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joined May 27, 2019

Well, this can only lead to healthy decisions!

joined Feb 14, 2019

I kinda worried about all the posts that are hard on Kaoru for being demanding/needy/weak. It isn't selfish to ask for help if you need it, and Kaoru doesn't have many people to turn to. She isn't close to her friends and Reiichi and Uta are the only family she has left. She's always tried to go to Reiichi first, and has generally been disappointed.

"don't want to be a burden" is the sort of reasoning you see in suicide notes.

When you are drowning isn't the right time to start shopping around for swimming lessons - you take what help you can get, lessons in self-reliance are for when the crisis is over.

Kaoru hasn't tried to monopolise Uta's time, she hasn't been jealous or demanding, she hasn't taken anything Uta wasn't willing to give. She even managed to give her space for months, and stopped herself she she finally did succumb to the urge to call.

Of course it does place a bit of a burden on Uta knowing Kaoru relies on her, but she's been doing it (happily) for years so it isn't really outside her comfort zone. Kaoru hasn't been leaning heavily: she hasn't asked Uta to solve her problems, for the most part she hasn't even told her about them (only the vaguest references to cracks in her marriage). She has just looked for company when she is lonely, the occasional hug, and when things are bad, a shoulder to cry on.

It is a two way street - Kaoru and Reiichi took Uta in when things were bad with her parents. It isn't always fair or perfectly balanced but families (and friends) take care of each other.

joined Sep 13, 2018

I knew it was going to end up with something like this i even think the guy doesnt love her and said all that out of the blue to save her , now he regrets what he did and cheats on her with the girl he truly loved.

Still , i dont see a way out of that nightmare being saved by uta-

joined Sep 13, 2018

I knew it was going to end up with something like this i even think the guy doesnt love her and said all that out of the blue to save her , now he regrets what he did and cheats on her with the girl he truly loved.

Still , i dont see a way out of that nightmare being saved by uta-

joined Aug 19, 2019

Damn all I wanted to see was the two main characters fuck but ended up getting involved in the story, the angst sure is real in this one...

joined Aug 19, 2019

I kinda worried about all the posts that are hard on Kaoru for being demanding/needy/weak. It isn't selfish to ask for help if you need it, and Kaoru doesn't have many people to turn to. She isn't close to her friends and Reiichi and Uta are the only family she has left. She's always tried to go to Reiichi first, and has generally been disappointed

Right? its like people expect these characters to to act a certain way in these types of situations lol, when its really not that easy being in that type of situation specially since they're young Japanese woman and quite different from us already, of course some of their actions have been dumb but come on.

joined Nov 13, 2018

I mean we still don’t know what exactly what was going on with Risako and Reichii when Kaoru had her injury. The obvious conclusion would be Reichii cheating but we don’t actually know.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm almost certain Pekoe told everyone to stop talking about the scanlation drama... maybe it was a hallucination.

I've been agreeing with your posts on this for the most part (saving me the effort of making a lot of points). That Uta hasn't really "reversed"; letting go of her feelings wasn't ever something she wanted, it was something she thought she ought to do, and now she has revised that. Self discovery is a big part of being a teenager.

In the case of the "auto-complete melodrama" though, so far we haven't seen any sign of Kaoru doing any sort of premeditated manipulation (not even subconsciously), she does occasionally succumb to selfish impulses, like wanting things to stay the same, but not plans like trying to trap Uta or lying to her.
She made one hang-up call, and Uta came running, so she has no reason to be insecure about Uta's devotion. Every time she as asked for support Uta has come though (and many times she didn't even need to ask), contrast all the times she has reached out to Reiichi and been turned down.

I think it is more likely to be another impulse thing - eg she is so relieved/grateful to Uta that she tries to "give her what she wants" in thanks, rather than as some effort to control her. Uta's next step to maturity may well be to see that happening, and gently tell her she doesn't have to anything in return, that she is there for Kaoru because she wants to be.

Now to be fair, I said it was a gut feeling. They are often right, but they aren't exactly accurate either. I'm just saying it feels like that kind of plot point is now "accessible" if that makes any sense. Before this point I also never felt that Kaoru had any need to do something like that. Her "selfishness" and desire to cling to normalcy and happiness has never been outward towards people. She has never actively tried to hold it together beyond some meek attempts to keep Uta with them using reasonable arguments. She mostly indirectly makes people want to care for her... I suppose.

The melodrama stuff is just an exaggeration, that's why I said I hate my brain for doing it. My actual prediction was just that Kaoru will do something that traps Uta again, in whatever way that may be. Now is the time for serious development and change. This could also mean she confesses that she suspects Reiichi cheating or any other secret, because right now her mental state has deteriorated to a dangerous degree. She can do anything out of emotional affect.

The other option, which I am also not fond of is... another evasion. Uta takes care of Kaoru and they don't do anything that crosses a line. Uta's feelings are reinvigorated of course and she wants to protect Kaoru, which will still cause change, but the developments will be minimal beyond that. This is how the manga has mostly operated until now, so falling back into that pace is not entirely impossible. Instead of taking 3 steps, it would just take 1, but alas, that's drama for you.

last edited at Apr 11, 2020 8:37AM

joined Jan 24, 2018

I think after time apart Uta is ready to be around the one she loves without return (nice growth Uta) but Kaoru needs someone to love her and be there for her and doesn't have that in Reichi to an extent (I feel like its been like that for those 2 since the beginning) diving into my 5th re-read (re-read last year sometime before all the flashback chapters I think) to refresh on the details, lord have mercy! With some recent background on Kaoru (thanks to all them flash backs! I was mad but its crucial to the story) it might be more interesting this time. I hope that last page about the 'incoming' is fact!

joined Mar 28, 2015

We have two constants: Uta and Kaoru, who we can peek in the mind of. They have relatively clear motivations and feelings. Uta loves Kaoru. Kaoru is afraid to be alone/abandoned.

Then, we have two variables: Reiichi and Risako, who we don't really know what they think, what is their motives or real feelings.

The author has given very few hints about these two, so we are reduced to conjectures, but these two have a definite impact on how this story will end.

I can't tell if withholding information about these two is a smart move or a bad move of the author. It frustrates the readers, but it makes the plot less predictable.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

It's a smart move, because we can't even tell if they act in character or not, because we don't know enough about them, so even if the whole plot makes no sense and people would immediately realize it after re-reading finished series, right now we don't have enough information to conclude anything, so author is safe and can write whatever they want without anyone being able to call them out on being inconsistent etc. and all criticism can be easily dismissed by "it'll be explained later" or "it'll make sense eventually". Unless everything comes together perfectly at the end (which I don't believe will happen) it's perfect formula to make a interesting story in the moment, but that fails apart as soon as you actually have to tie it all together (Lost and other similar series are perfect examples of that).

joined Aug 26, 2018

Unless everything comes together perfectly at the end (which I don't believe will happen) it's perfect formula to make a interesting story in the moment, but that fails apart as soon as you actually have to tie it all together (Lost and other similar series are perfect examples of that).

I think we can see that it's not that kind of completely unplanned failure at all. Many things have already been tied together pretty seamlessly. The Kaoru flashbacks have been quite helpful at giving context and establishing some motivations at least.
We know a lot more about Risako now than we did in the first half of the manga and she moved from a vague antagonist to someone with layers who might not even be antagonistic at all. Reiichi himself is not that deep. I don't think there is much more than meets the eye. The only things we dont know about him are what he is doing behind Kaoru's back and how much of what's going on around him he actually notices. He seemed somewhat perceptive when Uta was still around, but tried his best to stay out of it.

We have too much framework for those details to actually uproot the entire thing like Lost did. There aren't constant new mysteries thrown our way. There was a very finite amount of things we didn't know and half of them are now revealed. The actions of the protagonists are what moves (or halts) the plot. To Uta it might not even matter what Risako and Reiichi are doing, only what Kaoru wants. Kaoru is already disillusioned and through recovering her memories faced her biggest fears she's been avoiding. Now she is so broken down that she can only build up from here.

last edited at Apr 11, 2020 9:00AM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

an_android posted:

  • Uta and Reichii's mom is a doctor. The doctor who was with Kaoru's mom in the hospital is Uta and Reichii's mom (this completely went over my head when I read it the first time)

  • Kaoru's mom and her hospitalization have something to do with Uta and Reichii's mom leaving her family. This also caused Uta's mom to lose her medical license in Japan.

That's something I always remembered about, cos it was mentioned as a important plot point pretty early on, but never explained. People kept saying we'll obviously get the flashback explaining it eventually. That's why I'm so angry we finally got those promised flashbacks and they still don't mention it at all. I guess we need to wait another 20 chapters for another flashback that'll finally explain it.

an_android posted:

I mean we still don’t know what exactly what was going on with Risako and Reichii when Kaoru had her injury. The obvious conclusion would be Reichii cheating but we don’t actually know.

That's another huge plot point introduce relatively early on, that still affect all characters and was never explained. I'm honestly amazed how patiently people are willing to wait for those crucial plot points to be finally graciously revealed by author.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm honestly amazed how patiently people are willing to wait for those crucial plot points to be finally graciously revealed by author.

You may get the usual lecture informing you about "suspense" in stories, etc., as if you had never heard of such things before.

The things you mention are among the several issues that were introduced early on that were then withheld or ignored for no particular reason or benefit to the story that I can see, things which I was (and am) legitimately interested in knowing more about.

For example, we're told up front that Uta was a cheerful child (and later in flashbacks we see her being that way with Kaoru), but then she "went though a lot of hardships" at home before moving in with her brother and sister-in-law. This explains why, when we first meet her, Uta is generally repressed and prone to what Kaoru calls "fake smiles." (Kuro also gets pissed at Uta for pretending she's happy when she's not.)

We have since seen that her parents are, basically, a couple of unfeeling pricks. Were they always this way? If so, why was Uta a happy, cheerful kid until relatively recently? Or did something happen, perhaps related to whatever bad happened regarding Kaoru's mother, that alienated them and caused them to ignore Uta? Were the "hardships" simply having to live with asshole parents who then broke up, or did something happen that was more specific to Uta herself?

In fact, have we ever seen a flashback of Reiichi and Uta interacting when they both were younger and lived with their parents?

I'm sure with enough reader-applied spackle such seams and holes can be patched over, but I would really like to see the author explain things rather than having readers explain them away.

last edited at Apr 11, 2020 10:10AM

joined Mar 23, 2019

Karou's behavior is making more and more sense. Her crush on an idealized fantasy of Reiichi when she was a teen wasn't too much of a stretch considering how lonely she was, but the question was why she didn't grow out of it. Now we see why, she had more or less moved on, but when she was imploding trying to handle adult life alone and the loss of her mother, Reiichi stepped directly into the fantasy role, right down to promising to always be there for her, he led her on, it wasn't all in her head.
(as usual Uta beat him to it, with better follow though)

She was "saved" by her relationship to Reiichi, now she is realising that it wasn't real, and it hurts.

Oh... I didn't pick this up on the first read of chapter 31. I completely agree with this!

joined Feb 17, 2013

^^We know Uta's mom lost her medical license right, probably something to do with her treatment of Kaoru's mom and keeping it secret, or maybe she did other stuff against the rules to help her / stop her suffering? And the family fell apart after she got sacked and / or because of what she did?

last edited at Apr 11, 2020 10:22AM

joined Jul 26, 2019

At the very end of the chapter when kaoru falls into the arms of uta, the author gives the impression that we are back to square one.
But in fact I think it looks more like a new beginning, between kaoru and uta, given what they have gone through since the beginning of the story.
It was sure that the story was not going to end with uta and kaoru rebuilding their lives away from each other...

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

elevown posted:

^^We know Uta's mom lost her medical license right, probably something to do with her treatment of Kaoru's mom and keeping it secret, or maybe she did other stuff against the rules to help her / stop her suffering? And the family fell apart after she got sacked and / or because of what she did?

And that's my entire issue with this story. All you can say for certain is that Uta's mom lost her medical license. Everything else is pure speculations. And entire story is like that. We're 31 chapters in and things we speculated about since chapter 1 never become any more clearer and in fact feel more contradictory than ever.

joined Oct 23, 2016

Other translating groups should feel free to translate this project without feeling guilty. Especially if they feel passionate of the story. There is no reason why Chaosteam should feel entitled in keeping this series to themselves and other groups shouldn't feel intimidated.

I never really understood that kind of mindset either. Why should a fan translation group feel it has a claim of ownership over a title. Certainly I understand that it would be frustrating to put time and effort into something only to have someone else release it before you. However if a group can't keep up with regular updates then I see no reason why other groups shouldn't be allowed to step in and get it done.

Anyway, the thing is resolved and for having personally discuting with PirahnaPlant itself, they said they will stop translating it if ChaosTeam is willing to continue to work on it. So everything is up to ChaosTeam now.

Lol what
Little shit who worked on the chapter ( aka team members) lashed at us in our Facebook page lol
And they still want to keep translating which is fine by me . As long as is not posted here on Dynasty cause we have all the other chapters under our name

I will just quote the answer of PirahnaPlant

If Chaosteam is going to translate future chapters, we will not. I do not intend to fight them over it. If they aren't going to translate them, then we will gladly do it.

You're the one here being not reasonable. There is a reason to be mad yes but there was no reason to act all childish like that. I believe you're all grown adult so i kinda expected to act like one and not like a child throwing a tantrum.

Edit : And yes i actually made the extra mile to ask Pirahna about the matter since someone did not wanted to.

The one who typeset the chapter was just attacking us on our page an hour ago
I just deleted the comments
I'm not being childish, they're being rude by lashing on us on our Facebook page and making everyone attacking us for the delays
They are free to translate it by all means as long as if they don't post it here

You see what we mean? You keep saying fans are unreasonably angry. How? Yes you guys admitted to liking Citrus most and place it above and beyond anything else, which again, the fans of My unrequited love that were pissed off understood. They just wanted you guys to stop bullshitting them because while you guys constantly kept saying you were to busy for the chapters of MUF, you kept releasing chapter of Citrus plus, and the yuzutop...crap, you guys like to do, which honestly got old real quick, your likes are proof of that.
Some fans of your FB page do not like Citrus, and stuck around for other projects, one of them being MUF, so when you start giving a series more attention and not the other, yeah fans have the right to complain, critique even if its harsh, and get angry. Especially when you guys are clearly showing favortism, which again is not wrong. What the problem was was that you were lying to your community. That was why many if not most MUF fans got angry.
I recently went to your page and only saw one angry comment, where did the rest go? I will tell you, you guys block/kick out people simply because they do not agree with your opinions, antics, and general absurd way of thinking what you guys did to the MUF fans was right. How do I know? I was blocked/kicked out a long time ago for speaking my mind on how you guys work. You guys cannot take critism and act like babies when facing it.
Lastly, you guys do not have the right to claim an entire website as your own to be a place to upload this series. I have seen countless of mangas being translated by two to three groups on the same site and no one gives anyone difficulty. Maybe because these groups are actual mature hard working adults, unlike you spoiled children.

last edited at Apr 11, 2020 10:47AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

In fact, have we ever seen a flashback of Reiichi and Uta interacting when they both were younger and lived with their parents?

We did early on.

We're 31 chapters in and things we speculated about since chapter 1 never become any more clearer and in fact feel more contradictory than ever.

More contradictory how? I think you are overreaching to make your point.

joined Mar 23, 2019

^^We know Uta's mom lost her medical license right, probably something to do with her treatment of Kaoru's mom and keeping it secret, or maybe she did other stuff against the rules to help her / stop her suffering? And the family fell apart after she got sacked and / or because of what she did?

I think the doctor was in-love with the patient. I vaguely remember Kaoru mentioning her father vanishing suddenly while taking care of the family. Uta's mother's love goes unrequited thus the emotionally dead inside while raising the children?

last edited at Apr 11, 2020 10:55AM

joined Dec 26, 2014

Other translating groups should feel free to translate this project without feeling guilty. Especially if they feel passionate of the story. There is no reason why Chaosteam should feel entitled in keeping this series to themselves and other groups shouldn't feel intimidated.

I never really understood that kind of mindset either. Why should a fan translation group feel it has a claim of ownership over a title. Certainly I understand that it would be frustrating to put time and effort into something only to have someone else release it before you. However if a group can't keep up with regular updates then I see no reason why other groups shouldn't be allowed to step in and get it done.

Anyway, the thing is resolved and for having personally discuting with PirahnaPlant itself, they said they will stop translating it if ChaosTeam is willing to continue to work on it. So everything is up to ChaosTeam now.

Lol what
Little shit who worked on the chapter ( aka team members) lashed at us in our Facebook page lol
And they still want to keep translating which is fine by me . As long as is not posted here on Dynasty cause we have all the other chapters under our name

I will just quote the answer of PirahnaPlant

If Chaosteam is going to translate future chapters, we will not. I do not intend to fight them over it. If they aren't going to translate them, then we will gladly do it.

You're the one here being not reasonable. There is a reason to be mad yes but there was no reason to act all childish like that. I believe you're all grown adult so i kinda expected to act like one and not like a child throwing a tantrum.

Edit : And yes i actually made the extra mile to ask Pirahna about the matter since someone did not wanted to.

The one who typeset the chapter was just attacking us on our page an hour ago
I just deleted the comments
I'm not being childish, they're being rude by lashing on us on our Facebook page and making everyone attacking us for the delays
They are free to translate it by all means as long as if they don't post it here

You see what we mean? You keep saying fans are unreasonably angry. How? Yes you guys admitted to liking Citrus most and place it above and beyond anything else, which again, the fans of My unrequited love that were pissed off understood. They just wanted you guys to stop bullshitting them because while you guys constantly kept saying you were to busy for the chapters of MUF, you kept releasing chapter of Citrus plus, and the yuzutop...crap, you guys like to do, which honestly got old real quick, your likes are proof of that.
Some fans of your FB page do not like Citrus, and stuck around for other projects, one of them being MUF, so when you start giving a series more attention and not the other, yeah fans have the right to complain, critique even if its harsh, and get angry. Especially when you guys are clearly showing favortism, which again is not wrong. What the problem was was that you were lying to your community. That was why many if not most MUF fans got angry.
I recently went to your page and only saw one angry comment, where did the rest go? I will tell you, you guys block/kick out people simply because they do not agree with your opinions, antics, and general absurd way of thinking what you guys did to the MUF fans was right. How do I know? I was blocked/kicked out a long time ago for speaking my mind on how you guys work. You guys cannot take critism and act like babies when facing it.
Lastly, you guys do not have the right to claim an entire website as your own to be a place to upload this series. I have seen countless of mangas being translated by two to three groups on the same site and no one gives anyone difficulty. Maybe because these groups are actual mature hard working adults, unlike you spoiled children.

I'm not even gonna talk about favoritism or citrus
We only kick rude people out cause we hate bad vibes so if you got kicked out you were probably unfair or really rude like you are now
As for the yuzutop crap I only do it for fun and it only takes 10 minutes so actually no effort to it like a real translation chapter
We contacted the other team, we're ok with them keep translating it but not ok with the dynasty uploads since we're on this title since chapter one

joined Dec 26, 2014

Also let me talk a little bit about my unrequited love. I'm the only one on the team who doesn't like this manga, honestly I don't even read it since I find it blunt and boring. My dislike for this manga doesn't represent the rest of the CT members and honestly I hope and pray it ends soon so all this drama the fans and us created can stop . Honestly never in my life have I seen such hate over a translating team. We are the ones at fault for trying to update the fans about out progress which didn't always went as we wanted so we just had to ask for more patience since mul is clearly more complicated to translate than citrus

joined Jun 25, 2019

Honestly never in my life have I seen such hate over a translating team

Sure someone don't know about the SSSSS team

joined Dec 26, 2014

Honestly never in my life have I seen such hate over a translating team

Sure someone don't know about the SSSSS team

Who dat

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