joined Aug 6, 2015

Honestly disappointing. There are very few poly manga so going the safe route kinda makes me want to drop this. The power angle, you know the whole unique premise of the manga, also seems to have been handled lamely too. It’s a shame, this had real promise for a while. Now it’s just boring and standard.

I couldn't disagree more than I already do

joined Mar 2, 2019

I'm happy the childhood friend won in this one :')

joined Jan 2, 2022

I'm not sure why people thought this would be poly? It's been very clear it's a love triangle for awhile now. Not once did the story feel like it was ever going in that route outside of the one scene, which was dropped and forgotten about.

I'm not sure I agree with that. Besides the teacher scene setting it up as an option, which why would that be placed like that otherwise, the scene of Rinna developing a small arrow for Sayo after their accidental kiss is also pretty suggestive. Again, it doesn't make much sense to have that there if it were a simple love triangle.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Well, that was disappointing. Back to searching for a satisfying poly ending elsewhere I guess.

joined Aug 10, 2015

i do feel bad for rinna, and the poly ending if correctly executed could ´ve been a refreshing take on the love triangle cliche but honestly, seeing sayo happy makes everything worth it,

im a sucker for the childhood friend trope so take this with a grain of salt

last edited at Jan 13, 2022 10:59PM

joined Jan 29, 2015

Hmm so its sayomei, i dont mind, cause now rinna is mine huehuehuehue

joined Feb 5, 2020

I can see why many people thought this manga was foreshadowing a poly relationship because I thought the same at one point too but it wasn't. It was just the author exposing Mei to another type of relationship like the other early chapters were doing. It was used to help her better understand differenttypes of love. This could also be the reason they they gave Sayo and Rinna a different type of arrow for Mei. They both love her but have a different type of relationship and love for her.

joined Jun 11, 2021

Everyone forgetting that page with arrows between the two love interests. Yeah it was only once and the plotline was dropped but acting as if "She saw multiple kinds of relationships none of it was foreshadowing" is disingenuous. Rinna and Sayo were presented as equals until it suddenly started to rush towards sayo. She kinda like both, visited the teachers and saw this is possible and the two girls had an arrow growing between each other. There's no such thing as "poly was never hinted at" lol. It was going towards it until it was dropped

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