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joined Jun 27, 2014

Could someone please translate the book titles on page 2? Those seem like they'll be important later.

joined Aug 29, 2018

Well that was gay.
Lily is a good name. I'm excited for it to see more use.

Also, Marika is quite into making up with her """camouflage""" girlfriend. Is it that she wants to ask her questions about yuritopia!Marika? Or is the spaghetti getting wetter by the minute?

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 3:07AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Also, Marika is quite into making up with her """camouflage""" girlfriend. Is it that she wants to ask her questions about yuritopia!Marika? Or is the spaghetti getting wetter by the minute?

That seems to be kind of a stretch. If your friend avoided you, wouldn't you try to make up? This isn't very good evidence (unlike the date last time).

joined Oct 15, 2014

Could someone please translate the book titles on page 2? Those seem like they'll be important later.

Not enough visible to give proper translations, but they're basically supernatural/occult stuff about psychics and UFOs and the like.

joined Jun 27, 2017

That manga just feels mostly like a mess. "Let's find out stuff ... or not, let's forget about that. Fix the fake-relationship instead. Not sure why I'm invested in doing this, but whatever ... "

joined Oct 15, 2014

That manga just feels mostly like a mess. "Let's find out stuff ... or not, let's forget about that. Fix the fake-relationship instead. Not sure why I'm invested in doing this, but whatever ... "

Well, I mean, it's kinda hard to report on your scientific findings when the girl you're reporting to keeps running away because she's a big ol' tsundere.

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 7:11AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

That manga just feels mostly like a mess. "Let's find out stuff ... or not, let's forget about that. Fix the fake-relationship instead. Not sure why I'm invested in doing this, but whatever ... "

Well, I mean, it's kinda hard to report on your scientific findings when the girl you're reporting to keeps running away because she's a big ol' tsundere.

Ya, that rather complicates the whole "working together" business. Plus Lily isn't just her only ally, advisor and confidant (themselves pressing enough reasons to try and re-establish communications ASAP) - between the two of them she's the one with enough brains to actually work out useful theories and lines of investigation.

joined Mar 16, 2019

Got transferred to another world without male, first male comes into her mind is her boyfriend who she barely knows not her dad. Dad: "Am I a joke to you?".

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 11:29AM

joined Aug 7, 2017

Could someone please translate the book titles on page 2? Those seem like they'll be important later.

Not enough visible to give proper translations, but they're basically supernatural/occult stuff about psychics and UFOs and the like.

... OK, judging by Marika's own "she has different tastes from me" line, this seems like an obvious Chekhov's gun.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Could someone please translate the book titles on page 2? Those seem like they'll be important later.

Not enough visible to give proper translations, but they're basically supernatural/occult stuff about psychics and UFOs and the like.

... OK, judging by Marika's own "she has different tastes from me" line, this seems like an obvious Chekhov's gun.

inb4 the whole switcheroo is thanks to some bizarro ritual Gone Horribly Right by Alternate!Marika

Dimension-bending Lovecraftian hypergeometry here we come

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 12:54PM

joined Aug 16, 2018

joined Jul 26, 2016

^ Seems about right. Remember kids - refrigerate your shoggoths properly!

joined Nov 27, 2017

Ugh this is glaaaaacial. :(

(At least they're getting translated in fairly quick succession.)

last edited at Mar 21, 2019 10:38PM

joined Jun 6, 2013

Ugh this is glaaaaacial. :(

(At least they're getting translated in fairly quick succession.)

I am glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. Just flipped through latest chapter again, and tapped a non-existent right page button hoping it'll be updated magically.

joined May 3, 2016

Kazami is going to get embarrassed being called by her first name and run away again. Who wants to bet with me?

last edited at Mar 22, 2019 3:40PM

joined Sep 1, 2017

I know I will probably catch flak for this, but if you genetically modify women, so they can impregnate each other, wouldn't they technically be hermaphrodites, and not females. Does this story even count as a yuri?

I'm thinking it's something more along the lines of assisted, medically-controlled reproduction; artificially making a human egg (as in the first stage of a human after conception) by putting the mothers' genes together. That would naturally result in XX (so female if all works well, and considering this would need to be medically assisted, it probably would) babies being the only ones able to be concieved, making it so that no male or (probably) intersex children would appear.

I'm pretty sure such a thing was envisioned by the most radical feminists, the first wave in our world being more or less when men became a scarcity in the yuritopia. Maybe with more support from mainstream feminism and the approval of a doomed patriarchy, that would've been a thing a century ago like this manga imagines; or at least, I'm pretty sure research would've been made towards that.

Maybe, but I think that would be a logistical nightmare, to keep an entire world population aflloat. Imagine everyone in the world having go through a clinic to get pregnant. The health cost alone would be prohibitive. Not to mention the moral and ethical questions raised by needing money to have children. That would definitly raise the specter of elitism

Note: sorry It's been a while since I check this thread.

joined Sep 1, 2017

iPS cells. Google it.

I know what iPS cells are thank you very much. I just don't think that would be able to support the whole world's population that way.

last edited at Mar 23, 2019 2:10AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

Maybe, but I think that would be a logistical nightmare, to keep an entire world population aflloat. Imagine everyone in the world having go through a clinic to get pregnant. The health cost alone would be prohibitive. Not to mention the moral and ethical questions raised by needing money to have children. That would definitly raise the specter of elitism

Considering it'd be necessary to hold off species extinction (and more prosaically maintain an economically viable workforce/consumer pool) chances are the whole thing would be state-funded; libertard types being quite welcome to come up with better solutions if they have a problem with that.

Plus in advanced societies people go to hospitals over pregnancy/childbirth matters all the time anyway.

joined Dec 20, 2018

The health cost alone would be prohibitive.

You must be American.

joined Aug 26, 2018

iPS cells. Google it.

I know what iPS cells are thank you very much. I just don't think that would be able to support the whole world's population that way.

When your species survival is on the line, surprisingly people stop caring about the little things and pump funds into the crazy ideas.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I always love to watch readers put exponentially more careful thought into some aspect of a story than the authors ever did.

joined Jun 25, 2017

Well... This world could be logical. I mean the men went extincts about 90 years before this point of the story. With the technology from pre-world war, medicine should be able to create artificial babies using female genetics (cloning to be more accurate).

Humanity has been priorizine one thing above all; survival. I am sure such thing as fund or hardship would not stop them. Plus, I read somewhere women were people of heart, full of emotion and capable of doing anything for their beloved children.

Even if it took them 30 years to develop that ips technology, it wouldn't be enough to have them extinct. Sure, some countries might disappear but that wasn't mentioned in the manga. Also, as the environment the female being are living in has changed, I am pretty sure they have evolved and most likely will evolve further as to adapt into their new world. It might take centuries or millennium. Who knows.

I personally love this kind of settling where one gender is totally whipped from Earth. I would like to see one manga with this settling but focusing more on politics, affair and military domains. Something à la Code Geass for example.

Anyway, I can't wait to see where this story will lead us to.

joined Sep 1, 2017

If straight women were using. iPC cells to reproduce, why would they bother with dating and marriage, at all. They would probably just band together and raise their children sister wives style.

last edited at Mar 23, 2019 11:53PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

If straight women were using. iPC cells to reproduce, why would they bother with dating and marriage, at all. They would probably just band together and raise their children sister wives style.

That's a completely different topic. You just switched from "its not feasible" to "but what are the repercussions for society".
It's quite obvious that after 90 years without men (and women not losing their sex drives unsurprisingly) they would reform culturally into homo-normality. If there are no mates of the opposite sex, the brain's need for emotional and sexual stability will eventually take over preferences. And for the first following generation that might still be an issue, but humans adapt fast. Grandchildren that never knew what a man was will already see dating girls as normal. It does help that scientifically speaking, women have a far larger likelihood for bi-sexuality. If bisexuals and lesbians get to lead more healthy lives (because they don't live with the stress of having no mate) and get to have children (because they have a partner for iPS treatment) those traits will be passed on and normalize them even more.

last edited at Mar 24, 2019 6:14AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

^ It’s the opposite of the “Butterfly Effect” (where a butterfly flaps its wings and thereby changes the world in some profound way)—some fundamental aspect of society changes, but everything looks exactly the same except for that one thing.

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