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joined May 1, 2015

The problem is that good ships grow from good source material. Digimon doesn't have good source material. It's mostly kiddy shounen anime with "default heterosexual" couples when there's any pairing at all, and most of the games are heavily gameplay-oriented with little chance to develop interesting characters or relationships. Cyber Sleuth was some of the best food we ever got, and even that was plagued by shoddy localization.

And we still haven't forgotten the awful post-timeskip pairings from Adventure...

joined May 1, 2015

Honestly I just find the plot fundamentally unbelievable. You're telling me someone who can whip up an intelligent, human-passing synthetic with full sapience couldn't get funding from corps? Techbro investors would be dumping money on her faster than you can say "cheap labor." And that's not even getting into the idea that someone smart enough to make a sapient robot would go "oh you're just a robot, let me edit your mind now that you're obsolete."

Just incredibly contrived for the sake of the "disturbing" ending.

joined May 1, 2015

Bit of a mistranslation, in the original Marine says "ore no wawachin PIIII," referring to her hypothetical girlpenis.

joined May 1, 2015

Incredible selection of guest artists, perfectly appropriate.

Afaik the guest artists are usually friends of the author and they arrange it directly, or coworkers and it gets arranged through the publisher. In this case I'm guessing they know each other through their shared interests.

joined May 1, 2015

I see a lot of ships I don't like, and when I do I say nothing and move on, because that's normal. There's nothing wrong with saying "hey this dynamic is toxic" or whatever, but in this case that's literally the whole point, so it feels very weird that you need to say that that's why you don't like this ship. It's like taking a bite of a peanut butter sandwich and saying "I hate the taste of peanuts, this sandwich is not to my tastes." Like, okay??? Why'd you eat the sandwich then, my guy?

More directly, my initial comment was not directed at anyone but the guy who decided to be very brave and sand up for the fans of straight ships, here on this website dedicated to anime lesbians. He's going beyond eating the sandwich, he appears to be trying to live in the walls of the peanut butter factory. If you want to defend the sanctity of straight ships, feel free to do so literally anywhere else on the entire internet. They'll love you. Trying to do it here is a pathetic attempt at trolling that almost demands to be questioned. How badly does your life have to go awry to make a post like that in a place like this?

joined May 1, 2015

How can you possibly go through life being that stupid, man?

joined May 1, 2015

It's almost like fiction isn't reality, which makes it a safe place to indulge in taboo thoughts!

joined May 1, 2015

The worst kind of hypnosis, where she just gets really horny and then they have normal-ass sex. Barely even worth the tag.

joined May 1, 2015

I think we all have a moral obligation to be condescending and dismissive towards the emotionally stunted children who try to propagate moral panics over works of fiction violating even the most tame and vanilla of taboos. It's bad behavior and should be discouraged.

joined May 1, 2015

I can't imagine how constrained and joyless you must be to be unable to enjoy a few years of agegap in your fictional cartoon lesbians.

joined May 1, 2015

debated dropping this series for 5 months because of this chapter

Truly a yuri scanlator, all right

joined May 1, 2015

Now that all the players and streamers are arriving at the elite 4, we're going to see a big uptick in Chiri art.

joined May 1, 2015

Kankan is one of those artists who LOVES deleting their work all the time for no reason. If you like FGO or Bloodborne you might remember some comics about Abigail Williams in Yarnham. Those were also by kankan. Deleted.

joined May 1, 2015

Masina posted:

Should I put in spoilers? I have no idea when the scanlation will be uploaded, but we are now 4 chapters behind.

Don't. At best you're spoiling people who didn't ask (because people being curious will click on black bars), at worst you're misleading them because you misinterpreted something.

Honestly, as a scanlator, I'd loathe people who say "I've read the raws and this is what happens", even when the scanlator is behind, because it's demotivating.

If you really know Japanese, translate and scanlate unreleased series, join a group, whatever. Everyone will thank you.

Here, you're just annoying actual translators.

Incredibly true. People with nothing to do but post half-misunderstood spoilers from manga raws on forums instead of contributing something useful are truly a pox on the community. They damage the motivation of scanlators and enjoyment of readers all for a tiny ego boost leeched off of some barely scraped together ability to understand primary school Japanese. The world would be a better place if they simply stopped posting entirely. Forever.

joined May 1, 2015

Does anyone happen to know which RPG is being referred to in the afterword?

joined May 1, 2015

A massive fuckton of text, indeed. This is insanely high effort for a Madoka doujin about Homura being sad, holy shit.

joined May 1, 2015

Boy I can't wait for this lolicon side plot to end so we can get back to the consenting adult characters.

joined May 1, 2015

BlueDsc posted:

It might be cause I'm fried from work and I've accidentally stayed up much later than I intended to, but did anyone else have kind of a hard time reading some of the dialog?

You'll notice that there's no proofreader in the credit page.

If you think you're up to it, you can always volunteer to be a PR for Windyfall, who sorely lack them obviously.

If this is what a TL looks like before proofreading then I've been greatly underestimating the amount of work proofreaders do. That's more than I can handle.

VAMPEERZ discussion 16 Mar 11:37
joined May 1, 2015

Jesse what the hell are you talking about

joined May 1, 2015

Thirty-six posts in a few hours oh yeah!
I knew the Lolicon + Lots of sex + NSFW combo could do it.

I wonder is this is the first pwp by Itou Hachi?

It's truly the "dead bird, do not eat" of Dynasty.

joined May 1, 2015

This is actually quite cute. I'm enjoying it so far.

joined May 1, 2015

It's a good reminder that anything on the internet can disappear at any time. If you care about it, archive it. Right now.

joined May 1, 2015

That's because it's the same person. They rebranded for some reason. Check the pixiv link.

Not sure what Dynasty's policy is there. Do you maintain the pretense, or acknowledge reality?

Image Comments 25 Oct 22:15
joined May 1, 2015

My little genocidal tyrant can't possibly be this cute.

joined May 1, 2015

Cringe misunderstanding drama wasting pages in a one volume manga.