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joined Jan 4, 2021

They're like a married couple.

Also, Evie stop using the "we're both girls" excuse, just embrace the gayness

joined Aug 4, 2016

Nice outfit at the end.

joined Aug 29, 2019

Nice outfit at the end.

One might almost say It Really Does Suit Her.

joined Jun 25, 2021

it is indeed a nice hat

joined Jan 14, 2020

I liked the touch of Yvonne, as an isekai and not a native, not realizing how expensive cinnamon and sugar would be.

(Or at least would be in a medieval European setting. I forget the 'time' of the game, but seems kind of later?)

I don't think that logic applies, seeing as we have magic for many things that would technologically only became commonplace in the latter half of the 19th C or even later (see the note from chapter 7 about running water, stoves and even fridges powered by magic). Unless, of course, Evie having those things is also extremely uncommon, which did not seem to be the case, otherwise Elsa probably would have noted that as well.


Then again, what made cinnamon cheap for Europe was sailing around and cutting out the middlemen. What made sugar cheap was mass slavery... I guess mechanization now? Plus, just higher incomes relative to agricultural products, thanks to industrialization.

joined Dec 13, 2018

Unless I'm missing some cultural giant taboo about giving someone else your leftovers (I'm not exactly familiar with Chinese culture), I'm on board with Elsa having hacked the system. With her insane magic abilities I wouldn't put it past her.


I'm Chinese. You goddamn savages in (whatever location you are in) eat each other's leftovers? What about the bacteria/viral contamination from the saliva?

last edited at Dec 4, 2021 7:08PM

joined Apr 23, 2021

Nice outfit at the end.

One might almost say It Really Does Suit Her.

Oh, Isn't that the title of that chapter? How peculiar

joined Jan 14, 2020

Unless I'm missing some cultural giant taboo about giving someone else your leftovers (I'm not exactly familiar with Chinese culture), I'm on board with Elsa having hacked the system. With her insane magic abilities I wouldn't put it past her.


I'm Chinese. You goddamn savages in (whatever location you are in) eat each other's leftovers? What about the bacteria/viral contamination from the saliva?

A lot of leftover sharing is done in a family or relationship, in which case you're already part of one big germ pool. But as a sometime scavenger of friends' plates, it depends on the food:

Something like a sandwich, I would cut or tear off the bitten edge, and eat the clean rest.

Anything that's cut up on the plate, like steak, or comes in big distinct pieces like prawns, should be perfectly fine, unless they've been drooling over their plate.

Pasta could have a bit of residual contamination from the back of a fork pushing things around, but I don't really worry about it unless they're known to be sick.

Soup I would pass on.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Unless I'm missing some cultural giant taboo about giving someone else your leftovers (I'm not exactly familiar with Chinese culture), I'm on board with Elsa having hacked the system. With her insane magic abilities I wouldn't put it past her.


I'm Chinese. You goddamn savages in (whatever location you are in) eat each other's leftovers? What about the bacteria/viral contamination from the saliva?

I think most of us have swapped spit from time to time.

joined Mar 11, 2018

I'm sure I'm not the first one to suspect that the heroine is also reincarnated, intended to pull an "I Favor the Villainess," figured out what happened with the Villainess and found her an improvement on the original.

joined Apr 12, 2018

"I really want to know! Who will this unknown love interest be?"

Yvonne... congratulations. You have reached neutron star level of dense.

Starting to remind me of Bakarina, in a way

joined Mar 25, 2021

DAMN that saliva after that bite, Elsa mustve really enjoyed that

joined Dec 13, 2018

"I really want to know! Who will this unknown love interest be?"

Yvonne... congratulations. You have reached neutron star level of dense.

Starting to remind me of Bakarina, in a way

Dense AF female isekai protag gets a people in love with her without understanding it? Heck yeah. But even better, since they're presumably going to be developing one romance.

I have to say that the expression game elevates what woulda been a humadrum manga into a great experience. Heroine's cheeky expression is to die for, and so's Evie's face when she does embarrassing things like eat a sandwich.

last edited at Dec 4, 2021 11:41PM

joined Sep 8, 2020

I don't often comment, but I really have to say this author draws the best clothing, I look forward to seeing the new outfits in every new chapter the translators bring us!

joined Jun 25, 2021

this series has some strong cuteness

joined Jul 15, 2016

That awkward moment when you stumble into the Yvonne route without realizing that Yvonne is you.

Theory: Not only is Elsa another reincarnated player, but the fact that Yvonne was reincarnated as a villainess is a (possibly unintentional) side effect of Elsa manipulating the game to create an (previously absent) Yvonne route. The villainess system of the game didn't know how to handle Elsa's inputs, so it summoned a player to deal with it and is currently machine-learning how to yuri from her reference.

last edited at Dec 5, 2021 2:44AM

joined Feb 9, 2017

This series is the gift that just keeps on giving.

joined Oct 3, 2018

*one month later*

"Wait, are we married? We're married, aren't we? Shit."

last edited at Dec 6, 2021 2:19PM

joined Jan 14, 2020

Force Elsa into a gay marriage: 100 points

joined Jun 21, 2021

CG get, noice

joined Sep 16, 2014

Nice CG, the scary looking lady is doing well.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

So what exactly happened to that soup? Did Yvonne levitate it or something? There was a moment of it in midair which I couldn't tell if it was just in mid-arc or if someone was doing magic on it. I didn't see anything all over the floor. Did I miss something?

joined Sep 25, 2021

So what exactly happened to that soup? Did Yvonne levitate it or something? There was a moment of it in midair which I couldn't tell if it was just in mid-arc or if someone was doing magic on it. I didn't see anything all over the floor. Did I miss something?

Iyvonne did indeed levitate it. You can see her holding her hand out in that panel as if casting a spell, and there's a magical wirlwind underneath the soup. I get that you didn't see it though, it would have been a bit less subtle if you could see the wind originating from her hand. I mainly understood what was happening because Elsa mentioned using magic to stop the bowl earlier.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Haha, I wondered the same thing. I did notice the magic under the bowl, but we never see it again, to confirm that it made it safely to a table.

joined Sep 25, 2019

What does it mean that Yvonne "unlocked the Tavern CG set"?
She doesn't have a menu or anything so she wouldn't know about it and couldn't look even if she did, and it can't be talking about how far she got in the game before getting Isekai'd since she explicitly didn't get to the border town in her run.

Is there an element of the story that just didn't make it through the transition from novel to manuwa?

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