Forum › Perverted Professor and Android discussion

joined May 18, 2019

This is the alternate reality where Miss Kobayashi never met Tohru and well... gone off the rails a bit

joined Apr 25, 2020

Bad ending ... Or perhaps good?

joined Apr 20, 2013

I think that the little morals she had left were the responsible for programing her like that lol

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Someone get the burlap sacks with the dollar signs on them out, because Neji, you've done it again!

joined Nov 15, 2017

Professor is actually an m, confirmed.

An m who wants aftercare to consist of being breastfed booze.

last edited at Apr 6, 2021 9:58PM

joined Nov 5, 2017

Neji's art style is improving, I can see it

joined Jul 26, 2016

Professor is actually an m, confirmed.

An m who wants aftercare to consist of being breastfed booze.

...are you sure she doesn't just want to die at the hands of her own creation or something? I mean people have done stranger shit...

joined Aug 4, 2018

Takeuchi Naoko was right when she said masochism was the national kink of Japan.

(That, according to her, explained why the Japanese were crazy about schoolgirls in sexified sailor fuku uniforms who dished out oshioki to naughty guys... )

joined Jul 1, 2014

Neji's art style is improving, I can see it

I honestly prefer the more rough edged art style. I very much dislike when artists start to do that popular thin lined super clean industry standard look. It makes all manga start looking the same to me. Gimme your flavor! Gimme your uniqueness!

Yukari Yakumo
joined Nov 24, 2016

And that's what happens when you don't read Asimov

joined Jan 27, 2016

Hope this gets serialized it has great potential

joined Sep 1, 2017

Oh please! My friends and I came up with that idea back in college. We went on step further, and had the left and right ones give different drinks. My choice was Pepsi for the right, and Heineken for the left.

Edit: After seeing a horror movie about clones, my friends and I also cuncluded that a scientist must have sex with their experiments to do proper science.

last edited at Apr 7, 2021 2:34AM

joined Sep 22, 2015

Neji's art style is improving, I can see it

I honestly prefer the more rough edged art style. I very much dislike when artists start to do that popular thin lined super clean industry standard look. It makes all manga start looking the same to me. Gimme your flavor! Gimme your uniqueness!

Well said! I like my fave manga artists cos of their own established style of drawing. While this is good, I think Neiji’s usual messy, draft-y art is great and very distinct.

joined Jan 18, 2016

She's truly a visionary.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Neji's art style is improving, I can see it

I honestly prefer the more rough edged art style. I very much dislike when artists start to do that popular thin lined super clean industry standard look. It makes all manga start looking the same to me. Gimme your flavor! Gimme your uniqueness!

Well said! I like my fave manga artists cos of their own established style of drawing. While this is good, I think Neiji’s usual messy, draft-y art is great and very distinct.

I strongly think this one-shot still looks very uniquely like Neji's art style, and I'd be able to tell whose art it is from a mile away. I don't think using popular techniques ruins an artist's style, or makes it look "all the same". I honestly think it's a weird and possibly toxic take to say it's bad that an artist is improving, trying different techniques, and trying to progress their art in different directions.

joined Mar 22, 2021

The Professor must be really into getting hurt if the Android decided to beat her to a pulp.

joined Dec 18, 2020

"One teat gazpacho soup, the other teat champagne".

joined Aug 1, 2011

And that's what happens when you don't read Asimov

It's worth mentioning that Asimov's stories were largely about how his famous laws don't work, and generally cause problems.

joined Feb 6, 2014

RIP professor.
Serie is ended before started.

joined Aug 10, 2020

thank you for one enjoyable manga neiji

joined May 26, 2020

The Laws of Robotics are canceled, if the builder is a unrepentant pervert.

joined Jul 8, 2019

Press F to pay respects to that poor vintage CRT TV.


its kinda funny cuz "anan" means "your mom" is the most rude and offensive way to say it in my language.

which language?

last edited at Apr 7, 2021 8:52AM

joined May 14, 2017

Not gonna lie, if i make robot one, I'll add that function too

joined Jan 14, 2020

And that's what happens when you don't read Asimov

It's worth mentioning that Asimov's stories were largely about how his famous laws don't work, and generally cause problems.

Mostly because of the First Law. Even the "do not harm" clause is problematic, the "do not allow a human to come to harm" clause is just asking for loads of trouble, and putting them together at the same priority makes it worse.

Someday I'll re-read I, Robot with an eye for how many stories lose their drama if you simply break up the First Law into two different laws, and/or move one clause below the Second Law.

Realistically robots like that would probably have something like the Second Law ("obey your owner") first.

The SF comic Freefall has Asimov-ish robots, with its own takes on them:

joined Apr 2, 2018

Well... Moral of the story:
"Whoever plays with FIRE can end up getting burned".

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