Just discovered this yuri LN today and finished Vol. 1 right away. Kinda expected the plot twist in the 2nd half of the novel, but what I didn't expect was the best friend line. I kind of expected for a romantic relationship to blossom, since the 4 LNs tagged with yuri I've read so far did that (Roll Over and Die, Adachi to Shimamura, Saeki Sayaka, and Otherside Picnic), but if the author won't push for that then I totally respect it. The yuri tag seems a bit off for me at this point tho. Maybe they'll start off as best friends, since Menou doesn't fully grasp yet the concept of a full swing romantic relationship? I don't really know. However, this discovery kind of hindered me to start reading the Vol. 2. What are your thoughts about this guys? Also, happy new year to everyone who'll bump unto this comment!