I don't know when the last part will be posted on here, so I might as well just write my thoughts on it and the rest of the volume.
It's nice to see that Adachi eventually regains her chill, to some extent. It also sounds like she's not quite as closed off as she used to be. It's a little sad that she never really connects with her parents, but that's to be expected. Some things about their situation in the future are left vague, like their physical intimacy and whether Shimamura's family knows, which I actually appreciate.
I found the side characters to be completely inoffensive this volume, despite what some people think about Yashiro's antics. Her involvement was really amusing this time around, and it's not like she derailed the story. It even led to Shimamura being (politely) assertive about getting a little space from Adachi, which I'd like to see more of.
It was funny how long it took Shimamura to realize what was going on with Adachi in the onsen. She even checks her out a bit without thinking anything of it. I like how calm and calculating her thought process can be even in an embarrassing situation. The whole conversation with Pancho was gold and I hope she comes up from time to time going forward, similar to the scammer with a gaydar, I mean fortune teller. Having also read the first of the Saeki Sayaka novels, I wonder if Hitoma Iruma is recently making an effort to write explicitly lesbian characters rather than the common "gender doesn't matter" or "only because it's you" kinds of yuri love.
I wonder exactly how Adachi will deal with Shimamura meeting with Tarumi. I can't see Shima keeping it a secret at this point. One way or another, I think Adachi would probably end up coming along and trying to rub their relationship in Tarumi's face. I really hope Tarumi finds someone, though. Maybe the girl who used to crush on Adachi? That would be ironic.
Anyway, I really enjoy the couple's dynamics and how they're evolving. Shimamura gets a lot of fun out of teasing Adachi, but even she's shown to have insecurities and wants Adachi to think she's cool. I do think it would be interesting to see them get in a major fight at some point, which wouldn't be surprising if it happened in the next volume.