Honestly, her telling Iris to take another bride directly makes me roll my eyes. Something more generic like find another person to love/make you happy would have hit the mark better. "Go murder another person you love! But this time intentionally!"
It's a weird choice of words to be sure, and I kinda want to check the raws to see how it's worded. Using the word "bride" in this context is really heavy on the vampire side of things. It really is like Sara is telling her to find more food, she must live! But that's directly at the expense of some other girl who won't be able to control her life after it happens.
Telling her to fall in love again would have been a better way to word it. I mean what even happens when vampires don't get the food they need? I don't recall if the story ever went over this, I read the first part so long ago... does she die? Cause I mean she's been around for a while. Couldn't hurt to let herself pass on instead of perpetually victimizing new girls.
I don't really know how I feel about this. I definitely feel sad. There are real complaints I have about how it was all put together and what the author expects me to just accept, but overall I do feel bad for these characters and was hoping they'd pull a cure out of their ass at the end. Sara just kinda...dies unceremoniously at the end there. We're 21 chapters in and it took just a chapter to kill her off basically. But I expect shenanigans in the coming chapters to try to handwave some of the trauma away.
last edited at Jun 16, 2021 7:34PM