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joined Apr 28, 2020

Caring is sharing, I am hoping for a polygamous relationship route.

joined Nov 12, 2020


joined Aug 7, 2017

jintor posted:

Page 5 is missing.

Thanks, fixed

You're welcome. I assume page 2 was not included because it's a blank page?

joined Jun 6, 2013

Waaaa- I always thought this manga shared Nakano between them "equally". Like- Nagisa was more assertive when it came to the more physical actions and Sakurako showed her love through dates and stuff. Sakurako even said that Nagisa was more "carnivorous" than her in one of the earlier chapters, so I thought it was understandable.

Also where did Nakano's college friend go? lmao-

Exactly. This is why I'm so confused that Nagisa is so self-conscious about Sakurako being in the lead. To me it felt like she's been in the lead this whole time.

last edited at Jan 17, 2021 3:50PM

joined Aug 12, 2019

Whoa fishies

mood for what's going on

joined Aug 19, 2019

Whoa fishies

Fishies are cool.

I initially wasn’t crazy about this one because I didn’t like the art and I thought it was essentially just a one-joke manga. I have to say that the recent romantic vibes from this are making it one of my current favorites. Though I still feel a bit like Nagisa and Sakurako are forcing themselves on Nakano, I feel like Nakano is at least starting to think about her sexuality and is definitely becoming consciously aware of what’s going on and is still choosing to be part of it.

It bothers me when I read something in which the protagonist is “accidentally gay” because of the situation. I’d much rather read something in which the protagonist is gay and the situation helps them realize that, and that’s where I feel like this story is going.

last edited at Jan 19, 2021 9:24AM by

joined Sep 6, 2018

Ah shit, poor Nagisa.

I’d much rather read something in which the protagonist is gay and the situation helps them realize that, and that’s where I feel like this story is going.

Yeah, I’m really getting a sort of repressed lesbian vibe from out little dork here, particularly the, “only people who are dating should do that,” thing. It feels like a mantra of repression.

... so, they should start dating!

last edited at Jan 18, 2021 9:18PM

joined Mar 4, 2018


joined Mar 20, 2017

Yes, horny is the way!

joined Jan 4, 2021

Don't worry. Be horny

Don't worry. Be horny

“Aggressively” horny!

joined Aug 12, 2019

Don't worry. Be horny

“Aggressively” horny!

the horny is strong in this one

joined Jan 9, 2017

Im pretty sure Nagisa is being dificult because she wants Sakurako

She got upset over neighbors girlfriend thinking Sakurako and nakano was a good fit
I think Nagisa is trying to make Sakurako jealous the same way she herself is jealous

joined Jun 27, 2018

Flawless Logic

joined Jun 6, 2013

Interesting that some people think Nagisa is into Sakurako, and Sakurako is into Nakano. Not sure how they came to that conclusion, but my mind is a sieve, and I read a lot of lesbian manga on here so.

joined Nov 14, 2014

Wow she's getting the hang of taming them. xD

joined Mar 19, 2020

Interesting that some people think Nagisa is into Sakurako, and Sakurako is into Nakano. Not sure how they came to that conclusion, but my mind is a sieve, and I read a lot of lesbian manga on here so.

Wait you don’t think sakurako is into nakano?

joined Mar 19, 2020

What was up with sakurako’s face on pg 28/4?

Of the newest chapter like

last edited at Jan 25, 2021 8:22PM

joined Dec 16, 2017

Wow she's getting the hang of taming them. xD

Talk about putting your head in the lioness' proverbial mouth...

joined Aug 19, 2019

Huge Brain

joined Jan 4, 2021

Interesting that some people think Nagisa is into Sakurako, and Sakurako is into Nakano. Not sure how they came to that conclusion, but my mind is a sieve, and I read a lot of lesbian manga on here so.

Ehh, I can't really blame people for believing that Nagisa likes Sakurako. It kinda gives off that vibe that the feeling she's getting is possibly more than just your typical FwB, though we'll have to wait until it gets translated (or if we learn how to read japanese lol). I do think that Nagisa likes Nakano though, especially after ch 17

last edited at Jan 26, 2021 8:49PM

joined Jan 31, 2021

Poor Nakano...I can't get my mind off thinking that they're just using her to get rid of their feelings to their previous lovers.

joined Aug 8, 2020

Its gonna hurt so bad if they dont end up being poly.

joined Jan 9, 2017

Dangit nagisa

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