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joined Dec 28, 2018

^Which Nintendo character was it that got fanart during the Direct they were revealed in? Like, the Direct was not over yet, and R34 was already online. That's the one that was disturbingly fast.

joined Dec 28, 2018

Could very easily be that the villainess system spat out that request that somebody else here mentioned: Reject Elsa's gift and her feelings, or use that gift to hurt her with.

joined Dec 28, 2018

waiting for the gacha game that waifufies famous scientists to make this a reality

A bit of searching suggests there's a loli version in Honkai?

Yeah, but imagine it. A gacha focused entirely around R63'ing scientists, authors, and artists specifically, a "mind through time" sort of thing. All the dudes become waifus, the girls become husbandos, and the setup is some kind of weird puzzle game where you use the special abilities of a team of four of your assorted nerds- some abilities help you, some goof up your opponent in a versus mode, and each character comes with a very short story mode to get you used to their ability. It makes new waves of characters a tiny bit slower to come out, but makes a massive kudzu net of content.

joined Dec 28, 2018

Tragic past? in my fluffy yuri?!

It's more likely than you think.

Image Comments 10 Oct 00:00
joined Dec 28, 2018

^100% agreed.

Image Comments 18 Sep 07:58
joined Dec 28, 2018

^^^ Nah, nah. There was just another sentence!

"Giant-senpai, please accept these offerings and leave the village alone! Oh, we come with the cookies."

Image Comments 12 Sep 01:55
joined Dec 28, 2018

Y'know, Kormi . . . I'd read the fuck out of that.

joined Dec 28, 2018

Oh wow, a chapter where Senpai didn't get molested.

Kaimori is best wingwoman. She actually did a really good job and setup a nice moment for the two. It does now make me wonder though what was the other Kaimori of the MC's timeline doing as she didn't seem to try to help at all and if she did help, we probably wouldn't be in this situation.

I think that, seeing someone is bold enough to make a move on Senpai, Kaimori realizes she needs to actually push Past!MC, as opposed to passively watching their relationship and wondering if things will work out (which is what I'm assuming she did in the original timeline).

joined Dec 28, 2018

Everyone is pointing out that the new human race would've been severely inbred, but didn't take that thought one step further- this exact same scenario is playing out on like 400 ships flying in the same direction. They're all one feminine girl, one tomboy pairs, all realizing that the people loading their ship made a mistake. Not even vaguely thinking that this kind of mistake would happen once, let alone on literally every ship.

Image Comments 08 May 16:09
joined Dec 28, 2018

"All I really want is GIRLS!"

joined Dec 28, 2018

This story has a very interesting premise, but the moment the Prez’s sister decided to check on the Pervert, I could see right where this chapter was going, and predictable stories are a huge turn off to me, at this point I believe we’ve seen enough from both MCs, and we needed a little more of the “Prez” because I can’t understand what MC sees on her, but I guess that’s that, fleshing out other characters is not allowed.

It's a bit early in the story, I think, but I agree that the Prez needs some development. Both to show why the MC likes her so much, and to show off who she is as a character, disconnected from fantasies.

Image Comments 10 Apr 21:42
joined Dec 28, 2018

Kinda surprised we got tiny Electra and Theory here, and not gossipy, love-obsessed Kora.

joined Dec 28, 2018

Time traveling a month into the future with a magic door? Honestly, this would make a great theme for an anthology- a door that lets you see how things can go a month from now, if you make the right decision.

joined Dec 28, 2018




joined Dec 28, 2018

That soil garden "prince" is a mess. You don't dip your gnarly hands into a girl's own genius flower arrangement, sir, then mansplain how the frick it's done. And if Yui's wrathful stares had daggers in them, you, sir, would deserve an untimely death.

I’ve been wanting a Yamada-as-gardening-ace chapter, and this one shows she’s got talent and taste.

Yamada’s self-direction and diligence is what attracted Kase’s attention in the first place, and it’s nice to see her forging ahead in her chosen avocation.

The fact that she was given a spot of her own in the garden section of their uni is proof higher-ups see her craftsmanship. Getting the respect and admiration of a legendary figure i.e flower prince is ultimately good for Yamada and is already a plus. Tho for me I'd be shocked at, rather than giving suggestions for improvement, a mentor would suddenly fix stuff for you or suddenly make changes to your work without asking for permission. I was laughing at that scene with Yui's enraged face.

I think it's meant to be a "stuck-up celebrity" thing with the flower prince, given how he's been portrayed thus far. So high on his own BS that he doesn't even think about how someone who isn't enamored with him will react when he acts out of line.

joined Dec 28, 2018

Heiress: "Fuck you!"
MC: "Come fuck me yourself you coward!"
Heiress: "...say no more!"

10/10. Poifect.

joined Dec 28, 2018

This is so fucking sweet.

I thought it would social anxiety trigger material but it’s really lovely.

“I’ve been studying up on Mira-sensei recently; here, you’re going to need these balloons. Now—”

"You're going to need these balloons" fucking slayed me. My kingdom for a like button . . .

Image Comments 31 Aug 16:29
joined Dec 28, 2018

^ "We know."

Image Comments 27 Jun 05:45
joined Dec 28, 2018

Bully the wannabully.

Image Comments 02 Jun 07:20
joined Dec 28, 2018

^-Omega Deuse
Given the pose, she's jumping through the air, and I like to think that somenody was trying to sneak up on Ami and is getting a Falcon-style flying knee of justice to the face.

Image Comments 02 Jun 07:16
joined Dec 28, 2018


Girl Friend discussion 02 Jun 07:13
joined Dec 28, 2018

That fake-out was incredibly brutal. I was one more page away from dropping in here to ask for an Angst tag, but all's well in the end. I've got whiplash now, though.

Image Comments 11 May 22:37
joined Dec 28, 2018

@Norain - She's still roughly 65% of the taller girl's height. Tall girl is at least 2 meters tall, likely considerably more.

Image Comments 11 May 22:35
joined Dec 28, 2018

Smaller girl is 2/3 the height of the taller girl; so, if small girl isn't puny, tall girl is at least 2 meters.

Renjoh discussion 11 May 22:28
joined Dec 28, 2018

She gave him oral and he returned the favor? So she's a virgin in the traditional sense but she's actually been eaten out and fingered? She doesn't correct Ren and only says that it was different.

I need more from this couple. I want Ren to appreciate emotional intimacy while Hime gets comfortable with sex - if she wants to have sex that is.

I wonder if he ever got to "return the favor" though? I don't remember seeing anywhere where it explicitly said that, only that she gave him oral. Like you said, she might not even want to have sex so she might not have accepted anything from the brother/ex and only given him head in order to placate him when he was being insistent.

This. Hime probably feels like a virgin because she hasn't been touched sexually; she's only satisfied Ren's brother's needs.