hahaha god "Sexiled" was a bad name, and honestly the depiction of men as cartoonishly sexist is one sided, but this was also written by a woman that just wanted to make a fun yuri story about fighting the system. I dont see much of an issue compared to half the edge that gets animated today (Redo's revenge rape justifications in the world of cum powers). Also the country being hyper sexist does get explained later in the novel, basically one guy with a huge inferiority complex against women a long time ago reached a position of power, and proceeded to cope so hard he made up bullshit that was implemented into the system, solely to make women beneath him.
Don't take the whole "men are exaggerated assholes" as a personal attack from the author, the sexism angle is a driving force of why the MC hates everything she has to live with. Theres plenty of starry eyed ideal world occurrences that happen, but is it wrong for this series to have it when the market is completely saturated with seasonal self insert harems?
last edited at Apr 20, 2021 6:29PM