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joined Aug 13, 2018

Koguma dug her own grave

joined May 24, 2014

Smelling is SO lewd

joined Jul 22, 2015

I love a good Smell chapter

joined Feb 9, 2019


joined Jul 4, 2018

This is the stuff.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Last page:
Congratulations, Koguma. You've played yourself.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Will there ever be a reversal in this story? (I think the button one counts)

joined Sep 1, 2017

Darnit so close again. Come on Hino-san, kiss the girl already. Man this manga is such a tease.

And what kind of logic is: "What's the point of practicing self defence techniques, if you don't use them"? Imagine if people thought that way about nuclear weapons!

joined Sep 22, 2018

Will there ever be a reversal in this story?


last edited at May 13, 2019 1:59AM

joined Aug 13, 2018

Darnit so close again. Come on Hino-san, kiss the girl already. Man this manga is such a tease.

And what kind of logic is: "What's the point of practicing self defence techniques, if you don't use them"? Imagine if people thought that way about nuclear weapons!

It’s perfectly good logic. Just because you know self defense techniques doesn’t mean you’ll be able to make use of them in a dangerous situation. Most people panic and can’t think straight. Martial artists train until their techniques become instinctual so that they aren’t distracted by trying to think about how to perform them mid fight.

joined Apr 18, 2018

And what kind of logic is: "What's the point of practicing self defence techniques, if you don't use them"? Imagine if people thought that way about nuclear weapons!

Nuclear weapon and self defense techniques (like karate and such) are the same thing...?

joined Oct 16, 2016

Nuclear weapon and self defense techniques (like karate and such) are the same thing...?

In a way, yes. Karate and nuclear weaponry can both be used aggressively, but their usage is more as deterrents and last-minute defenses; you don't wanna fuck with a guy who knows karate, and you don't wanna fuck with people that have nuclear weapons.

joined Mar 15, 2017

That small Hino blush on page 8 tho

gunna need that smell tag for chapter 20

The smell tag kinda spoilered the kissbait on page 9 though

joined Apr 16, 2014

I'd want a Koguma to go all "You jerk!" on me, too... But I guess I'd need to match Hino's cleverness to achieve that.

joined Apr 16, 2018

Geeze, Hino San has Koguma trained like a dog at this point, but she better hurry up and give her dog the bone before Koguma snaps.

joined Aug 16, 2014

[...] you don't wanna fuck with people that have nuclear weapons.

Yeah, it's definitely best not to fuck with insane people.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Bumrushing someone unprepared will always win, even against a trained martial artist lol

I don't think Hino really meant she wanted to go to P.E. to protect Koguma. That was a pretty obvious excuse. She was just caught by Koguma's cuteness and wanted to go along with her wishes.

Aside from Hino's obvious preferences, I wanna point out that Koguma does constantly praise Hino's looks too. These two are so gay.

joined Mar 16, 2019

Hino sure knows her stuff. Her takedown technique is damn good, she presses her head against Koguma's shoulders, preventing her to possibly do a front headlock. No wonder she skipped that class.

joined Jul 29, 2017

So Koguma has now basically voluntarily issued carte blanche finger-sucking (Chap. 5.5) and sniffing privileges to Hino-san (in fact, she was also down with breast-sucking, but Hino backed off).

Remind me who’s on top here again?

joined Aug 26, 2018

Remind me who’s on top here again?

The one who keeps pushing her down.

joined Oct 4, 2018

Hino sure knows her stuff. Her takedown technique is damn good, she presses her head against Koguma's shoulders, preventing her to possibly do a front headlock. No wonder she skipped that class.

I'm glad someone else noticed this point. Just from that tackle alone, it's pretty clear that she's well trained. Can't tell how well exactly (it was only one move after all) but she's good enough that she can put things into practice without fumbling around.

Makes me wonder if she trained just so she could pin Koguma down with less trouble when the moon comes up..

joined Oct 4, 2018

These two haven't even thought about giving each other rings yet and they're already holding hands.
Tsk! Kids these days have no shame..

joined Sep 1, 2017

Darnit so close again. Come on Hino-san, kiss the girl already. Man this manga is such a tease.

And what kind of logic is: "What's the point of practicing self defence techniques, if you don't use them"? Imagine if people thought that way about nuclear weapons!

It’s perfectly good logic. Just because you know self defense techniques doesn’t mean you’ll be able to make use of them in a dangerous situation. Most people panic and can’t think straight. Martial artists train until their techniques become instinctual so that they aren’t distracted by trying to think about how to perform them mid fight.

The ideal mind set for defensive martial arts, nuclear weapons, and hand guns, for that matter, is to hope to never need to use them. You're suppose to exhaust every other possibility, before resorting to violence. To have the mind set, why have them, if you're not going to use them. is just looking for trouble.
As for martial arts training, sure you want to train to the level that the moves become instinctual, but I don't think M.A. instructors are sending there students into actual street brawls, to achieve that.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Rule number one of any self-defense situation: run away. In fact, in many countries that'd also be the only legal option to take.

Everything else is only useful if that's not possible.

... or, of course, if you want to be attacked. For example, by a lesbian delinquent ... ^^

joined Nov 8, 2017

So this is a fetish manga for those who can't handle pr0n?

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