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joined Jun 27, 2017

Sayaka from the beginning came across as the (fairly classic) old-friend-with-a-crush-who-ends-up-disappointed role. Too passive compared to the newcomer who rocks the boat. As others have said, she'll probably "lose", while still staying supportive. Perhaps have a bit of a cry about it and then be kinda happy that her friends are happy.

In all honesty, it's almost such a classic that I'd like to see a vicious twist and have her "win" ^^; But story-wise, it just wouldn't make much sense.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 4:44PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

I was a bit ticked that they were having Yuu use first names in the manga. If I recall, Touko starts calling Yuu by her first name in staid of her sir name fairly quickly, and Sayaka and Touko always use first names, but having Yuu call both of the sempais by their first names is just wrong... (Strangely they all call Maki by his sir name, I presume... At least I always figured that was his sir name.)

Both the nerdy and the dickish ones of my numerous inner selves want to insult you for your bad spelling... barely contains his laughter

Well... congratulations on being a nerdy dick... what we ALL aspire to be in life. Loser!

The order of the pages in the chapter is wrong, other than that it's an interesting chapter. Not what I was expecting... It almost seems like filler, except that Sayaka's inner thoughts have ALWAYS been important in the story. It sets up the potential for her to confess, but somehow I feel she still feels that Touko wouldn't be receptive and she'll end up stuck where she is, or, more likely, decide to confess right around the time that Touko and Yuu finally get together and back off.

My apologies, but my other inner selves couldn't just keep those two in back then... Also, salutations for the perfect counter-insult...

And, no, I wasn't one bit sarcastic in this post.

In all seriousness though, about how other people mentioned something about "stretching the story" and side characters... I actually like it this way, because the side characters actually get more coverage, which I think is something that other manga should try to emulate... But that's my personal opinion.
I'm still wondering how would Sayaka's arc (or arch? I'm not sure) is gonna be closed, and what will, ultimately, be her involvement in the whole crisis that emerged in the latest several chapters of the manga.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 4:45PM

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

I'd riot if Sayaka "won," even though she's my favourite character. I hope she finds someone else.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Yuu x Sayaka endgame leggo

joined Jan 15, 2015

I can understand why this chapter changes focus, but I am still somewhat annoyed because it means there still may be one or more chapters before the actual conclusion. If I were able to read it all at once, I'm sure it would come off great, and build anticipation, but since we have to wait for release and translation, it sort of leaves me frustrated. Im thinking it might be better to just wait until the conclusion is finally out and read it all at once.

joined Sep 6, 2011

Dragging shit around.

So hot right now.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Yuu x Sayaka endgame leggo

Makes sense.

Sayaka confesses to Touko. Touko as expected turns her down. Sayaka is sad.
But it gets Touko thinking and re-examining what she's doing. She returns to Yuu, apologizing and wanting to give their relationship a try. But Yuu feels Touko just isn't ready for a relationship, that she's just clinging to the idea now that both her most important friendships are failing, and turns her down. Now everyone is sad.

Sayaka and Yuu meet and commiserate over Touko being an idiot. They start drinking, things happen; a week later they wake from their week-long drunken binge to find they had flown to Las Vegas and gotten married.

The End.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Yuu x Sayaka endgame leggo

Makes sense.

Sayaka confesses to Touko. Touko as expected turns her down. Sayaka is sad.
But it gets Touko thinking and re-examining what she's doing. She returns to Yuu, apologizing and wanting to give their relationship a try. But Yuu feels Touko just isn't ready for a relationship, that she's just clinging to the idea now that both her most important friendships are failing, and turns her down. Now everyone is sad.

Sayaka and Yuu meet and commiserate over Touko being an idiot. They start drinking, things happen; a week later they wake from their week-long drunken binge to find they had flown to Las Vegas and gotten married.

The End.

Yeah... That potential ending has EVEN LESS of my support than a potential Touko x Sayaka ending...

joined Jul 29, 2017

I can understand why this chapter changes focus, but I am still somewhat annoyed because it means there still may be one or more chapters before the actual conclusion. If I were able to read it all at once, I'm sure it would come off great, and build anticipation, but since we have to wait for release and translation, it sort of leaves me frustrated. Im thinking it might be better to just wait until the conclusion is finally out and read it all at once.

Well, I think at some level we all want what we want, and we want it now. But one of the main strengths of the storytelling in this one has been the methodical pace, the full development of scenes, and its overall determination to stick to exactly what it does well all the way through. Sayaka has always been an important element in the story, and in terms of the plot dynamics this is her time to step forward.

(The full depiction of the entire play is a case in point about pacing and development. Readers could have “gotten” the main plot elements just fine if only snippets of the play had been shown—think how many manga feature school plays and how little onstage time we actually see. But that play was always built as a central event in the story, and we were given the whole thing.)

I want the next chapter so bad I can taste it, and the chapter after that. But I don’t want them at the expense of the very things that have made this an exceptional piece of work.

joined Jun 12, 2017

Sayaka chapter. She's a cutie

joined Aug 14, 2016

meh I'm starting to hate this manga right now,..

joined Apr 17, 2015

^^^ I still think this is the kind of series that works better in volumes than read monthly. Even if each chap has subtle developments, short chaps like this one are frustrating as hell. TTvTT Like you're drinking a large cup of tea one sip at a time.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 5:33PM

joined Jul 19, 2018

I can understand why this chapter changes focus, but I am still somewhat annoyed because it means there still may be one or more chapters before the actual conclusion. If I were able to read it all at once, I'm sure it would come off great, and build anticipation, but since we have to wait for release and translation, it sort of leaves me frustrated. Im thinking it might be better to just wait until the conclusion is finally out and read it all at once.

I would be very surprised if we see an ending in less than 4 more chapters. My guess is it will be even more than that,

joined Sep 19, 2017

Sorry but i dont really understand this Chapter. o.O Is the Mangaka now streching this Manga or why is it not focusing on the Main Chars anymore? im not Interessted in the Side Characters,,,,,,,,,,

How come you read this manga and reached chapter 36, without even understanding that side characters are important? That is one of the reasons why YagaKimi was praised of, for not having useless side characters, all have roles to build up the story for main characters. Sayaka is an important side character to balance Yuu and Touko. That is why too, she’s going to have her own story.

Nakatani for sure isn’t stretching this manga, by showing Sayaka in ONE chapter when the thing between Yuu and Touko is heating up, and having some discord. Without this chapter 36, or Sayaka’s PoV, you won’t see that Touko has changed and now starting to open up to others. You won’t see that she’s after all very down and affected about her situation with Yuu.

You know what? You just have to LEARN how to have patience.

^^^ I still think this is the kind of series that works better in volumes than read monthly. Even if each chap has subtle developments, short chaps like this one are frustrating as hell. TTvTT Like you're drinking a large cup of tea one sip at a time.

Yeah, but if not volume, I preferred it to release at least twice a month. Lol. I understand why a friend bought this manga in volumes, but now he’s frustrated for waiting next year maybe to release new volume. Both, having pros and cons lol.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 6:52PM

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

The real ending. They all suddenly realize they're girls, so it would be weird if they went out, and they then convert the voyeur boy into the lead of a now harem manga, and they all become his girlfriends. Hijinks ensue.

In all honesty, good for Sayaka. She would hate herself if she kept up the martyr routine. She's kept her feelings to herself for way, way too long.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 6:35PM

joined May 7, 2017

The Goddess is back to the spotlight, YEEEEEEEEEEESSS

A Sayaka's chapter is always a good one

joined Jul 1, 2014

If Sayaka ends up with Touko I'm gonna drive my car into a brick wall.

Nah, not really. But that would totally bum me out.

I like Sayaka, but, wasn't a huge fan of this chapter. That's my humble opinion. Don't take it as literal scripture. You can have your own feelings on the subject.

joined Feb 17, 2013

That was sweet basically. :D I'm looking forward to the Sayaka novel too...

joined Oct 15, 2016

If Sayaka ends up with Touko I'm gonna drive my car into a brick wall.

Nah, not really. But that would totally bum me out.

I like Sayaka, but, wasn't a huge fan of this chapter. That's my humble opinion. Don't take it as literal scripture. You can have your own feelings on the subject.

Don't think you'll be driving into a brick wall anytime soon then. Sayaka was doomed from the start, just like any other friend character in any romance story that waits a real long time to confess their feelings to the MC.

joined Sep 25, 2013

I actually loved this chapter. And, honestly, I'm happy with any "pairing" that happens, as long as it's well-written, because I don't really have a main ship or anything. I'm just interested in how the story pans out.

joined Oct 25, 2015

I felt lost for much of this chapter. I still feel kind of lost. I think the title threw me a bit. ...It wasn't as far in the future as I anticipated, I think.

The part I enjoyed most was the glimpse of Touko being more open. I'm curious about what's going on with her. It seemed like she was down and then happy ...and then okay?? @__@

joined Mar 15, 2015

That was an interesting look at Sayaka's perspective on how things are between Touko and Yuu. I personally have to wonder how Touko possibly learning that Sayaka has loved her all this time will affect their relationship. Perhaps it might even help Touko to realize that being loved might not be such a bad thing, and help convince her to talk things out with Yuu.

Of course, I personally thought that someone on the student council would probably sit Yuu and Touko down and say "You two have barely said a word to each other (for however long has passed since Yuu's confession). Could you please say what's going on, because things are really awkward right now?" People noticed when Yuu and Sayaka weren't getting along in Chapter 14, so I suspect it'll only be a matter of time before someone says something.

joined Sep 19, 2017

Of course, I personally thought that someone on the student council would probably sit Yuu and Touko down and say "You two have barely said a word to each other (for however long has passed since Yuu's confession). Could you please say what's going on, because things are really awkward right now?" People noticed when Yuu and Sayaka weren't getting along in Chapter 14, so I suspect it'll only be a matter of time before someone says something.

Yeah probably. Maki, might ask Yuu coz he’s quite the spectator and wanted to know what’s wrong with their closeness, but it should be private. Since no one knows that Maki knew what’s happening between the two. It could be Sayaka, coz in chapter 36, she’s meaning to ask Touko but she couldn't get the right timing. Or there’s a chance, it could be Doujima, since he’s tactless and can easily get the change of atmosphere hanging in the Student Council, like how he’s the first person to ask when Touko started to call Yuu by her first name.

Who might be, I love to see this scene if it’s going to happen.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 9:32PM

joined Sep 28, 2011

Daily reminder that Sayaka also deserves happiness

joined Mar 31, 2018

Does anyone know if Chapter 36 is the end of the volume 6?

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