Forum › Citrus + discussion

joined Jan 24, 2019

this is too boring asf. give me more harumin chapters pls saburouta

joined Dec 18, 2013

Kind of impressed that most comments are still debating about whether this series is worthwhile and no about Yuzu and Mei officially coming out.

joined Jul 22, 2018

I wonder how fast word will reach the students. Rumors were already spreading about them before this.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Kind of impressed that most comments are still debating about whether this series is worthwhile and no about Yuzu and Mei officially coming out.

We saw all that almost a year ago. Heck, we saw them get married almost a year ago.

This is basically rehash. Nice to see, for those following the story. But we’ve already been there.

joined Dec 18, 2013

We saw them got married yes, but we never saw them come out to everyone. Personally, I thought it was a very well done scene. But you guys do what you do.

joined Feb 23, 2016

I was thinking the same damn thing as the credit ending hahaha

joined May 20, 2019

To put it simply, Citrus was about Mei entering a faux relationship with Yuzu to repay her for all the kindness she showed her, but in the process ended up actually falling in love with her.

This really seems to contradict volume 4. Mei was genuinely very hurt that Yuzu rejected her. And wanted someone to care about her, which is why she agreed to date Sara.

Yuzu chased after Mei and confessed her true feelings at last. Mei was very happy at the confession. And the fact that Mei was carrying around the bear that Yuzu gave to her (fixed for her in the anime) was a sign that she was thinking about Yuzu the entire time.

So while unsure of her own feelings, Mei agreed to date Yuzu because she wanted to, not out of any sense of repaying her. I think even the letter Mei left to Yuzu said how scared she was of the feelings Yuzu gave her.

That's a valid interpretation, but I always saw it as Mei getting annoyed with Yuzu for being so immature about her feelings (how ironic). She even says before Yuzu's confession "this is getting annoying." I believe Mei didn't think Yuzu was serious about being with her, and what you called happiness towards Yuzu's confession was actually shock at how heartleft and serious she was. Her indecisiveness towards kissing Yuzu after that was her feeling guilty for not taking Yuzu seriously.

I do think Mei legitimately fell in love with Yuzu eventually, but at this point it was more about Mei wanting Yuzu to be there for her. Keep in mind, Aihara Academy was notorious for having girls enter faux relationships before they got married off, so that's probably what Mei saw her relationship with Yuzu as; a passing phase that she would enjoy for the time being, but eventually forget about once she got married.

This is what she tried to communicate in the letter in Chapter 36; they may not be able to be lovers, but at least they'd always have their bond as sisters. Of course, we all know that's not what Mei truly wanted at all.

joined Jul 22, 2018

Yuzu tells Mei to kiss her if she feels the same way about her, so if Mei kissed her without loving her then Mei was lying to start their relationship.

And what Mei told Yuzu before Yuzu confessed was that there wasn't anything she wanted to hear from Yuzu, but Yuzu called out that Mei was lying.

last edited at Jun 19, 2019 7:36PM

joined Mar 23, 2019

Happy Yuzu is the biggest turn on for Mei. Flips that switch every single time.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Lmao the business plan was all over the place and didn't make a lick of sense, but everything else was sweet. Im glad they're taking the time to properly develop Mei this time around (without any of that 1 step forward, 2 steps back bullshit).

joined Feb 18, 2018

Mei came out because it's Pride Month of course :-) Didn't Yuzu come out to her family a year ago around the same time?

joined May 15, 2019

Oi!! Pardon this interruption, but I just have to do a quick shout out...

@Blastaar, @matsuri_wins, @Serenata, @Nismy etc. (can't remember all of the many names off the top of my head, please forgive the omission, but you are appreciated.)

I just spent the last 9 hours on a (work day) going through these damn comments. Y'all (amazingly) motivated me to do so as a relative newcomer to the series, who was tired of scratching/banging my head at all of the questionable authorial choices. I'd seen the series around for a couple of years, but it just seemed too angsty/juvenile for my old geezer taste (sadly, it appears I was right). This has been a great adventure on how not to do Yuri (just my 2 cents and ain't worth much).

Thanks to all of the yelling I've been doing in agreement, two neighbors have called the police (due to fear of me being murdered), my voice is now ridiculously horse, and my dog will not come out of the closet. None the less, I AM LIVING for your insights. Your perspectives are priceless, and I only wish that somebody from Citrus team actually reached out to the wise folks in this forum for feedback, in terms of helping to tell a much more effective and nuanced story (would have been FOOKING AMAZING). Keep up the great work, godspeed, and I only hope that future authors are taking notes.

Now, back to the regularly scheduled DR family cat-fighting...

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 11:58AM

joined May 15, 2019

@Bolsilludo June 19, 2019 4:05PM

Meh.. i found this sequel very boring

You are not the only one. Still scratching my (as of today) balding head as to why it exists.

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 12:10PM

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Lmao the business plan was all over the place and didn't make a lick of sense

"Bitch you want businesses? I run businesses. I'm the most successful business runner you've ever seen. Look at all my companies. We should instill a new value organization system. I run like 30 companies. Supreme executive power should be limited and come from a mandate of the people. This is totally relevant to operating a school."

Yeah i have no idea what it was laying out. It sounded like they were employing a lot of cloak and dagger proposal tactics with vague references to events I seem to be missing ending in a big "we got ya, suckers!" sort of reveal.

So... they're doing away with the strict dress code? And this is a monumental, subversive change which the highest levels of school administration have to be involved in? It really, really sounded like Saburouta doesn't have a handle on how to make a believable executive business meeting scene. It reminds me of that commercial where there are a bunch of office executives in a meeting room, but all their dialogue is voiced by children.

Like, who were the stakeholders and what were their aims? Why wasn't the board okay with passing on the school chairman position to someone else? Why is it even a big deal if they're ok with just throwing it to that one dude? And holy hell how much money does this school take in? The air of that meeting was one of a large company going after big business prospects. Is it part of a larger, for-profit school network? Or more equivalent to a university here in the US, making it a huge business endeavor? Or is the academy this insidious cultural engine, controlling the students and molding them into the perfect wives which these old dudes are all about maintaining?

last edited at Jun 19, 2019 11:28PM

joined Apr 25, 2019

To put it simply, Citrus was about Mei entering a faux relationship with Yuzu to repay her for all the kindness she showed her, but in the process ended up actually falling in love with her. Citrus+ is about Mei's guilt over how horribly she treated Yuzu and her finally gaining the confidence to be in a true, committed relationship with her. At least, that's how I see it, and I understand if you don't agree with me.

I couldn’t agree more. And I believe we’ll see more of Mei branching out of her comfort zone as the stories progress. This is something she has to feel her way through, and it won’t be easy for her. But at least she won’t be alone.
But I’m curious if this would mean that they’ll begin wearing their rings at school?? Or would there still be a school rule within the dress code??

joined May 15, 2019

@Suigetsu June 19, 2019 2:20PM this series is essentially a miquel? That's one way to go about progression, and it kind of makes sense, (maybe??) but, why bill it as a sequel if that's the case?

From what I remember reading it was billed as a spinoff, but people kept calling it a sequel.

Ah, gotcha. However, in their defense, even I would have billed it as a sequel if the author's afterward were to be believed in ch41 pg#30. Silly me, as her trix have proven to be for kids.

More stories showcasing this middle aged, sexless couple's "happiness" was promised to come, yet so far, we've seen nothing of the kind. Just more mild hot sauce flavored angst, and if anything, regression in their relationship. There is almost no physical intimacy to be found between them and maybe it's just me, but if you look at Mei's animations in particular, chick looks downright MISERABLE. She has smiled not once in the last six chapters! We're getting an up close glimpse of what 16 going on 66 looks like folks.

Seriously, Mei looks like she has the weight of the universe on her shoulders, and it's almost as if she's telling us, the audience, "STOP THE RIDE, I NEED TO GET OFF." It would be really apropos if this was a subconscious artistic choice on Sabu's part since she's drawing the characters (it's becoming apparent to me that even she's BEEN ready to throw in the towel on this saga for quite some time now.)

Personally, I think Yuzu should have ran for the hills, as she does not have the skills or psychiatric training to deal with Mei and her metric tonnes of baggage.

Lmao, I have never felt sooo bad for a pair of fictional/animated characters...Sabu if you are reading this, do the right thing and give these girls a rest. I know Yuzu has got to be emotionally exhausted.

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 12:09PM

Thank God they censored that hand holding

joined May 15, 2019

@Altair June 19, 2019 11:10PM

Lmao the business plan was all over the place and didn't make a lick of sense

"Bitch you want businesses? I run businesses. I'm the most successful business runner you've ever seen. Look at all my companies. We should instill a new value organization system. I run like 30 companies. Supreme executive power should be limited and come from a mandate of the people. This is totally relevant to operating a school."

Yeah i have no idea what it was laying out. It sounded like they were employing a lot of cloak and dagger proposal tactics with vague references to events I seem to be missing ending in a big "we got ya, suckers!" sort of reveal.

So... they're doing away with the strict dress code? And this is a monumental, subversive change which the highest levels of school administration have to be involved in? It really, really sounded like Saburouta doesn't have a handle on how to make a believable executive business meeting scene. It reminds me of that commercial where there are a bunch of office executives in a meeting room, but all their dialogue is voiced by children.

Like, who were the stakeholders and what were their aims? Why wasn't the board okay with passing on the school chairman position to someone else? Why is it even a big deal if they're ok with just throwing it to that one dude? And holy hell how much money does this school take in? The air of that meeting was one of a large company going after big business prospects. Is it part of a larger, for-profit school network? Or more equivalent to a university here in the US, making it a huge business endeavor? Or is the academy this insidious cultural engine, controlling the students and molding them into the perfect wives which these old dudes are all about maintaining?

Dude, I'm dying from laughter over here. To top it off, Mei actually thought that her and her teenage fiance had a legit shot of convincing these high power, cigar chomping, top shelf Sake drinking suits, that they had a real chance of running this (high profit?) educational institution/corporation??

Unless I missed something (feel free to correct), I believe they're 16/17 and she is vying to become the NEXT chairwoman. She made that impassioned plea to the board despite the fact that she hasn't even graduated high school or attended a university of any kind (does chick even have a resume??). So, according to Sabu's logic, being a student council president, the granddaughter of the current chairman and the daughter of his excommunicado son (along with his nonsensical one page flyer of a business plan) is enough qualification to run a highfalutin' organization like the academy?

Hey Mods, can we please put a comedy tag on this????

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 12:08PM

joined Jul 22, 2018

+18 WHEN

joined Jul 29, 2017

At this point, watching readers attempt to come to terms with the cultural and ideological underpinnings of the Aihara Academy power structure is like being old stoner burnouts watching someone take their first LSD trip:

“Don’t let it freak you out, man—just go with the flow! You have to let your third eye open, because some things can’t be grokked by the rational mind!”

It takes a higher plane of consciousness to reconcile the oneness of the universe with “lesbian incest in an elite old-school traditionalist Japanese family?—not a problem!”

joined Dec 19, 2018

Omg Mei wants to get laid, did anyone else catch that or was it just me?

joined Mar 3, 2019

+18 WHEN

Oh god, not a dice still :(

joined Feb 8, 2019

@blastaar @HuckaLeroo @Altair

Thanks for your hilarious comments, they really made my day. I wouldn't be surprised if UFOs and alien lesbians suddenly appeared out of nowhere, they'd be more realistic than what we've had so far.

I think the mods should add a comedy tag to this discussion since it's getting so out of hand.

joined Jan 8, 2018

Love this stuff

joined Feb 18, 2018

More stories showcasing this middle aged, sexless couple's "happiness" was promised to come, yet so far, we've seen nothing of the kind. Just more mild hot sauce flavored angst, and if anything, regression in their relationship. There is almost no physical intimacy to be found between them and maybe it's just me, but if you look at Mei's animations in particular, chick looks downright MISERABLE. She has smiled not once in the last six chapters! We're getting an up close glimpse of what 16 going on 66 looks like folks.

Seriously, Mei looks like she has the weight of the universe on her shoulders, and it's almost as if she's telling us, the audience, "STOP THE RIDE, I NEED TO GET OFF."
Personally, I think Yuzu should have ran for the hills, as she does not have the skills or psychiatric training to deal with Mei and her metric tonnes of baggage.
Lmao, I have never felt sooo bad for a pair of fictional/animated characters...Sabu if you are reading this, do the right thing and give these girls a rest. I know Yuzu has got to be emotionally exhausted.

This right here should be a pinned post, and made the best description of YuzuMei as a couple, a warning for anyone starting to read this BS story...


I am not here for anything else anymore, why does Mei keep showing her emo face in this story? All her problems can be summarized as lack of sex. Seriously.

About the editorial decisions, I wonder if there is someone at Yuri Hime or Sabu herself who thinks that if they show even some kissing right now that’s somehow BAD, like they will lose readers or something? I can’t believe Citrus is not losing Japanese readers at this point.

last edited at Jun 20, 2019 7:28AM

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