Quite, quite strange to see people suggesting that Chihiro is adding to the development, when it's the exact opposite. Hino and Koguma were definitively making progress, but since Chihiro showed up it's reverted to a comedy status quo. And that's basically the only purpose she ever could serve; in a comedy-romance manga between two characters, adding a third wheel isn't contributing to the romance, so it can only be contributing to the comedy, and the comedy isn't what drives the plot forward.
Just read all the chapters since she appeared again and you'll see what I mean. She literally only shows up to revert things to staus quo when there's potential emotional progress. Just because she's a new addition doesn't mean the manga is moving forward, rather, it's getting derailed.
That's not to say nobody is allowed to like her or the manga is objectively worse for her inclusion. If you like the dynamic she adds to the comedy, well, that's why she exists. But she is objectively not driving development.
last edited at Jan 22, 2020 1:35AM by