'Completed' as of Ch 13? Cancelled?
Gallete and Galette meets are mostly indie publishing magazines and meets in particular doesn't have consistently running series. As such, I don't think there are editors who control, axe, and provide detailed feedback on series. It seems more like they collect content and publish what they can based on funds available. They probably haven't asked the author for another chapter on these two, but based on the author commentary at the end it seems pretty possible there could be more in the future. And that would largely depend on...
You, dear reader! Galette's funding comes from its subscribers on fantia, so you can help them by subbing!
Even this tankobon looks like it was a collection of the chapters and stories published originally in different places and then self-published by the author (which if anyone happens to know where chapters 12 and 13 were published, please give me a heads up so I can tag them)
last edited at Oct 30, 2021 3:24PM