‹softly› Uwaaah...
They just do not come scummier than this guy.
For 16 years he has been mooching off Sayaka, spending her money on fun and games and bitches... and when she tells him it's over, his first reaction is: "Oh noes, there goes my easy life! I can't let this happen, where am I gonna find another money tree if she dumps me?"
Comparing him to scum, scum is prolly offended.
I can imagine one varient scummier than him - all of the same things as him + being abusive.
Had he ever hit Sayaka, or (God help him) Yuuki, he wouldn't be scummier, he would be dead.
Dunno if at the hands of Sayaka or Sumika or Yuuki, but, as sure as night follows day, he would be dead.