I guess she really abdicated those abs huh?
That was ab-solutely awful and you should feel ab-ysmal for your lack of humor.
We must ab-olish these ab-ominably ab-normal aaaabs jokes.
Huh, that’s a pretty cool manga piece. Seems a belly feel is more socially acceptable than titty grabs. There are neutral places to touch someone in public like the shoulder, arms, and hands, but the belly is still a no-go zone. It’s nice to see the character ask for permission to check out MC’s muscular middle.
Wasn’t this kind of story done in “Virgins’ Empire”?—the theme of that manga fits with this manga to a T.
(Edit: Nope, after scanning for the tag in other work, this abs-thing hasn’t been done yet, so there’s a future chapter for the mangaka to create)
(To digress, was that T meant to be a “tee” from golf or is it a contraction to “T-shirt”?) I forgot the etymology of this slang expression.
last edited at Feb 1, 2019 1:41AM