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joined Feb 9, 2019

[77] My wrist hurts, but I got it out. Love these girls way too much. Ahhh!! So excited for this arc.

a.) Thank you ever so much for picking this up, really missed it

b.) Know I probably shouldn't, but just to note that your comment could also be interpreted in such a way that the question "but it's not that kind of series?" would have to be raised...

snort I have RSI issues, unrelated to what type of series I'm working on :P

Wow that teacher sucks. "This is what you get for skipping class earlier in the semester" fuck yooou.

You know, while I was editing I was thinking the same thing. But I think it's possible that the teacher might think that treating Hino this way might be the only way to get her to score well enough to move on to the next grade. Based on Hino's personality, she may have felt that attitude was the best way to motivate her.

Or she just sucks.

The cover page numbering on this latest chapter is off by one (76 instead of the correct 77)

Thanks. I'll correct this in a bit.

last edited at Aug 15, 2021 4:44PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Wow that teacher sucks. "This is what you get for skipping class earlier in the semester" fuck yooou.

You know, while I was editing I was thinking the same thing. But I think it's possible that the teacher might think that treating Hino this way might be the only way to get her to score well enough to move on to the next grade. Based on Hino's personality, she may have felt that attitude was the best way to motivate her.

Or she just sucks.

I didn't get the impression that any of this was the specific teacher's decision--there's some kind of grade/attendance algorithm at the school that determines if a student gets held back or not.

As to the teacher's attitude, Hino is the one who has demonstrated a profound lack of interest in attending class. After all, even with Koguma's most diligent efforts, Hino's attendance record is still "really low," and that's on her.

joined Nov 18, 2019

So, our little shy bear is taking the iniciative????

joined Oct 27, 2018

It's probably gonna turn out that she found out and just wants to help her study.

joined Jul 9, 2020

It's probably gonna turn out that she found out and just wants to help her study.

"If you pass, you can touch my boob again. Now let's study."
"[somehow scores 110 out of 100]"

joined Feb 12, 2016

I'm screaming

joined Feb 9, 2019

I'll try to continue this pace with the releases. Just gotta annoy Stan until he gets me the script.

I love these two so much!!

joined Jun 25, 2019

So what ?, it's less dark than that and her parents are really alive but just work a lot ?

joined May 28, 2021

In the voice of George Takei Ohhh myyy :O If Koguma agrees to this, it's going to be something :O

joined Mar 21, 2019

Koguma kicking her mom out of the room out of embarassment but still thanking her for the snacks is incredibly sweet.

joined Oct 22, 2018


joined Aug 29, 2019

So what ?, it's less dark than that and her parents are really alive but just work a lot ?

Perhaps, the way it reads it kinda doesn't seem as ominous as it previously did.
And is it just me or did Hino's suggestion at least seem like it was more openly heartfelt than her advances usually are?

Also @Runrin/Cyan Steam... are you perhaps at least as excited to get those out as we are to read them?

last edited at Aug 16, 2021 5:34PM

joined Feb 9, 2019

Also @Runrin/Cyan Steam... are you perhaps at least as excited to get those out as we are to read them?

I absolutely 100% know for certain that I am even more excited than you guys are. This is my favorite running yuri series, and I've missed it so much. I'm happy that I get to work on it (although I wish it was under better circumstances), but I'm even more happy that my favorite girls are back.

I love these two so much, and I can't wait to get the next chapter out.

joined Nov 6, 2018

Meeting her mother and taking a bath together. Two inevitabilities at once.

joined May 12, 2020

On one hand, this is an awfully over-used cliche but on the other hand, I would probably feel its absence in such a scenario.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Bath together—seems very reasonable to me.

joined Jun 16, 2020

There's no way Hino is ready for what she just asked for. This is gonna be good.

joined May 1, 2015

Hino's body is ready...Maybe.
If anything Koguma would be the one in trouble due to Hino's thirst.

joined May 20, 2013

Tired: Wolf shirt.
Wired: Bear Shirt

joined Feb 17, 2013

Wow- that chapter was structured very different to normal for this manga. Also- a bath together :) I wonder if they will?

Does Hino really say her 'parents' on p4? Maybe she was lying?- didnt seem it tho which is wierd given the past hints.. if she turns out to have them then im not sure what all that was about?

p.s thanks for getting these out so fast :) Are we caught up now?

last edited at Aug 16, 2021 7:20PM

joined Feb 9, 2019

Wow- that chapter was structured very different to normal for this manga. Also- a bath together :) I wonder if they will?

I think the chapters during the mini arcs are the same structure as usual, but just a much longer setup. Like when they had ice cream in the park, or they shared an umbrella. They still end with a punchline, but you get a bit more progress before it happens.

p.s thanks for getting these out so fast :) Are we caught up now?

I love this series, so I want to get 'em out as fast as everyone wants to read them. I also don't know what happens in the next chapters until I get the script.

We are not caught up. 84 is the most recent chapter on Ganma. Hopefully I can keep up this pace for the next week or so and catch up.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I wonder if she'll agree? I feel like a week long sleepover arc has to have some progress right? Maybe a kiss, or a realization of love?

joined Mar 31, 2018

Hino finally met her mother in law

joined Feb 9, 2019

Hino finally met her mother in law

She's probably happy to know that Kogu will remain tiny

joined Feb 1, 2021

Hino finally met her mother in law

She's probably happy to know that Kogu will remain tiny

I sort of like that Koguma's mom is just her, but slightly larger.

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