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joined Mar 26, 2014

Maybe she didn't throw out her otaku swag, and just stashed it away. There's no reason to assume the worst


joined Jan 27, 2019

Kind of peeved the NEET removed her nerd posters as part of the cleanup

Yeah. Disposed of her figurines, too. And anything else that seemed in any way 'otaku' or even cute. "I is serious adult."

I'm also disturbed by the shading of the love interest's trousers in the last page. It's shadow, but there shouldn't be much shadow there. Has she wet herself? Is she wearing filthy trousers?

Ex-NEET looks ready to murder.

Stopped clock: heh. Well, it only showed up as part of the spruce-up, so maybe it was never wound/batteried.

Details! The bed got a new cover before the date, blue to pink. The kotatsu cover was green until the last page, now pink; I assume this indicates any time passing to change the cover. The bed had also changed, pink but a different pattern.

i dunno bout you bruh but im just sayin she found something better than those figurines and posters COUGH COUGH

Rankarana Uploader
Sexy Akiba Detectives
joined Feb 8, 2014

woah the GOT7 posters............. this needs a Bad End tag :x

joined Jul 22, 2018


joined Jun 1, 2017

What about those of us who have both anime and kpop posters?
I loved all the little details on this, great storytelling!

joined Aug 31, 2017

Kind of peeved the NEET removed her nerd posters as part of the cleanup

Yeah. Disposed of her figurines, too. And anything else that seemed in any way 'otaku' or even cute. "I is serious adult."

I'm also disturbed by the shading of the love interest's trousers in the last page. It's shadow, but there shouldn't be much shadow there. Has she wet herself? Is she wearing filthy trousers?

Ex-NEET looks ready to murder.

Stopped clock: heh. Well, it only showed up as part of the spruce-up, so maybe it was never wound/batteried.

Details! The bed got a new cover before the date, blue to pink. The kotatsu cover was green until the last page, now pink; I assume this indicates any time passing to change the cover. The bed had also changed, pink but a different pattern.

i dunno bout you bruh but im just sayin she found something better than those figurines and posters COUGH COUGH

yea! now they have a clock

She likes anime and idols and her girlfriend likes kpop xD they are perfect for each other

joined Mar 29, 2015

Truly, a match made in heaven.

joined Jul 12, 2012

LOL deadass this happened to me. Before my girlfriend moved in with me I had reorganized my room and made it look real nice. Tho I had my anime and manga collection out on the bookshelves in display cause I ain't ashamed, plus she's a weeb too. (which btw if you're a weeb like me and have too much anime or manga GET BOOKSHELVES. They're a life saver when it comes to saving space and looking organized) So as she was moving in she also brought her stuff and some of it ended up everwhere as the days progressed because she was still deciding where to put them so at one point when I came back from work it legit looked like the last page.

joined Mar 22, 2019

Is- is that a mini maki on the background or am I going insane

thats what i thought and i think it is

please tell me it is

joined Oct 10, 2018

stay kids

still not over this

joined Jan 16, 2017

That was adorable! That switch at the end was great too!

joined Mar 15, 2015

This is one of my favorite one-shots. Rather than try to tell an entire romance story in a few pages, it shows, rather than tells, conveying a great deal of information in a few pages and no dialogue.

Because the story shows, rather than tells, there's a lot of room for interpretation as to how much the NEET changed her life(wearing the suit implies she got a job or is at least going to interviews), and how much she just did it to impress her girlfriend. The NEET could be shocked that her girlfriend isn't how she first seemed, either- the girlfriend is more well-dressed in the prior pages than she is in the final one(with the exception being their makeout session on Page 4).

joined Jun 11, 2016

i dunno bout you bruh but im just sayin she found something better than those figurines and posters COUGH COUGH

uh fck no? If I have to throw out my figurines and posters to have a lover I would definitely not do that. Those things are fucking expensive ok? And many of them have emotional values to me. "Lover >> Figurines & posters" is dumb and not sth I agree with.

That being said I think she just hid those things away instead of throwing them out.

joined Oct 7, 2017

don't try to deny who you are just for someone you like, if they love you then they'll appreciate your interests too

joined Sep 1, 2021

How did I not notice that the GF put back some books and other things that the NEET got rid of!? Oh good, so it was only packed. The girlfriend's love heart now has a different vibe to me.

Not just the same Switch but vibrant books (manga / LN) were put back in the exact same spots and order. Some other books magically changed colors.

last edited at Aug 8, 2022 2:05AM

joined Apr 24, 2022

very good short oneshot. I like reafding this

joined Jan 14, 2020

How did I not notice that the GF put back some books and other things that the NEET got rid of!?

Or the GF just has overlapping tastes.

Also, doesn't look like most of the books changed at all, though GF added some. Big change was girl posters + mess -> clean -> boy band posters + mess

last edited at Aug 9, 2022 6:17PM

joined Jun 8, 2020

F that´s actually a bad change

joined Sep 28, 2020

not the otaku x kpop stan love story,,,,

and me getting most references from both the otaku AND kpop side.....just says so much about me :')

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

They say a picture tells a thousand words. So I guess this told many thousands. I liked this, it was a bit coming of age, I am happy for them.

joined Jun 15, 2021

joined Apr 19, 2012

not the otaku x kpop stan love story,,,,

a tale as old as time...

joined Jun 20, 2017

I mean...there's a reason they fell in love, right?
But seriously, finding someone like this has been a dream for me

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