i just hope that other way isn't dangerous
Naaw, the regular way of becoming an immortal vampire that everybody knows about may be dangerous, but the other way, the one spoken of in hushed tones, the one that may not even exist, that’s gotta be a “what could possibly go wrong?” deal.
One would think.
Actually this brings up something that I do not often think about.
If Ichika were to be turned, does that mean we need at least one, if not two persons to feed Aria and Ichika?
Also, something that I observed for a long time:
Aria feeds on Ichika.
Arthur is a hunter, but also has a "puppy" (whom he called the mutt).
Sakuya is a hunter (I think not for long)
Shadi we were shown she was forced to drink from the extra blood that Khara gave after she was turned but refused to have human blood.
Khara probably drank some when she collected the extra blood (ie. mixed blood). This must be off panel.
That left Jirou and Maoa who were never shown drinking blood, or even implied, or they talked about it.
But Jirou displayed super human strength, a sign of a lilu after drinking blood. WIthout blood or a substitute like the Bovine Fetus Blood (disgusting to drink and extremely expensive), Lilu cannot becoming strong. After Aria, Jirou is the strongest. On rare occasion he would left the house, but the author did not explain why.
Maoa in fact not just not being shown drinking blood, but rather live in the middle of nowhere, (Arthur's direction was not a pinpoint location, that is why Jayanti has to looking for the place) and love her place, and love wild game meat (she was the royal cook after all). Maoa kept hiding from Aria because she mistakenly ate Aria's food. The one thing Aria gets passionate about is food, as she is guttony personified.