Localization fun, where the literal translation can actually comes off as quite odd. 精灵少女 I would try "fairy" instead of the mouthful "elf girl.". The idea the author is trying to convey is awestruck by an otherworldly beauty. It's a popular writing device/trope. And in chapter 3 the subject in question is awestruck by the stars in the drawer's eyes. Fun.
大鍋菜 according to baidu is a common dish popular in the north. 大鍋菜, literal translation of big pot vegetable/dish. The name implies it is full of vegetable flavors of various kinds, and in the early days it was something family commonly eaten together before they go off to work. So the name stuck. The name isn't very flattering nor fancy, since it's definitely a more commoner food. At the same time, 大鍋菜 can only be made with common food rather than extra fancy deluxe ingredients. Common ingredients include: pork, mushroom, potato, tofu, and some noodles made out of bean starch.