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GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

That's why you do your own damn mail, stop making fun of the postal service and buy some stamps.

joined Jun 6, 2014

I beg of you all...don't bash the manga itself. Just because it's not all cutes n' roses doesn't mean it's bad. Yeah, the characters have had some fucked up shit happen to them.

Reason of why I bash the manga is because the drama is all over the place, story and pacing feels really disjointed due to this, said it before: Like a bunch of one-shots sloppily stapled together. Drama also played off way too high up it's own ass to such extent that it makes it ridiculous and hilarious to me. (A neatly tied ending will not make me ignore a terrible execution, it will not fix all these issues for me)

I tried to get into it, after a few /facedesk's I was not able to do so. Guess this is where I drop this.

That's fair...the drama is sloppy and there are parts that no ending would fix. I can respect a valid reason like that. I just don't want people to bash it for the character development itself.

That's why you do your own damn mail, stop making fun of the postal service and buy some stamps.

Metaphors, ho.

joined Aug 17, 2013

Kind of messy, I don't completely understand what's happening, but I absolutely love Mikage as a character so I'm continuing just for her.

joined Jun 27, 2014

Whoa ..... That last chapter was some dark form of love.

joined Apr 8, 2014

Lol she got it backwards that was such a fucked up love confession. Never ever tomoe would be nice to her after that lol . This is such a lel for me! Also, tomoe's sister is freaking confused and is messed up by looks of this story.

joined Sep 22, 2013

Well that went a different direction than I was expecting... read it last night before sleep... still baffled in the morning... need to work on my own stuff and not worry over this. Still want to know where this is going...

joined Sep 20, 2014

Well that went a different direction than I was expecting... read it last night before sleep... still baffled in the morning... need to work on my own stuff and not worry over this. Still want to know where this is going...

Just finished reading it, just about to go to bed, so I wholeheartedly understand what you went through... just hope this won't leave me all hot and bothered tomorrow, too. It was some huge twist though, so yeah, think I won't have any luck there.

And from what I am reading from other comments, yeah, this manga really is all over the place and its drama is pretty well exaggerated but I enjoy the relationships and the interpersonal turmoil, especially because of their, somewhat artsy, ambiguous nature (I mean what the bloody hell is going on with the father...).
If this was done by the author on purpose or not I can't tell since she hasn't released another story yet, which I, however, very much do hope for.

Well, taa for now fellow lily-lovers, I'm going to bed!

joined Feb 15, 2013

I am the only one LOVING this? And i'm not even a big fan of drama....

Could it be... i have something on yandere...?

Wait, so on previous chapter, If i understand correctly.... Tomoe has a change of heart and decide to go to a university near home instead to not leave Mikage alone. And Kujou realised that and not hand in her application, forcing her to go to an univeristy outside of prefecture instead...? (cause only that school has "yesterday" as deadline, is it?)

if that's so, there is something really wrong with Tomoe, that could arouse both her meek sister and her Nadeshico girl friend into such a sadist yandere.

And it seems Mikage have a similar look to mom. And her slightly creepy dad put a real strange eyes on her, face, skirt region, collar bone (or worse the spot where he could rip her clothes off from, skirt, collar, etc) . He may see see his dead wife inside his daughter. Could be why Tomoe react like that in the first place and give Mikage the idea of loving her sister like that

last edited at Sep 25, 2014 9:29PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

I am the only one LOVING this? And i'm not even a big fan of drama....

no my friend, you are not. I wanted to fling my tablet after reading the last few pages, but then it got me thinking, this last chapter accomplished 3 things:

1) we've been given more info into Mikage and Tomoe's family dynamics, 2) Tomoe's feelings for her sister "appear" to be leaning towards romantic, and 3) both sisters have been confessed to with very different results. And as a bonus 4) if we've all learned anything from this chapter, and to quote Gendolkari, " That's why you do your own damn mail, stop making fun of the postal service and buy some stamps " to which I say, right on!

On a different note, I beg three questions: 1) given the interaction between Mikage and her father, I wonder if he actually "did" anything to/with Mikage, Tomoe on the other hand has held a grudge against dad because she "thinks" he did something to Mikage; and 2) Tomoe looks like the dad. for that reason, if Mikage really "loves" Tomoe, did Tomoe's looks play a role in that attraction? and if it did, again I beg the question, does Mikage really "love" Tomoe, or is she conflating romantic love with familial love because Tomoe is being seen as a replacement for the father? 3) I'm having quite a hard time understanding where Tomoe's "feelings" for her sister originated. If she too has romantic feelings, did they manifest because Mikage constantly did and said things that implied I like you/I love you? if not, from where? (Personally, I still think her feelings are not romantic and are a result of the poor family structure)

I'm still in "wait and see" mode, but I keep thinking I'm missing something. Thoughts people?

last edited at Sep 26, 2014 1:33AM

joined Feb 11, 2013

I- Wh- Th- just... wtf?

joined Mar 30, 2012

Very wtf but I'm enjoying it somehow. Usually don't like drama tags but this keeps on twisting and makes me want to see where it ends.

last edited at Sep 26, 2014 3:57AM

joined Feb 15, 2013

2) Tomoe looks like the dad. for that reason, if Mikage really "loves" Tomoe, did Tomoe's looks play a role in that attraction? and if it did, again I beg the question, does Mikage really "love" Tomoe, or is she conflating romantic love with familial love because Tomoe is being seen as a replacement for the father?

It's a valid point, but i think Tomoe used to have long hair which made her quite distinct different from her dad. In fact her dad looks (and has the personality) more like Tomoe's boyish friend.

joined May 19, 2014

I sense yandere and holy sh*t! I never thought Kujou could do something so... So >0<

joined Apr 26, 2014

I think she was glad because she gave it for the right person (who loved her), their relationship maybe would remain like this cuz Mikage from the begining didnt have the same feeling for Takayanagi.
Mikage did have a strong feeling for her sister but was it really "that love" i dont know. Cuz that kid was somehow growing fast (because of her family's tragedy), but she's still a kid that fooling around to understand herself like we can see in this chapter.
Hope this manga wouldnt have a nasty ending...

Yeah I hope so, thanks for answering my question :)

Did I smell blackmail from Kujou after this?

joined Sep 25, 2014

On a different note, I beg three questions: 1) given the interaction between Mikage and her father, I wonder if he actually "did" anything to/with Mikage, Tomoe on the other hand has held a grudge against dad because she "thinks" he did something to Mikage; and 2) Tomoe looks like the dad. for that reason, if Mikage really "loves" Tomoe, did Tomoe's looks play a role in that attraction? and if it did, again I beg the question, does Mikage really "love" Tomoe, or is she conflating romantic love with familial love because Tomoe is being seen as a replacement for the father? 3) I'm having quite a hard time understanding where Tomoe's "feelings" for her sister originated. If she too has romantic feelings, did they manifest because Mikage constantly did and said things that implied I like you/I love you? if not, from where? (Personally, I still think her feelings are not romantic and are a result of the poor family structure)

That is what I thought too as Tomoe looked so uncannily like her father.
Made me do a double take on the driving force behind Mikage's sexual attraction to her sister.
I went back to the scene where Mikage was reminiscing her initial attraction in the bathtub. It made me think her sexual feelings started off with the sight of her sister having her first period. Was it the sight of blood that ignited her desires? First period may also be symbolic to first sexual experience. This gave me a strong feeling that their dad abused Mikage and continues to abuse her to this day. Her father showing her sexual love most likely confused her and the whole experience must have been very surreal. She may have blocked out the sex act itself (hence her naivety about physical love) but stubborn memories that are tactile or visual sensitive may be too strong to block out entirely. Dad gave her a semblance of love when he took her virginity and Mikage expected the same with Tomoe. But it was different this time around. Though they may share almost identical facial features, Tomoe loved her like a sister and never like a sex object or some sort of demented replacement for a loss love. And if this is true there is also a high chance that this incest love story might not be so incestuous after all.

joined Aug 15, 2014

I was never an incest fan but I'll make an exception to this... I kind of like Mikage and Tomoe together.. I mean, they need more sister interactions.. I just want a confirmation about how they actually feel about each other either it's romantic or sisterly love, doesn't matter.. I always feel like the story evades the question of their relationship...

And what's up with Kujou? I liked her throughout the series and I still honestly like her, but I don't get why she's doing the thing she's doing?? Can someone please explain??

Is it just me, or is the story turning into some really angsty teenage drama???

joined Apr 15, 2011

I was never an incest fan but I'll make an exception to this... I kind of like Mikage and Tomoe together.. I mean, they need more sister interactions.. I just want a confirmation about how they actually feel about each other either it's romantic or sisterly love, doesn't matter.. I always feel like the story evades the question of their relationship...

And what's up with Kujou? I liked her throughout the series and I still honestly like her, but I don't get why she's doing the thing she's doing?? Can someone please explain??

Is it just me, or is the story turning into some really angsty teenage drama???

i would say it's trying to be dark and twisty to quote "Grey's Anatomy." But to answer your question, by not submitting the application, Kujou is leaving Tomoe little choice but to go to school outside the prefecture. Why? because Kujou realizes that Mikage has a lot of influence over Tomoe, and since Kujou is in love with Tomoe, Kujou most likely believes that the more distance between the sisters, the better her chances are to win Tomoe's affection. (similar to ColonelCat and Risingstar's interpretation)

hope that answered your questions.

As others have mentioned, by not turning in the application, what outcome could Kujou possible expect? Kujou has most likely damned her friendship with Tomoe (although Tomoe seems the be a really good hearted and forgving person), most likely ensured that Tomoe will not want to separate from her sister, and will never (OK, mostly) will never be a love interest to Tomoe. And to those that think Kujou acted out of fear, very likely, as her actions are very illogical and irrational? But I honestly think Kujou considered the consequencs. Surely she'd have to realize that by not turning in the application, she was risking Tomoe being heartbroken and possibly hating her? and if she did, then that is the purest form of malice I have ever seen.

So let's try to rationalize this out. Tomoe is forced to go to a university outside the prefecture. who's to say she goes to the same as Kujou. Even if Kujou applies for and is accepted to the same school, Tomoe will most likely ignore Kujou. Kujou then does what? Stalks Tomoe? At some point, Kujou is going to have to realize that she has crossed the creepy, psycho boundary unless Ogawa-san is going to leave Kujou's character as a loon.

On the other hand, Tomoe waits a year to go to a school in the prefecture. Kujou loses yet again. So what was the point of withholding the application? Bah, this story is getting messy, but for reasons unlike what others have mentioned. This story is trying for force love polygons in an unnatural way, but it's less polygon and more briar patch.

anyhoo, just my 2¢

joined Jan 12, 2014

I must say this Manga made me hate pretty much everyone other then Tomoe, Natsu and the Pres. It's suprising how much I still like reading this.
I wonder why everyone around Tomoe has to literally stomp on her feelings over and over again ;_;

joined Jul 6, 2012

I read this for the yuri?

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

Twisted personalities, on each one of them >,<

joined Oct 16, 2013

Everyone just needs to go to therapy.

joined Jul 17, 2013

Everyone just needs to go to therapy.

Your comment made my whole freaking day.

joined Mar 30, 2014

OK i don't understand anything anymore.can someone explain what's going ON

joined Aug 15, 2014

I literally went What the F**K on this... What the hell is going on?? Is Mikage inlove with her friend or what?? Is Tomoe inlove with Kujou too?? I don't understand...

Well, all I know is, I now vote for Mikage x Tomoe.. I think they're cute together(although I'm really not an incest fan, I'll make an exception.)

joined Apr 20, 2013

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice turn of events! I love Mikage, fuck dad, fuck Kujou ... !!
What is so hard to understand? Mikage learned something from her friend and now their relationship is stronger... But not love! Kujou is a fucking bitch, the dad is a loser and Tomoe is trying hard, so hard with study that she didn't had time or oportunity to grow up sentimentally speaking.

last edited at Oct 11, 2014 6:19PM

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