I thought the store clerk was the cutest contender. She offered a life-time guarantee.
Yeah, two minutes after meeting her for the 1st time. How did the old joke go?
Question: What does a lesbian bring on a second date?
Answer: A U-Haul.
This one didn't wait for the 2d time, lmao.
Btw, if other gurls were guys instead we would have a lot of complaints about men being predators.
What a thoroughly pointless, useless comment.
Kinda sad she has her anxiety from a misunderstanding with her childhood friend. Hope she clears it up sometime.
I'm willing to bet money that it actually went like this:
Friend: "I don't want to be friends with you. I want us to be lovers!"
Hikage (who doesn't know what "lover" is): "What!? NO! I wanna be friends!"
Friend: "I've been rejected! Waaah!" (runs away crying)
Hikage probably only remembers the part about not wanting to be friends because it was the part that shocked her and really mattered to her. The other stuff was too confusing and she didn't get the meaning of it, so it didn't really stick in her memory.
last edited at Apr 23, 2019 11:42AM