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joined Jan 18, 2016

died from the moe

joined Jan 9, 2017

Oh, i feel is setting in the same city of Urara Meirochou, lol

How come?

joined Jul 13, 2021

OMG Melissa is so adorable!!

joined Jun 22, 2013

This scenario could have quickly turned horrifying.

joined Aug 14, 2020

Awwwww my heaaaaart <3

joined Sep 11, 2019

cute and precious

joined Feb 27, 2020

This scenario could have quickly turned horrifying.

Exactly what I was thinking; thank the god of plot convenience that magic wore off on its own.

last edited at Aug 15, 2021 2:38PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Well that's just absurdly cute.

Takasaki Reika
joined Mar 30, 2021

this is too wholesome damn it!

joined Jan 9, 2017

That was almost dicey

joined Apr 23, 2021

teen melissa is big cuteness

joined May 24, 2014

Tsunderes tend to blow-up when they're exposed

joined Mar 21, 2019

The idea of feeling your mind regressing along with your age is honestly such a terrifying thing to me.

joined Apr 10, 2021

The idea of feeling your mind regressing along with your age is honestly such a terrifying thing to me.

Less or more than what happens, to a small or a massive degree, to everyone of us when old enough?

I am supposing that any of us lives old in what the world is becoming, but still.

last edited at Aug 15, 2021 8:01PM

joined Nov 15, 2017

The idea of feeling your mind regressing along with your age is honestly such a terrifying thing to me.

Not to me. I wish I could go back to being younger in both mind and body, and I'm only 27. I don't look at things the way I did when I was a kid, and when I think about think about feelings and experiences I had in the past, it becomes apparent that I'll never experience them the same way again.

joined Mar 21, 2019

The idea of feeling your mind regressing along with your age is honestly such a terrifying thing to me.

Not to me. I wish I could go back to being younger in both mind and body, and I'm only 27. I don't look at things the way I did when I was a kid, and when I think about think about feelings and experiences I had in the past, it becomes apparent that I'll never experience them the same way again.

There's a certain appeal to going back to those days of childlike wonder, for sure, but I've had a lot of experiences in my adult life, both good and bad, that have shaped me into the person I am today and the idea of losing all of that, to me at least, just isn't worth the tradeoff.

joined Aug 20, 2020

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button vibes.

joined Aug 10, 2015

That ended up even more cute and wholesome than I expected somehow.

joined May 26, 2020

When the loli becomes the Onee-san.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This would be so good if tanya wasn't a tiny bit too young. I like age gap, but holy.. she's like 12... :/

joined Jul 13, 2021

This would be so good if tanya wasn't a tiny bit too young. I like age gap, but holy.. she's like 12... :/

I think she’s actually closer to 16. Notice how she reminisces about the time her puppy was saved by Melissa 10 years ago. In that memory, the younger version of Tanya seems too well-spoken to be a toddler. Plus, the legal age of consent is 13 in Japan (which I absolutely do NOT condone), and since the original language that this manga is written in is Japanese, I’m going to assume that the author is from Japan.

joined Aug 12, 2021

so the legal age of consent in japan is actually not 13 at all and I hate seeing that argument brought up over and over again. So here's the thing the legal age of consent in Japan is not set federally but each prefecture is allowed to set it individually but the LOWEST they are allowed to set it as is 13. NO prefecture has the age of consent set to lower than 16 with most of them having it set at 18 and the prefectures that have it set at any lower having active lobbying happening to have it raised to 18.

the legal age of consent being 13 in Japan is a myth perpetuated for obviously shitty reasons. It takes literally five minutes of googling to disprove it so please stop believing other people when there's an obvious agenda behind telling you there's a country where it is somehow okay to have sex with children.

joined Jan 5, 2021

Omigoshd not the cliffhanger right after the good part smh

joined Jun 3, 2020

so many tags for so few pages

joined Jun 4, 2018

She gonna blow this.

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