Forum › Crescent Moon and Doughnuts discussion

joined Jul 26, 2016

I know plenty of people who get emotional support from their friends rather than their lover/spouse.

This is a case where she considers the emotional support friend to be a romantic rival, though. There's an issue with her believing she understands Asahi's feelings better than Asahi herself, even if it's presented as true in the text, but being insecure to the tune of feeling second best isn't a good foundation at all. I think she was pretty mature to walk away.

I think even Asahi would believe that the people around her would understand her own feelings better than herself since she doesn't have a clue about them!

Pretty sure even Hinako has a better idea. And we know what kind of disaster sandwich that girl is.

joined Jul 8, 2017

I think the trope was handled pretty well, although yet again it goes the same route like it always has in most other series where this trope appears.

Anyone else notice a drop in quality this chapter? Not in the story, but I felt the drawings were a bit weak + no backgrounds on a lot of pages. Just me?

joined Jun 9, 2021

This is a case where she considers the emotional support friend to be a romantic rival, though. There's an issue with her believing she understands Asahi's feelings better than Asahi herself, even if it's presented as true in the text, but being insecure to the tune of feeling second best isn't a good foundation at all. I think she was pretty mature to walk away.

From the perspective of the omniscient audience, I can definitely understand her walking away and feel sympathy for Fuuka, but I also think she was pretty reckless with Asahi's feelings by picking her up and then dumping her in a way that puts all the blame on her. It was practically Asahi's first time. Fuuka wanted it to be perfect, it could have ended as merely mediocre, but instead it became something full of shame and guilt for Asahi.

The more I think about it, the more I think I would be furious at Fuuka if I were Subaru.

I also wonder if maybe part of the problem is that Fuuka was in love with the idea of Asahi, rather than the woman herself.

Bless this series. I've read it so many times already both in digital and print. Even if it's another series that ends with their confession, I'll always cherish it.

Is the ending available in spoilers somewhere? I'm thinking of picking up a physical copy, but I'm worried there's going to be a bad end...

joined Nov 12, 2017

im actually rather impressed w everyone involved here: none of the contrived drama lasts anymore than a chapter, everybody is communicating effectively & often, nobody is intentionally lying/obscuring the truth in attempt to gain something.. i especially like that the dilemma around the "i cant fall in love" statement is "oh no now my feelings are going to hurt them."

joined Mar 2, 2020

Saw an article stating that volume 4 is going to be the final volume of this series. Hopefully the author just planned it to be that long rather than the series getting axed and cut short.

It's been one of my favorite series since it released so it's a bit of a shame that it'll be so short but I'd prefer a short and solid story over long and meandering.

joined May 16, 2012

Saw an article stating that volume 4 is going to be the final volume of this series. Hopefully the author just planned it to be that long rather than the series getting axed and cut short.

It's been one of my favorite series since it released so it's a bit of a shame that it'll be so short but I'd prefer a short and solid story over long and meandering.

I think one more volume is enough to end the story in a satisfying way, but sad to hear nonetheless. We've just had both their epiphanies. I would've liked to see Hinako and Asahi get in a relationship and gradually adjust to each other and their wants, while now it seems like it'll wrap up at just starting the relationship. Well, let's just hope the author wasn't rushed.

joined Aug 29, 2021

However it ends, I'll be satisfied with it.

There were still a few points that could have been better: The office setting felt underutilized, too much emphasis on the love triangle, and barebones supporting cast. But overall, the core relationships are solid and I truly want them to find happiness.

joined Mar 28, 2014

Is it still translated or has it been dropped?

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

Is it still translated or has it been dropped?

This is a difficult question to answer. In short, I don't really know.

The translator we were working with at Yuri Project has been away for a little while now (a month or so), and they didn't give me a heads up about leaving or anything. I'm hoping that they'll be back, but in the mean time, there's not much we can do regarding the series. I'm thankful for any patience being provided to us regarding our lack of releases, and if the translator does return I'm fully committed to continuing the series, but if anyone else decides to pick up where we've left off right now, I won't stand in their way.

joined Jul 14, 2017

I miss this series...

joined Mar 28, 2014

Is it still translated or has it been dropped?

This is a difficult question to answer. In short, I don't really know.

The translator we were working with at Yuri Project has been away for a little while now (a month or so), and they didn't give me a heads up about leaving or anything. I'm hoping that they'll be back, but in the mean time, there's not much we can do regarding the series. I'm thankful for any patience being provided to us regarding our lack of releases, and if the translator does return I'm fully committed to continuing the series, but if anyone else decides to pick up where we've left off right now, I won't stand in their way.

oh, I hope the translator is ok! let's pray that they return soon. raws shouldn't be a problem, but without a translator they are useless(( really hope this continues, you've been doing such a great job so far...

I miss this series...

so true...

last edited at Nov 18, 2021 12:14PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

I figured the lack of chapters was something like this. Hope the translator is okay, you hate to see it, I’ve been supporting the official release so it’s whatever, I just hate having to wait for entire volumes to come out in the west lol

joined Sep 11, 2020

This is one of my favorite series of all time, so I really hope either the translator returns, or we can find a new one. This doesn't deserve to just be left hanging.

joined Jan 6, 2022

Hope for more chapter soon.

joined Mar 28, 2014

Oh my, I wish someone would pick this back up so badly. The new chapter 18 is so damn good!
Hinako as a child - SO CUTE!!! And she came out to her mom!!! WOAH!!!!! My goodness... So, so-o-o good!

joined Oct 22, 2018

Damn, that's a way to be reminded that it's been about 4 and a half months since I last touched this.

joined Jul 14, 2017

update please!!

Blazing CobaltX
joined May 16, 2012

Oh my, I wish someone would pick this back up so badly. The new chapter 18 is so damn good!
Hinako as a child - SO CUTE!!! And she came out to her mom!!! WOAH!!!!! My goodness... So, so-o-o good!

Where are you seeing the raws if I may ask?

joined Jun 9, 2018

ch 13

Sad, a confession as a last desperate attempt to win over the girl she loves. I don't like one-sided love but this time I can tolerate it because it's an honest and beautiful battle between two good girls who love the same woman.

last edited at Mar 12, 2022 7:57PM

joined Jun 21, 2021

What’s the actual status on this series? I never see the creator tweet about it like they do the other series they work on, did this one wrap up?

I cant see anything for it beyond 3 volumes, but it seems like it has enough chapters for at least 4? I’m confused lol

joined Apr 20, 2013 Welp :/

Apparently it was announced with the vol 3 that the fourth would be the end, so good news, there's enough material that we have not seen to fill the fourth volume, so hopefully it won't feel rushed and it's all planed to end this way... Bad news is, we still don't have translation.
Hypothetically sevens seas would release the final volume around the end of 22 or some time next year? so... yeah, we wait

last edited at Apr 25, 2022 3:59PM

joined Aug 18, 2021

Soooooo, I just read the final chapter (20, unless there's some kind of epilogue later, but it says 'fin') on the latest Yurihime and... Yeah... I'm just gonna say the ending felt very rushed and I'll leave it at that. Good story up until that point, I suppose...

So if you're sad you're gonna have to wait for the rest on an official site, don't worry about it too much. You're not missing much IMO. Bummer, cause this was one of my favorites until now...

last edited at May 18, 2022 1:27AM

joined May 3, 2014

Soooooo, I just read the final chapter (20, unless there's some kind of epilogue later, but it says 'fin') on the latest Yurihime and... Yeah... I'm just gonna say the ending felt very rushed and I'll leave it at that. Good story up until that point, I suppose...

So if you're sad you're gonna have to wait for the rest on an official site, don't worry about it too much. You're not missing much IMO. Bummer, cause this was one of my favorites until now...

you hate to see good stories end like that T^T so there is no point in buying the last 5 chapters :/

last edited at Jun 8, 2022 10:35AM

joined Jul 31, 2019

Volume 3 is now out in English on Amazon... which means that the official translation and the fan translation are now even.

joined Jul 26, 2013

Volume 3 is now out in English on Amazon... which means that the official translation and the fan translation are now even.

Oh didn't know this. I'll try and buy Vol 4 then....

(Edit) JUST KIDDING IT COMES OUT February 14, 2023 ON AMAZON ;_;

last edited at Jul 29, 2022 10:59PM

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