Can someone PLEASE kill this bitchass piece of shit already!? Goddammit, each chapter thus far has pissed me off, but this one without a shadow of a doubt got me heated to the point I had to put my tablet down and punch a wall. It's like this douche is the mangaka's attempt at creating the most hated character in history and, if that's the case, he is succeeding. Dues ex machina saves his dumbass almost every single chapter. Why!? He has no redeeming qualities, he's a rapist AND a murderer, there should be no reason he should exist.
I guess for plot's sake is the reason why this waste of air/space/anyone's time is still alive and I hope for plot's sake he dies. Horribly. No body to bury, no remains to burn and turn to ash. I want to stick his hand down the garbage disposal, cover him in honey and bury him under bullet ants.Gut him and lay him out in the sun for bugs to chew at his insides.
Do I sound mad? That's cause I am. He killed someone who truly loved him, because he's the fuck up and can't see that, so he takes his frustrations out on her. Grant it, she is not the most innocent character, but he manipulated her because she loved him. Instead of saying 'someone loves me, I'll date her', he goes 'NOPE! You ain't my true love!'. . .and kills her AFTER SHE TOOK A KNIFE IN THE BACK FOR HIM (caps so you see the levels of devotion). He is such a selfish, arrogant, despicable, (insert all kinds of colorful language here) sociopath even Hell would be too good of a place for him.
I'm going to keep reading this with a small sliver of hope he gets killed. Not holding my breath though. Seems whatever bad thing that's about to happen to him doesn't happen.
/sigh, okay, I'm sorry, rant is done. Just really needed to get that out.
About me.
God, one of the worst chapters so far. ; ;