Forum › I Refuse to do Anything Unsanitary discussion

joined Aug 10, 2018

Finally a manga with a girl that use protection before touching hands ! A welcome change from all those filthy degenerates that hold hands in public and before marriage !

joined Aug 21, 2020

OH. That's the whole thing. Oof. Cute read still.

joined Nov 15, 2017

Hopefully it'll get serialized. It has a great foundation already.

joined Aug 4, 2018

So... how long till they scissor?

joined Oct 18, 2017

I'm a bit surprised that Shirakawa's germophobia and aversion to being touched are being played for laughs in the COVID-19 pandemic, and in a society that's as averse to touching others as Japan is.

Despite that, I enjoyed it and wished it could have been longer. The problem with these short series is that they can't develop the main characters' relationships as well as a long series can, nor can they stand on their own as well as a one-shot can, often due to lacking a real ending. If the writers had fleshed out the characters and kept things fresh, this could have gone on for a while.

Covid aside, i thunk this is exactly that. It's a less-than-subtle dig at Japan's averseness to touching and other close contact as well as it's general culture of hyper cleanliness and the resultant negative effects on the japanese immune system.

joined Jul 27, 2019

Does anyone know what font is used for the "Manga Time" title?

This feels slightly off-topic…

Anyways, plugged an image into WhatTheFont, I want to say it's "Harlekin" (but is also nearly identical to Harlow Solid and its variants). Minor adjustments were made (notably the stars replacing the lowercase i's dot, and in the lowercase a).
Don't know the Japanese font, though.

last edited at Aug 13, 2021 5:56AM

joined Jul 8, 2018

Does this maybe qualify for Yuri Crush?

joined Jan 7, 2020

Does anyone know what font is used for the "Manga Time" title?

This feels slightly off-topic…
Anyways, plugged an image into WhatTheFont, I want to say it's "Harlekin" (but is also nearly identical to Harlow Solid and its variants). Minor adjustments were made (notably the stars replacing the lowercase i's dot, and in the lowercase a).
Don't know the Japanese font, though.

Apologies about it being slightly off-topic, thanks though.
Too bad this was pretty short, thought it would be longer since it has some potential

last edited at Aug 14, 2021 2:51AM

joined Mar 5, 2021

so short, then again it's hard to make characters who literally only have one joke

joined Jan 18, 2016

well at least she doesnt mind one finger ;)
also how is this Subtext when she desperately wants to touch her ;)

joined Mar 15, 2015

The second chapter was "the second of two guest chapters," but now, Chapter 3 is "the third of three guest chapters." Does anyone know what's going on?

joined Aug 17, 2020

If only people are like Shirakawa-san before covid spreads like a bushfire, we might be holding tongs together

joined Mar 31, 2017

The second chapter was "the second of two guest chapters," but now, Chapter 3 is "the third of three guest chapters." Does anyone know what's going on?

In chapter 2 the whole text says "two simultaneously released guest chapters." They were both in the same magazine issue and at the time I didn't think that detail was important at all since it didn't say anywhere that there'd be a third one. Guest chapters are pretty much always a surprise.

joined Jun 5, 2018

If only people are like Shirakawa-san before covid spreads like a bushfire, we might be holding tongs together

Do you know how unsanitary wearing skin tight glove for a longer period of time is?! And not to speak of brownian motion completely invalitadting the 90 deg method!!!

Besides, she doesnt even CHANGE the gloves during classes, meaning the germs just rest on top of them instead! This is highly dangerous and might kill - I SAY KILL - those poor (maybe elementary) schoolers.

last edited at Oct 4, 2021 11:27AM

joined Jun 24, 2021

would love to see more of this

joined Feb 1, 2021

If only people are like Shirakawa-san before covid spreads like a bushfire, we might be holding tongs together

Do you know how unsanitary wearing skin tight glove for a longer period of time is?! And not to speak of brownian motion completely invalitadting the 90 deg method!!!

Besides, she doesnt even CHANGE the gloves during classes, meaning the germs just rest on top of them instead! This is highly dangerous and might kill - I SAY KILL - those poor (maybe elementary) schoolers.

Germophobia is easy. Effective germophobia is hard.

joined Mar 15, 2015

If only people are like Shirakawa-san before covid spreads like a bushfire, we might be holding tongs together

Do you know how unsanitary wearing skin tight glove for a longer period of time is?! And not to speak of brownian motion completely invalitadting the 90 deg method!!!

Besides, she doesnt even CHANGE the gloves during classes, meaning the germs just rest on top of them instead! This is highly dangerous and might kill - I SAY KILL - those poor (maybe elementary) schoolers.

Technically, they're high schoolers. At the start of Chapter 1, the main character narrates that it's been two weeks since she entered high school.

joined Jan 13, 2021

Ah that was so short i wish there was more

joined Apr 27, 2014

It was cute, but I'd never get together with someone so worried about such things, I don't roll on the dirt like Satoko,yet but come on, chill.

joined Jan 18, 2016

shes so fuckin cute omfg

joined Oct 4, 2016

I dated a girl (almost) like this once. It's a real challenge.

joined May 1, 2015

Tsukihashi best girl.

joined Jun 25, 2021

I miss this. was great. needs way more

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