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joined Mar 6, 2012

The Mei-bot continues to struggle with its programming when attempting to communicate with the human designated Yuzu.

So i'm not the only one who thinks shes acting weird all the time?

joined Apr 20, 2013

matsuri_wins posted:

HaruMatsu when?

Meibot should just put out or get out. She is otherwise irrelevant to the story at this point.

Have you tried turning her off and then on again?

joined Apr 6, 2013

Poor Harumin, hopefully the pink bully will go with you

joined Jul 29, 2017

The Mei-bot continues to struggle with its programming when attempting to communicate with the human designated Yuzu.

So i'm not the only one who thinks shes acting weird all the time?

I know how we're supposed to be reading these characters--they're just so darned wrapped up in each other that their emotions and vulnerabilities are getting in the way. And I know that there's a way to read Mei's present actions as consistent with her overall character development.

But at the simplest level, I used to think of Mei as an interesting and fairly proactive character, one who knew how to push Yuzu's buttons, and she just isn't anymore. I certainly didn't expect that losing the weight of all those anxieties and responsibilities (the school, the family name, her secret love, etc.) would result in her becoming more recessive and unable to express herself directly.

Mei used to totally have Yuzu's number; now she needs Harumin to intervene with a shopping trip?

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 11:24AM

joined Feb 18, 2018

Mei switched personalities completely. My whole reason for reading Citrus was to see Mei being confusing and damaged because of her fear of love, but still a pretty bossy and proud person. That combo was kickass and carried the series forward. Now she is just like a shy girl, almost invisible. Wonder if Sabu has consciously made this decision and plans for it to be temporary only.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 11:46AM

joined Feb 18, 2018

matsuri_wins posted:

HaruMatsu when?

Meibot should just put out or get out. She is otherwise irrelevant to the story at this point.

Have you tried turning her off and then on

I wish, someone needs to find her reset button.

“Make Aihara Mei Great Again”

joined Feb 2, 2013

The Mei-bot continues to struggle with its programming when attempting to communicate with the human designated Yuzu.

So i'm not the only one who thinks shes acting weird all the time?

I know how we're supposed to be reading these characters--they're just so darned wrapped up in each other that their emotions and vulnerabilities are getting in the way. And I know that there's a way to read Mei's present actions as consistent with her overall character development.

But at the simplest level, I used to think of Mei as an interesting and fairly proactive character, one who knew how to push Yuzu's buttons, and she just isn't anymore. I certainly didn't expect that losing the weight of all those anxieties and responsibilities (the school, the family name, her secret love, etc.) would result in her becoming more recessive and unable to express herself directly.

Mei used to totally have Yuzu's number; now she needs Harumin to intervene with a shopping trip?

Yeah I'm argee. I get that Mei is trying to change from a manipulative girl to loving girlfriend, but this character direction seems so off. I'm trying to imagine it in a way that Mei is trying so hard not to jump Yuzu's bones that it shut off everything else lol

Yuzu should always wear glasses, they look really cute on her. :3

page 01
lol silly Yuzu, that's not how to wear airpods X)))


joined Feb 11, 2018

Mei was expressing herself directly to Yuzu. Several times through normal conversations, before she finally went to ask Harumi for assistance.

Yuzu just didn't listen to her seriously. She heard the words, but didn't act on it. Even Harumi had to be pretty aggressive to get the message through to Yuzu and literally force her to look at herself in a mirror.

Also, it was good progress for Mei to talk with Harumi. They never really communicated directly before, and Harumi's mirth about Mei's rather cute request was amusing. Her image of Mei seemed to change quite a bit.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Mei was expressing herself directly to Yuzu. Several times through normal conversations, before she finally went to ask Harumi for assistance.

Yuzu just didn't listen to her seriously. She heard the words, but didn't act on it. Even Harumi had to be pretty aggressive to get the message through to Yuzu and literally force her to look at herself in a mirror

Getting Yuzu to take her seriously did not use to be a problem for Mei.

Like I said, I know how we're supposed to understand Mei's behavior; I personally just find her far less interesting than she used to be. I was hoping that the aftermath of the main series would loosen her up, not close her down.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 3:03PM

joined May 8, 2017

Ésta historia sigue adelante y esta vez más cariño y valor que drama \o/ (aunque no debe faltar... Creo!)

joined Mar 16, 2018

Mei was expressing herself directly to Yuzu. Several times through normal conversations, before she finally went to ask Harumi for assistance.

Yuzu just didn't listen to her seriously. She heard the words, but didn't act on it. Even Harumi had to be pretty aggressive to get the message through to Yuzu and literally force her to look at herself in a mirror.

Also, it was good progress for Mei to talk with Harumi. They never really communicated directly before, and Harumi's mirth about Mei's rather cute request was amusing. Her image of Mei seemed to change quite a bit.

I want to see those conversations happen, don't just tell me that those conversations happened.
Any good writer worth their salt knows that it is important to show not tell.
These last two chapters we are told that they have lots of conversations but I didn't see a damn thing.
Meibot stopped progressing as a character a long time ago.

joined Oct 25, 2014

Citrus+ is great at showing how Citrus never made any sense and Yuzu and Mei were really incompatible with each other all along. They're just too different and are completely unable to communicate with each other properly. Their relationship is a big pile of nothing and a waste of time for both of them.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Citrus+ is great at showing how Citrus never made any sense and Yuzu and Mei were really incompatible with each other all along. They're just too different and are completely unable to communicate with each other properly. Their relationship is a big pile of nothing and a waste of time for both of them.

Not sure if bait...

joined Dec 18, 2013

Dunno what the hell you guys are going on about Meibot, these chapters are showing us a previously unseen side of her and making clear how much Yuzu has changed her for good. Old Mei would never asked for help so the fact she's doing it now out of concern for Yuzu is a tremendous grow for her character.

The worst I can say about her is that she's taking some roundabouts steps in supporting Yuzu, but baby steps, for someone who never really had a good grasp on social conventions, she's doing way better than I waould've gave credit for.

joined Feb 8, 2019

I still fail to see the point of this sequel, since Matsuri and Harumin are still not getting together. I thought that the deal with Mei and Yuzu was already closed, but apparently not, and they are still trapped in the mire of miscommunication.

Also about the communication issue: one of my favourite scenes in the original story was when Yuzu talked to Mei about their relationship in the library and how she was afraid what other people might think about it. Then Mei (successfully) consoled Yuzu by telling her directly that there was no point to worry about the opinions of others.

I would gladly have more open conversations between them. Bad communication should be used as a way to create tension only in extreme situations, and unfortunately Saburouta seems to use that particular ingredient rather liberally.

On a positive note, Mei's distressed face is still so damn cute. It's hard to judge something so pretty...

joined Oct 22, 2018

I would gladly join the conversation about the chapter, but after the credit page I just can't.
Chaosteam was really messy this time around

joined Jul 29, 2017

The worst I can say about her is that she's taking some roundabouts steps in supporting Yuzu, but baby steps, for someone who never really had a good grasp on social conventions, she's doing way better than I waould've gave credit for.

That bears almost no relation to the character as first presented in this series--for all her psychological and emotional dysfunction, Mei was explicitly defined as super-competent (to the point that she was de facto running the school), and she was very used to interacting with adults in public (as she tells Yuzu in Chapter 24)--if anything, Yuzu was much less sophisticated about social conventions than Mei. This person who cannot haul Yuzu off into a corner and make her listen up is not the same person who started this series--and not one, in that respect, changed for the better.

Harumin suddenly sees that Mei has a cute and caring side, at any rate--which readers have known since the first chapters.

EDIT: @Dreamloop above--that is precisely the scene I was thinking about in regard to who Mei once was, and no longer seems to be.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 4:18PM

joined Oct 25, 2014

Citrus+ is great at showing how Citrus never made any sense and Yuzu and Mei were really incompatible with each other all along. They're just too different and are completely unable to communicate with each other properly. Their relationship is a big pile of nothing and a waste of time for both of them.

Not sure if bait...

I don't know what's your issue but this chapter clearly showed how they can't communicate with each other. If after everything they went through in the main series they're still like this, then I'm inclined to believe it just doesn't work.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 4:25PM

joined Feb 23, 2016


joined Mar 22, 2013

Is Mei jealous?

Well without the drama there wouldn't be any point in Citrus... O.o

joined Feb 18, 2018

That bears almost no relation to the character as first presented in this series--for all her psychological and emotional dysfunction, Mei was explicitly defined as super-competent (to the point that she was de facto running the school), and she was very used to interacting with adults in public.

Agreed. Her super competent side was highly appealing, and her jealous angry side was what made their interactions so great to read. Now she is shown to have been a "broken bird" all along. Is Citrus turning into conventional yuri? lol

Harumin suddenly sees that Mei has a cute and caring side, at any rate--which readers have known since the first chapters.

I am starting to think Harumin is the token straight character in this series :-( Someone just move Matsuri to a new series where she is the lead please.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 4:55PM

joined Mar 3, 2019

Hmm, I wish internal monologues are heavily utilized in both Citrus and Citrus+. I find it hard to see more character depth when they're just goofing around or being all too-dramatic (not totally a bad thing, but if that's all there is, like, there's not much character development or even a believable plot, then it's going to be really bad).

joined Mar 3, 2019

Even so, I'm glad they have updated.

joined Jan 8, 2018

I like these sort of slice of life-like chapters. Monthly feels so long.

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