Forum › Adachi and Shimamura (Novel) discussion

joined Jun 5, 2016

Actually, no. It was the sentence about Adachi wanting to reach in with her finger and scoop out Shimamura's "scum" lol.

Thought as much the moment I saw it. Truly, you can try take the mind out of the dirt, but you can't take the dirt out of the mind.

Oh, same. I asked, "... so, am I the only one who gave a major side-eye to the phrase about scum scooping?".

Spoiler: I was not the only one. Lol.

It wasn't meant the way it could be taken, just happened to be a comparison that didn't exactly translate as innocently as it was meant, but I knew people would read it and go "..... did she just...?".

joined Jan 25, 2017

I wonder if Shimamura broke what's-her-face's heart, or if it was the other way around...

joined Jun 5, 2016

the secret word was "dancouga"? I didn't botther to check back to be sure, may be it was just a to that anime or perhaps a different character will win whatever the prize for that.

Dancouga is a mecha anime. The author seems to thoroughly enjoy putting in mech and other pop culture references.

joined Sep 12, 2018

Adachi is a enjoyable perspective to read from, she comes across as a very relatable character. Still up in the air with how I feel about Yachii, she feels really out of place compared to everything else in this series to me so far... Enjoying this series overall though, looking forward to seeing how it progresses.

joined Oct 5, 2016

I wonder if Shimamura broke what's-her-face's heart, or if it was the other way around...

I got the impression the other girl was never that invested in their friendship, at least compared to shimamura. Guess we'll see though.

joined Jun 5, 2016

I wonder if Shimamura broke what's-her-face's heart, or if it was the other way around...

I got the impression the other girl was never that invested in their friendship, at least compared to shimamura. Guess we'll see though.

What's-her-face = Tarumi. I'm not gonna put spoiler bars on that because meeting her again just happened in the last manga release, since it finally got ahead of us in the LN. And I assume we will be following the standard "Adachi then Shimamura" chapter pattern, so we'll be meeting Tarumi next chapter since now it's Shimamura's turn.

Shimamura wasn't super into Tarumi in any special way, according to her flashback chapter. She was the little girl she met in kindergarten who liked shiny things, and they just "grew apart" by virtue of progressing in grade and getting stuck in different classrooms.

I have a feeling, though, that that casual indifference was not mutual, lol. Can't have a proper yuri story without a foil to create drama. Which to me is kinda disappointing, because I think Adachi already has a lot of socially awkward feelings on her plate, so much so that she's a constant flailing lesbian mess. Having someone show up she can legit be jealous over is gonna be a bit much for our little cinnamon roll... I forsee many, many more "WHADASHAA"s in her future....

joined May 28, 2011

vol 3, ch2, pg 80, "My face red with embarrassment," -> "was red"

joined Jan 20, 2014

so just discovered this in manga, then found this LN translation, read all of both of them that's translated, and i gotta say...making dying rabbit sounds is actually a thing??? i thought it was just my 10 and 12 yr old sons being weird's actually a thing??? wtf lol.

on another note, i super relate to both the girls. i'm very much go with the flow don't rock the boat, never make and real deep friendships like shimamura is, but i tooooootally understand adachi right now with her denial, i was same way when i was her age. i had a co worker that i was into but i would come up with excuses and reasoning to deny it, to tell myself i wasn't "like that." so many people in the thread for the manga calling her a "useless lesbian" all seem to have forgotten their first homosexual awakening feelings, or are not gay themselves to call her that and not understand. or are too young and are in homo safe environments. i was raised mormon and in middle school had a teacher that had horrible slander go around about her because it was RUMORED that she was gay. is it any surprise i reacted the way i did? it's not what i think it is cause XX or XX. see cause of XX or XX i'm not really like that. those were very common thoughts i would keep telling myself back then. it's this way so it can't be that way, which is exactly what adachi has been doing from the start.

so safe to say, i love this series, in both forms, to bits and pieces and reaaaallly hope it gets completed to the end, and not dropped/cancelled.

joined Jun 5, 2016

" seem to have forgotten their first homosexual awakening feelings, or are not gay themselves to call her that and not understand. or are too young and are in homo safe environments. i was raised mormon and in middle school had a teacher that had horrible slander go around about her because it was RUMORED that she was gay. is it any surprise i reacted the way i did?"

The term "useless lesbian" is meant more tongue-in-cheek from a yuri trope standpoint. Very often a character will behave in ways that seem counterintuitive or beyond blatantly dense, purely for the sake of creating drama or extending the story. It's not meant as an insult.

I am one of the people that help release this LN and both manga. I very frequently use the term "useless lesbian", sometimes even with regard to my own self-- and most certainly with regard to Adachi, who is so caught up in awkward flailing as she comes to terms. I am a lesbian who grew up in the Bible Belt in Kentucky in the 80s and 90s. I had my sexuality literally beaten out of me; I even had a knife put to my throat as I was put to the question about if I was "like one of THEM people". As a result I suppressed hard, and didnt come out to myself or anyone else till my early 30s--despite being so obviously gay that I often found myself furious and uncomfortable because so many people around me assumed I was from my behavior... even after I'd "settled down" with a man for 13 years.

So please don't assume that those that make jokes or quip are being hateful because they don't understand personally, or wouldn't say certain things if they'd been on your shoes, etc. Everyone copes and behaves differently. :)

joined Jul 26, 2018

I'll keep you all posted on the future of this project now that we enter the license era.

joined Mar 21, 2019

Good news for the LN fans

Now we just need both Manga adaptations to get picked up and we'll be all peachy keen.

joined Jun 5, 2016

It would be unlikely that the original manga adaptation would be picked up since it was canceled early and the newest release will likely go on to cover everything through the current LN volumes (up to volume 8).

joined Jan 25, 2017

I'll keep you all posted on the future of this project now that we enter the license era.

If you're wondering whether you want to continue - considering we don't even get Volume 1 till next June, I would certainly still be very happy to read anything you put out!

joined Mar 21, 2019

It would be unlikely that the original manga adaptation would be picked up since it was canceled early and the newest release will likely go on to cover everything through the current LN volumes (up to volume 8).

Yeah, I know.

I just like to hope for the impossible.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Yeah, I know.

I just like to hope for the impossible.

Well, I mean, you do you, I reckon. lol

joined Sep 1, 2019

Thanks for the update. :*
Adachi is so gaaaay, so precious.
Seems like that the Valentines chapter will be Shimamura's POV. Can't wait to read it!

last edited at Sep 20, 2019 6:26AM

joined Sep 1, 2019

Things that were great this chapter:

Adachi nearly melting down out of embarrassment at asking Shima about valentine's.
Adachi nearly melting down out of joy at Shimamura calling her hair style cute
Adachi trying to give Shimamura a "you make me a better person!" speech like, right outside their classroom, and inevitably failing
Adachi getting so wound up in her little romantic fantasies with Shimamura that she can't even muster up her normal "it's not like I have a crush on her tho" narration.
The inevitable coming punchline of Adachi getting handcrafted chocolates from Shimamura and being like, "Oh god, anything but more chocolate"

Adachi is such a baby. Too cute!

Now please author, some dang Shimamura development already please

Agreed. I love Shimamura's casual and indifferent behavior but a little development wouldn't hurt. I mean, Adachi's doing all the work here, it's kinda sad looking at her efforts not being appreciated enough.

joined Apr 23, 2015

wow Addachi. Wow.
Garnet's got you!

Suddenly hot I'm-
Suddenly cool I'm-
Suddenly a genius I'm-
Suddenly a fool I'm-
Suddenly fact but I feel-
Stranger than fiction I'm new
But I'm suddenly back
I'm a walking contradiction!

Doesn't this have a name?
Doesn't this have a name?

And isn't it, isn't it, isn't it love?

~Steven Universe. The Movie soundtrack. "Isn't it love?"

joined Apr 23, 2015

I really like this series, but I take days to read a single chapter. I'm still in page 35 of the latest chapter.

That's fine. I usually read them in one sitting but ugh. Sometimes I don't get chance start or have to read it in pieces do to being between jobs and being busy in general.

joined Feb 15, 2019

This took me 2 days to read cus of work and life (ugh) but man was that totally worth it. that was a long chapter and long wait for it (not complaining translators, your're still the best) but it was a roller coaster with Adachi's feelings here. She is still the best, most adorkable gay girl who is kinda in denial, but not really character ever. I reeeeeaaaaly want a confession on Valentines's Day, but I know it won't happen. Shima needs to notice the ball of fluffy gayness that is her best friend and embrace the gayness in herself too. Lastly, did Nagafuji pick up Adachi's crush of Shima? Her gaydar is strong, maybe because of her gayness for HER bf is strong (hopefully).

joined Aug 19, 2019

This chapter was such a joy to read. My favorite part was Adachi watching the fortune telling program and the shaman.
Adachi didn't believe in god or fortune telling till around last month and now she's not so sure lol.

My heart breaks everytime when Adachi thinks that her efforts to close the distance between her and Shimamura probably means nothing to Shimamura.

joined Oct 25, 2015

Thank you for translating this sneikkimies!

As I thought, I really enjoy the introspective characters.

I'm glad Shimamura is her own person and she hasn't suddenly fallen in love just because Adachi is heads over heels for her. This is much stronger writing, and the honesty is refreshing.

I'm looking forward to the rest of their individual growth. I wonder what transformations will occur in Shimamura that will enable her to commit to a romantic relationship. I also wonder when she'll identify some things she likes.

Adachi needs to grow something of a backbone. They both "go with the flow", but Adachi's lack of self confidence is crippling. Confidence would help her better manage her anxiety.

Waiting for the licensed version will be torture. I'll just need to forget about it for a while. :(

joined Apr 5, 2015

Waiting for the licensed version will be torture. I'll just need to forget about it for a while. :(

Wait, is it confirmed sneikkimies will halt the translation due to the licensing? That would suck if the case. Not only because it will take ages until the official version catch up, but because not all of us live in the US or other country with easy access to the official English release (even if I can buy the ebook, it will have ungodly prices thanks to the conversion rate).

joined Jun 5, 2016

Wait, is it confirmed sneikkimies will halt the translation due to the licensing? That would suck if the case. Not only because it will take ages until the official version catch up, but because not all of us live in the US or other country with easy access to the official English release (even if I can buy the ebook, it will have ungodly prices thanks to the conversion rate).

AFAIK sneik intends to continue translating. Just keep in mind that chapters that are twice as long as usual are twice as long to release, so don't mistake a longer wait time for a cessation of release.

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