Lol what are the chances of having a loud lesbian couple on both sides of your apartment?
no, seriously, what are those odds? bc if there high im packin up and gettin myself my own place asap lol
For a lesbian couple on both sides who both live in the apartment building and are listed as doing such... well.
According to the national multifamily housing council, which I've just learned is actually a thing, 20% of apartment households are married (11% without children, 9% with), and 'other households' (not 'singles' w/wo children) make up 18% of the apartment households.
Therefore, if they were all women, and lesbians, and sharing their rooms with one other woman who happens to have loud sex with them on the nightly, your chances of having 2 pairs of such neighbors in your apartment complex would be a staggering 19% chance! (because only 54% of rental residents live in rental units of 2 or more, and you would need at least 3 to have a chance at being surrounded by lesbians with a statistically unlikely prevalence for nightly workouts... now your odds DO regardless increase for the better with every additional apartment in your block, but there is no way I'm going to be the one who figures each of those out).
Unfortunately, the statistical likelihood is that about 50% of those possible women are actually men. Bummer, but hey, 9% is awfully swell! Now, something like 3.5% of the united states population identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, but the transgendered probably don't matter for this since gender identity is not a sexuality so that's 5% gone, and the gay men are rightly out, so that takes 36% of more. Bisexuals make up around 40% of the LGBT population, and that's 1 man for every 3 women, so we get to keep 30% of them, and 19% all-american lesbians! All in all, we're looking at 50% of 3.5% of 9%!
0.1575%.... that are of at least half-lesbian persuasion and living in the same household 'togetherly'... probably. Doesn't sound like much on the surface, but that would leave a whole 515,025 lesbian couples renting together in apartment complexes in the united states! A whole million and 30K lesbians living together! That's more than the population of Alaska!
I'm sorry to say, though, that luck isn't totally with us even here, which itself was pretty optimistic. 40.4% of women are medically obese, which is to say that a lively sex life probably isn't on the table (or on the bed, honestly)... and that percentage is actually higher for lesbians, but I do so adore being optimistic, 0.0636%, leaving us with only 208,070 lesbian couples who are statistically more likely to engage in the world of passion on a relatively frequent basis.
Until birth control hormones get into it, and dead fish syndrome which could happen to just about any demographic (gotta keep a few quiet ones in our genes for when the friendly neighborhood saber-toothed tiger comes lurking, but personally, I'm more with the bonobos), and god forbid the famed if-dreaded 'lesbian bed-death'.
TLDR: optimistically for a live-in lesbian pair living beside you in an apartment who like having sex with each other: 0.0636%, acted upon by how many '2-4' unit complexes rest with '2', and how many more than '3' units you have (won't mean they're 'on both sides' of your apartment, but hey, in the building may well be good enough if you've got a real screamer on your hands... to say nothing of across the street. (Please be very aware, this is the optimistic stat, as this is the case for '1' pair of lesbian neighbors.... whereas for 2... AND gods forbid you and your lesbian lover rented the middle room (unknowingly)... you would potentially need to at least cube that number, which would bring you all the way down to 2.57259e-10, which basically just means my calculator just gave up on us, AKA: 0.0000000257259% (one in tens of billions. Obviously it's a lot easier if you're alone, only having to square the number for the pairs of lesbians beside you (and then play with bedroom placement), but there is no way I'm going to travel through the myriad questions it brings to being in the middle room that are dependent on way too many factors as even when if I give up every other factor than you existing as a human being of any persuasion in the room between two pairs of lesbians... you're still at 1 in some millions territory.
PS: far far easier (more likely to find success) to find a gal you like, and keep yourself (and neighbors) up all night to your own schedule. Something like 1.5% of the population swings your general direction, 23 and a half times more likely than encountering delightful neighborhood yuri FROM THE OPTIMISTIC equation of being satisfied with one lesbian pair around. Obviously self-selecting applies, go to college and your rates just soar.