Forum › Well Done(,) Pervert discussion

joined Jul 26, 2016

Nika confirmed to be either a Jedi, or Spider-Man

joined Jan 9, 2017

Im rootting against the little sister, All indication is pointing towards her winning (big sister isnt getting any screentime) But she has been nothing But underhanded and mean, she is fighting for her love by denying MC Access to her crush and just Hopes that shaming and proximity Will Dispell MCs crush

I dont like it, i feel sorry for the MC

Eh I don't really view the little sister as that underhanded or mean tbh. She's jealous and isn't good at expressing her feelings, but it's not like she's blackmailing the MC into sex or anything seriously fucked up. I wouldn't even say she's REALLY doing everything you're saying, I believe she's mainly teasing the MC for attention. She's not actually keeping her from the older sister, and she knows that the MC's crush on the older sister isn't going to fade just because of her actions. The way you're describing it sounds like some hardcore NTR to me, which I'm not seeing in this story at all. Especially since this is such an ultimately lighthearted comedy, that's not even meant to be taken that seriously to begin with.

They're also young and have a lot of growing to do, they're teenagers sorting out their feelings and they're going to do some dumb shit, that's youth. As long as the younger sister's character progresses, and she learns that just talking to the MC is a far better method than this silly blackmail, I don't really see any reason to hate her.

Edit: Thinking about it, funnily the MC is honestly the one who has done the most questionable things so far. With the older sister body pillow, wanting to smell the older sister's used towel, so fourth. Again though, it's an absurd comedy so we aren't even meant to take these things seriously. If this were a different kind of series, the MC herself might be some kind of seriously disturbed stalker or possibly Yandere.

While she is obviously teasing a Lot, she is also straight Up blackmailing MC to spend time with her and pushes herself in front of MC everytime MC tries to Hangout with the sister

As for MC, she is just has dirty fantasies which isnt abnormal. a Lot of the things you List about her are cliché crush jokes

joined Feb 21, 2019

Kiss you idiots

joined Feb 21, 2019

This yuri manga feels so hetero. Like it imported every cliche from your avarage romantic comedy manga and just made the MC girl and gave her an actual personality

Have yuri manga before

joined Mar 24, 2015

Poly...?? That'd have incest.......

I actually meant both sisters dating her lol but that might squick some people out anyway.

Oh huh I didn't think of that. Pres doesn't seem super interested though. I think she actually is the Idiot Wingman like someone said up there ahaha. She leaves them alone an awful lot.

joined Sep 16, 2019

I wonder if Nika's deep analysis of Koiko's book is actually her self-inserting herself in Prez's place in Koiko's fantasies

I had that same thought. Like, are those bookmarks really all the times she wrote about being in bed with the Prez, or are they actually just Nika’s favorite parts?

last edited at May 4, 2021 5:53PM

joined May 12, 2020

This yuri manga feels so hetero. Like it imported every cliche from your avarage romantic comedy manga and just made the MC girl and gave her an actual personality

Have yuri manga before

Yes. Please make your point.

joined Jul 6, 2020

I wonder if Nika's deep analysis of Koiko's book is actually her self-inserting herself in Prez's place in Koiko's fantasies

I wouldn’t be surprised tbh

joined Jan 22, 2017

I like how every chapter actually has a little progress going on.

last edited at May 4, 2021 5:42PM

joined Dec 4, 2019

That big wall of text though

joined Sep 1, 2017

Ah man this great, all of the classic first love anime tropes, with no guys in sight. It's yuri at it's cutest.

joined May 7, 2017

This story has a very interesting premise, but the moment the Prez’s sister decided to check on the Pervert, I could see right where this chapter was going, and predictable stories are a huge turn off to me, at this point I believe we’ve seen enough from both MCs, and we needed a little more of the “Prez” because I can’t understand what MC sees on her, but I guess that’s that, fleshing out other characters is not allowed.

joined Nov 9, 2017

This yuri manga feels so hetero. Like it imported every cliche from your avarage romantic comedy manga and just made the MC girl and gave her an actual personality

I don't understand what this means at all. Why does a yuri romcom have to be fundamentally different from a het one? Like obviously there are things unique to same sex relationships that can come up, but in a light-hearted romcom it's not really necessary to address all of those things.

joined Apr 20, 2013

gomezio posted:

This yuri manga feels so hetero. Like it imported every cliche from your avarage romantic comedy manga and just made the MC girl and gave her an actual personality

I don't understand what this means at all. Why does a yuri romcom have to be fundamentally different from a het one? Like obviously there are things unique to same sex relationships that can come up, but in a light-hearted romcom it's not really necessary to address all of those things.

The comment only makes sense when you change the word hetero with cliche or "formulaic", because yes in romance manga you can find situations like this one but it has nothing to do with yuri or het.

last edited at May 4, 2021 8:00PM

joined Feb 13, 2020

MC just flew oh my god

joined Dec 28, 2018

This story has a very interesting premise, but the moment the Prez’s sister decided to check on the Pervert, I could see right where this chapter was going, and predictable stories are a huge turn off to me, at this point I believe we’ve seen enough from both MCs, and we needed a little more of the “Prez” because I can’t understand what MC sees on her, but I guess that’s that, fleshing out other characters is not allowed.

It's a bit early in the story, I think, but I agree that the Prez needs some development. Both to show why the MC likes her so much, and to show off who she is as a character, disconnected from fantasies.

joined Jan 4, 2021

I wish I could adopt Nika

joined Sep 1, 2017

gomezio posted:

This yuri manga feels so hetero. Like it imported every cliche from your avarage romantic comedy manga and just made the MC girl and gave her an actual personality

I don't understand what this means at all. Why does a yuri romcom have to be fundamentally different from a het one? Like obviously there are things unique to same sex relationships that can come up, but in a light-hearted romcom it's not really necessary to address all of those things.

The comment only makes sense when you change the word hetero with cliche or "formulaic", because yes in romance manga you can find situations like this one but it has nothing to do with yuri or het.

Wait aren't all romances formulaic? I mean there is like only a half dozen standard romance plots. When you go to make a romance, you take a plot out of the box, dust it off, dress it up with some new twists, add some fresh characters that will be relatable to your target audience, sprinkle in a spicy setting, heat to a boil then serve with popcorn on date night. That's how the Hallmark channel churns out like a dozen of the damn things a month.

last edited at May 4, 2021 9:29PM

joined Jun 23, 2015

These comments. I really like this story. Kinda insta faved. The prez isn't really a character. She's meant to be a plot device to draw the actual love interests together. The premise is "girl A is obsessed with girl C and through shenanigans, her sister girl B falls in love with her." Girl C (prez) is not important as a character. She doesn't need screentime. The point is for the other girls to fall in love in a unique premise. I don't know why everyone's hating this so much. I think it's cute.

joined Jun 4, 2018

Jeez, I'm rooting for you Nika. Prez always seems to come in at the right/wrong time depending on how you look at it, I'd be totally unsurprised if she was doing it on purpose.

last edited at May 5, 2021 4:01AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

This story has a very interesting premise, but the moment the Prez’s sister decided to check on the Pervert, I could see right where this chapter was going, and predictable stories are a huge turn off to me, at this point I believe we’ve seen enough from both MCs, and we needed a little more of the “Prez” because I can’t understand what MC sees on her, but I guess that’s that, fleshing out other characters is not allowed.

It's a bit early in the story, I think, but I agree that the Prez needs some development. Both to show why the MC likes her so much, and to show off who she is as a character, disconnected from fantasies.

Hard to call chapter 5 of 9 early.

joined Feb 8, 2019


I like this so much! Nika and Koiko are perfect together. I kinda hope Prez stays clueless, I don't want her to start shipping Koiko and Nika.

joined Feb 21, 2019

These comments. I really like this story. Kinda insta faved. The prez isn't really a character. She's meant to be a plot device to draw the actual love interests together. The premise is "girl A is obsessed with girl C and through shenanigans, her sister girl B falls in love with her." Girl C (prez) is not important as a character. She doesn't need screentime. The point is for the other girls to fall in love in a unique premise. I don't know why everyone's hating this so much. I think it's cute.

Right? People really trying to overanalyze comfort food yuri here

joined Mar 5, 2021

they really should just enjoy the manga anyway i wish prez has more screentime I kinda want to see Koiko open more with her degenetate fantasies. I kinda want to this series to go with Prez discovering Nika feelings foe Koiko and try to prevent that from happening as well that way she can have more of an active role rather than just being there this will also lead to Koiko misunderstanding prez making her fall in love more and the series will end with perverts harem end

joined Sep 13, 2018

i kind of think the big sis know the imouto wants the FeMC and that's why she invites her to places with them without knowing the FeMC loves her instead.
Everyone here knows how it's gonna end but the journey to the goal post is a blast right now.

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