Em no. His worldview (blah blah blah)
Y'know, pal, when both redrawer/typesetter Runrin and the regular commenters ask you to please stop peddling your off-topic tripe, you fucking stop peddling your off-topic tripe.
We don't need diatribes and we don't need links to other people's diatribes. The web is full of blather and nonsense against H.P.L. and his works, and, if anyone wants to waste their time reading that crap, they can find loads of the stuff all by themselves and without your help. As for the rest of us, we don't care, and we don't want to see it polluting our forum.
Now fucking shut up. If you keep trying to bring off-topic political ballyhoo to the forum, be aware that the moderators are swift in stepping on misbehavers.