Forum › Posts by romel

joined May 8, 2017

No joda... FINALLY! ch17 P28 (or as far as my memory would let me remember a situation alike before!).

joined May 8, 2017

Yamada x Fukami-san

Liberty discussion 27 Aug 11:52
joined May 8, 2017

Cap 14... Y aquí es dónde los "Malos" de la Telenovela se ponen a tiro y las "buenas" se apende**n :P

joined May 8, 2017

Ehhhh... Ombe, que fue bonito. Es bonito cuando las cosas terminan bien, así sea un cliché.

joined May 8, 2017

no me quejo de su español porque seguro que es mejor que mi japonés :-)
Bueno, la verdad es que si estuvo muy linda la historia...

joined May 8, 2017

Crap... There she goes letting outers manipulate her. I wonder if Risako mentioned the "Baby" matter because Reichi complained about it!... RAAAAAYOOOOOOOS!

last edited at Sep 29, 2019 12:22PM

Citrus + discussion 19 Apr 13:37
joined May 8, 2017

Ésta historia sigue adelante y esta vez más cariño y valor que drama \o/ (aunque no debe faltar... Creo!)

joined May 8, 2017

I hope this gets an anime

I don't believe so... Licensing for publication overseas, maybe. The serious stuff like "Bloom into You", "Kase-San and...", and Canno's work (I forgot the title) all deal with emotions in relationships. This one has way more bawdy comedy, and it will be difficult to pander to the usual demographic watching anime.

What about a audio-CD Drama?

Dying Hour discussion 11 Mar 12:35
joined May 8, 2017

Quien sabe, la maldición como tal tal vez sería el de ese espíritu ser quien debía verles morir, y la difunta solo le pareció que ya era suficiente también para ella... Sendo algo así como un ángel de la muerte, quizás también era doloroso o deprimente cumplir con su labor.
I'm too lazy to write the message in English (and my English skills sucks... a bit)

joined May 8, 2017

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

4s discussion 29 Jul 12:06
joined May 8, 2017

Thank you for translate Yagate Kimi ni Naru.

joined May 8, 2017

definitely - they had their own way to express how important the other one are.

I liked, I loved - nice story.