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joined Jan 19, 2015

that last page hit me like a rock. just fuck me up takako shimura

joined May 29, 2019

cheating is bad

joined Sep 6, 2018


I must say it is classy to keep things well behaved and toned down in the first chapter. I mean, you don’t want to give away the store to the customers/readers putting their time in reading this. There’d be no plot/drama if the MCs went all the way in the first chapter. The mangaka knows it’s better to save the best for last (chapters).

There needs to be some additional tags here, but that might lead to spoilers. It doesn’t hurt to make the suggestions anyways.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 1:56AM

joined Sep 6, 2018

Bringing the hubby to the same restaurant... Is that a “dick move”? I mean, there was no prior warning or being upfront honest about her marriage status to the other lady.

joined May 2, 2018

Whoooo more Shimuraaaaa \o/

joined Dec 13, 2018


DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I could feel that girl's heart breaking, and mine too

The teacher is definitely lesbian for that girl though, if she could get a divorce, I bet she would

joined Feb 16, 2018

oh no

why are all the good stories a one way ticket to drama town

joined May 26, 2011

It's hard to tell if she's unhappy going to the restaurant with her husband because she know who she'll see, or if she's not entirely happy with their relationship.

anyway, interesting beginning that dragged me in for sure.

Looking East
joined Jul 19, 2018

ChippedIce posted:

I could've let this one grow on me but you fucking invited your fucking husband to that same bar!? like What The fuck girl... Just tell her with a message, geez, that was awful of you! What were you expecting to happen? Make her cry of course!

Going by how she wanted to let her know eventually that she had a husband, I'm guessing the husband invited her there, also because she came in after him so it leads me to think that the husband was the one "leading" in their little date.

Yeah but she had her phone, a little warning would've been decent.

Also, I'm mad but I'm against using a tag that would spoil the shock that the author was intending to make with the first chapter.

I agree completely. The entire atmosphere and narrative of this story centers around and builds up to the surprise reveal at the end. It was quite well done and I absolutely hate when tags end up horribly spoiling a good story. It would be a bit like putting ghost tags on the 6th Sense.

The aaaaangst tag was a great call since it warns the reader this story is going to sucker punch you in the gut somehow without giving away too much. Whoever tagged this one has my thanks.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 2:17AM

joined Jan 30, 2013

That shit HURTED

joined Oct 16, 2016

Is this an oneshot from compilation or a first chapter of a story to tell?
Either way cheating and bisexual tag should b added as hell to this.
What is the point of having tags when they aren't used cause spoilers reason?
But that is the definition of having tags so people who don't like such stuff would avoid reading in first place.
It's not the first time someone intentionally hides the bisexual and cheating content.

joined Aug 6, 2014

Damn. Nice kick to the gut.

joined May 2, 2018

What is the point of having tags when they aren't used cause spoilers reason?

you're answering your own question while you're asking it...

joined May 8, 2017

Well, this fluffy romance turned out to be a complicated scenario. I hope that the characters are okay at the end of the series and that there is not too much aangst.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Blech. No thank you.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Gonna agree here with the people asking for tags. Tags are to avoid content you don't want to see. So you don't get surprised by shit. Like
I don't care if it spoils the twist, because I don't want to see stories where that is the twist. Hence, reading the tags.

joined Aug 7, 2013


joined Dec 16, 2014

Sees Chapter 1 and ongoing*
Holy shiz, I thought it was a oneshot.

joined Oct 5, 2016

No reason to tag this as bisexual yet when we have no idea if teacher is actually bi. Plenty o' lesbians out there who've been married.

joined Oct 16, 2016

What is the point of having tags when they aren't used cause spoilers reason?

you're answering your own question while you're asking it...

Not really, if some people want tags hidden so they can go blindly into any story, that should be a choice not a default action for all.
But most choose the stories to read upon seeing tags and what content the story will bring to them, angst tag is not sufficent here, but in your logic you could argue it also spoils the ending since it implies bad things to happen drama wise but nothing of a man involved level.
Having bisexual tag wouldn't spoil anything, just that one or both girls are or were in relation with men and not that they are married, this tag should be used easily and wouldn't hurt anyone.
Cheating tag would spoil things but just half-way, not fully, again it wouldn't spoil us who cheats on who, after all an author could make a girl cheat on her gf with a straight women content, we wouldn't know it's the married woman doing the cheating here.
Not my fault that pretty much 90% of adult yuri stories involves bisexual and cheating tags as always being about married bisexual woman cheating on her husband/bf/fiancee with a lesbian.
There should be an option here to have major tags which describe genre of the story, so it would be yuri.
And then have a minor tab of tags like angst, cheating, bisexual etc.
And that minor tab should be able to get hidden as a choice in options so people who want to avoid that and go blindly into any yuri story would get that choice.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 2:57AM

joined Aug 4, 2018

Three pages of comments in such a short time, gotta love Takako Shimura. <3

Holy shiz, I thought it was a oneshot.

It's not a oneshot. It's a first chapter. The translators say they've already gotten the next two chapters, so I guess they'll start working on them real soon.

So-o-o, in the list of tags we cannot use (because spoilers) so far there is:
cheating ... and bisexual ... and maybe NTR?

joined Mar 22, 2013

Nooooooo, when this was so intriguing.... I halfway forgot that there was an Aaaangst tag :( Still I enjoyed the shock a bit. Am I a masochist? xD

but it could become a great story. It could be an arranged marriage. Still, things are about to get messy.

About the spoilery discussion, don't some people even read the comments to know if they should avoid a certain series or chapter? Yeah, the tags are more convenient, but sometimes spoil the story. Aaaangst was a good choice here.

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 3:05AM

joined Dec 5, 2018

ah shit here we go again =_="

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Oh, after reading the comments I realized this isn't a oneshot, let's see how this goes I guess

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