Forum › Yamada to Kase-san discussion

joined Oct 4, 2016

Boys talking to Yamada makes Kase-san RILLY nervous. So her reaction to the celebrity gardener is within that context.

Duh. A fifty-year-old father of 8 as a potential rival to Kase-san tips over from humorous insecurity into humorous total paranoia.

And there is not enough nothing in the universe to measure how little I worry about Yamada taking up with a guy. Any guy. In any universe.

Sure, you know that and I know that. But does Kase know that? We'll find out!

joined Jul 29, 2017

Boys talking to Yamada makes Kase-san RILLY nervous. So her reaction to the celebrity gardener is within that context.

Duh. A fifty-year-old father of 8 as a potential rival to Kase-san tips over from humorous insecurity into humorous total paranoia.

And there is not enough nothing in the universe to measure how little I worry about Yamada taking up with a guy. Any guy. In any universe.

Sure, you know that and I know that. But does Kase know that? We'll find out!

Kase knows only the desire to achieve oneness with Nature, specifically one mobile, arguably sentient manifestation of the vegetable kingdom.

joined Mar 16, 2018

Boys talking to Yamada makes Kase-san RILLY nervous. So her reaction to the celebrity gardener is within that context.

Duh. A fifty-year-old father of 8 as a potential rival to Kase-san tips over from humorous insecurity into humorous total paranoia.

And there is not enough nothing in the universe to measure how little I worry about Yamada taking up with a guy. Any guy. In any universe.

Hey, he's not just any guy he's a master of cross fertilization. You know what that means.

joined Apr 24, 2018

I am forever grateful for having this series, especially after the treat that is the OVA released this year >>>__<<<

joined Dec 11, 2017

Boys talking to Yamada makes Kase-san RILLY nervous. So her reaction to the celebrity gardener is within that context.

Duh. A fifty-year-old father of 8 as a potential rival to Kase-san tips over from humorous insecurity into humorous total paranoia.

And there is not enough nothing in the universe to measure how little I worry about Yamada taking up with a guy. Any guy. In any universe.

I don't think she views him as a rival so much as she's afraid he might try something against Yamada's will.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Boys talking to Yamada makes Kase-san RILLY nervous. So her reaction to the celebrity gardener is within that context.

Duh. A fifty-year-old father of 8 as a potential rival to Kase-san tips over from humorous insecurity into humorous total paranoia.

And there is not enough nothing in the universe to measure how little I worry about Yamada taking up with a guy. Any guy. In any universe.

I don't think she views him as a rival so much as she's afraid he might try something against Yamada's will.

You’re not suggesting that’s a more rational fear than anxiety about possible alienation of Yamada’s affection by Fertilization-sensei, now are you?

joined Dec 11, 2017

Boys talking to Yamada makes Kase-san RILLY nervous. So her reaction to the celebrity gardener is within that context.

Duh. A fifty-year-old father of 8 as a potential rival to Kase-san tips over from humorous insecurity into humorous total paranoia.

And there is not enough nothing in the universe to measure how little I worry about Yamada taking up with a guy. Any guy. In any universe.

I don't think she views him as a rival so much as she's afraid he might try something against Yamada's will.

You’re not suggesting that’s a more rational fear than anxiety about possible alienation of Yamada’s affection by Fertilization-sensei, now are you?

Well, I mean, yes? The odds of that guy being a pervert seem significantly more plausible than the odds of Yamada dumping Kase for him or cheating on her with him? I'm not saying it isn't irrational, but it's at least plausible at that point. ;p

joined Aug 26, 2018

Feeling rather conflicted about them still not calling each other by first name (at least when they are alone together). That seems like one of Yamada's (or should I say Yui's?) weak spots. If Kase-san wants to make her melt like butter she definitely has the Y-bomb ready haha

Other than that, very cute. How much do you bet that if that mixer actually happens Kase-san will do one of her famous explosive interruptions at the last moment? She loves chasing off guys around Yamada more than she loves running at this point lol

joined Apr 20, 2013

Feeling rather conflicted about them still not calling each other by first name (at least when they are alone together).

I think they should call each other by first name in bed :v I can totally see Tomoka whispering Yui's name... Jesus!

joined Oct 4, 2016

Any recent releases of Kase-san on Wings? Or did the OVA kinda slow things down for a while?

joined Oct 15, 2014

Any recent releases of Kase-san on Wings? Or did the OVA kinda slow things down for a while?

It wasn't in the most recent (October 2018) issue. Next issue comes out later this month so we'll see if it's included there.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Thanks as always for your hard work GA.

joined Apr 17, 2018

This is a tweet from the Wings magazine. The next chapter will be in December issue released on the 26th of October.

joined Apr 17, 2018

This is a tweet from Wings magazine showing the cover for the next edition:

joined Oct 22, 2018

... I guess that now I got two ongoing manga to follow... When should next chapter be out (or, if it's already out, when can we expect it to be on DynastyReader)?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

... I guess that now I got two ongoing manga to follow... When should next chapter be out (or, if it's already out, when can we expect it to be on DynastyReader)?

The answer to your first question is literally right above your post.

The answer to the second is “When it’s ready.”

joined Oct 22, 2018

So, somewhere around new year...

joined Nov 25, 2018

It has been too long...TOOO LONG U KNOW!!!!

joined Jan 5, 2018

Oh my Kase showed up this gonna get interesting hope she does not knock anyone out XD

joined Nov 15, 2017

Kase-san, you sly dog, you. Lookin dapper in that suit, too. Can't wait to see what happens in a few more months.

joined Apr 18, 2016

What adult voluntarily gives up their cell phone for multiple consecutive days in 2018 (that isn't active military or joining a cult)

joined Apr 20, 2013

Wow whatever comes next is a mystery but WOW I'm so glad she was there, come on you can't just throw a girl alone into a bunch of strangers like that, fuck that place is worse than a mixer!

joined Mar 16, 2018

Coming back, coming back, like a heart attack!!!

I hope Kase San starts wrecking some shit

joined Sep 30, 2017

Man! Kase is the best girlfriend a lesbian can wish for! Beautiful, sexy, a little push in the right amount, kind, hopelessly in love.

In my opinion, she is the best tomboy to ever exist in anime history.

joined Jul 11, 2015

i was hoping ch 8 would be the continuation of ch 7 :'DDDD

but das ok, im fine with the way ch 8 goes


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