Forum › My Master & Furry-eared Girl Mel discussion

joined Aug 7, 2017

... Brothers, sisters, it is time. We must rise up against this tyranny. VIVA LA BEASTKIN-LOVE REVOLUTION!

Typo found on page 15: "if their others" should be "if the others".

joined Jun 4, 2018

It's a terrible day for rain.

What do you mean? It's not raining.

joined Jul 29, 2017

... Brothers, sisters, it is time. We must rise up against this tyranny. VIVA LA BEASTKIN-LOVE REVOLUTION!

Typo found on page 15: "if their others" should be "if the others".

Also p. 18, “seperate” sb. “separate”

last page: “Occassional” sb “Occasional”

joined Aug 16, 2014

Perhaps Mel running away will bring that Beast-kin murderer mentioned in earlier chapters into play

joined Sep 14, 2014

I enjoy the heart clench, drama, and angst. It just feels so good. The cliffhanger on the other hand

joined Sep 28, 2011

Man that image of Mel crying absolutely broke me into pieces holy shit

joined Jan 18, 2016

The thing that's illegal here is making Mel cry!

i mean there must be lots of people keeping lil fur lolis as sex slaves?
would this be any different?

joined Jul 13, 2016

This seems kinda out of the blue, but I really like the eyelashes of the Master, dunno just paid them this chapter randomly attention but I really like them .-.

joined Jul 1, 2014

i mean there must be lots of people keeping lil fur lolis as sex slaves?
would this be any different?

First rule among having sex slave beastkin
You don't talk about having sex slave beastkin.

Second rule among having sex slave beastkin.

joined Jul 19, 2018

I'm kind of getting the impression that this is the final stage of maturity for beastkin. Have we ever encountered or even heard of an adult beastkin? Or male beastkin for that matter? Presumably they must exist, unless they reproduce through parthenogensis or are the offspring of some unholy union between human and animal.

Maybe they just naturally stop developing when they're at the level of a 12-year-old child (both physically and mentally) in which case it would make a lot of sense for there to be a law against human-beastkin romance, since any sexual relations with a beastkin would consequentially be child abuse.

I originally kind of thought that the setting either wasn't really thought out or was just a vague excuse for the animal-ear-loli X onee-san plot to happen. But as human-beastkin relations become a major plot point and more details are revealed, I wonder if there isn't more to it than that.

We have very little evidence to go by as to whether or not Mel is full grown. In one hand we have the orphanage type place Mel grew up where it is common practice for a beastkin to be judged mature enough to be released from the orphanage's custody to go out into the world and work as servants at around age 10 or 12. This somewhat suggests they might be considered young adults at this age and they may be pretty close to full grown.

On the other hand we had the editor lady warning Master about pedophilia in respects to Mel at one point which definitely suggests she is not a full fledged adult yet. There is also the fact that Mel acts rather child like and seems quite naive when it comes to romantic feelings. All these things point to her being still quite young even by beastkin standards.

It may also be that beastkin always remain a bit childlike compared to humans. It is a bit odd we haven't seen any signs of beastkin that look more like adult humans do. The editor also made a comment about how if there was ever a romance between a human and a beastkin it would be the human that would be seen as a pervert who took advantage of the beastkin which suggests that maybe beastkin are a bit child like even as adults and are not seen as having full agency even when fully matured. We have no way of knowing if a 10 year old beastkin is basically the same as a 10 year old human or if they do in fact mature differently than we do.

My personal guess is similar to yours. I think that beastkin may mature slightly faster than humans do and are considerably smaller and more child like in stature than us even when full grown. Even if you look at Mel and compare her to a 10 or 12 year old human girl she is tiny. Seriously if you really take a look at her compared to master she doesn't even come up to her waist. Not even close. Even if Master is a giant of a women standing in at like 6ft tall, which I don't think is the case, that would mean Mel is like 3 feet high. She is like the size of a 4 year old.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 12:55AM

joined Apr 11, 2016

If this has happy ending I'm gonna be disappointed.

joined Feb 27, 2018

If this has happy ending I'm gonna be disappointed.

It's Itou-sensei, of course it's gonna be happy. Maybe a little bittersweet.

joined Aug 10, 2015

OMFG shit just got heavy out of nowhere i mean i read sayuri´s little sister is an angel but that doesn´t get as grounded realistic and sad as this one obviously everything is going to be fine at the end but damn for a moment this series made me believe that everything was over then i rememeber that the author is itou hachi so now i´m fine

joined Sep 1, 2017

It sounds like they treat human and beastkin relationships like bestiality, in Mel and Master's world. That sucks a bit of cuteness away from their relationship.

joined Aug 7, 2017

I found an official summary of this series (specifically, the first volume) on this page. Would a translation of that suffice for use as our own description on the series page?

Incidentally, I believe I figured out what the original Japanese term that is being translated into "Beastkin" is: The aforementioned summary repeatedly uses the term "獣人", which literally translates to "animal/beast person/people".

last edited at Nov 4, 2018 9:00PM

joined Feb 24, 2017

Somebody here have a link to raw scans for tthe rest of the chapters? I can´t wait DX!!!!

joined Aug 25, 2018

Once again, Itou Hachi's artstyle has proven to be on a completely different level. In every manga that she draws I feel rejoiced by the cuteness of her drawings. But now, I had my heart shattered into pieces just by viewing Mel's crying image. Non other artist can make me feel this way. She is truly something else.

joined Aug 7, 2013

noooooooo ;____;

joined Jun 30, 2017

Somebody here have a link to raw scans for tthe rest of the chapters? I can´t wait DX!!!!

It is on YouTube.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I found an official summary of this series (specifically, the first volume) on this page. Would a translation of that suffice for use as our own description on the series page?

Incidentally, I believe I figured out what the original Japanese term that is being translated into "Beastkin" is: The aforementioned summary repeatedly uses the term "獣人", which literally translates to "animal/beast person/people".

That summary is very similar to what's written on the back of the first volume. Here's a translation if anyone wants to put it up on the chapter page (I don't know how to change it):

Beastkin, a race similar to humans but with an adorable appearance, are becoming common as companions and partners. A beastkin girl Mel, awaiting a "master" who would one day come to her, is taken in by the beautiful but lonely mistress of a manor. Together they nurture a modest but undeniable happiness. A deep affection is born between protector and protected. In this a gentle and innocent world, a tale transcending the borders between master and servant begins.

獣人, like many terms from myth or fantasy or fairy tale, has no "true" translation. It means different things in different scenarios. For example, the "beastmen" in Gurren Lagann are 獣人, but it can also refer to werewolves, or bigfoot, or other supernatural hybrids like that. Personally, I don't think I ever would have thought of "beastkin" as a translation on my own, but it's what the original translator of the series used, and it's as good as any other, so I just stuck with it.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 7:14AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

In this a gentle and innocent world, a tale transcending the borders between master and servant begins.

Notice how in the original conception the main theme is about social class rather than about “the border between humans and animals.”

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Notice how in the original conception the main theme is about social class rather than about “the border between humans and animals.”

I think the border between humans and beastkin is an issue of social class. The "institute" at which Mel and the others were raised seems similar to the kinds of places the US and Australia and Canada forcibly took native children in order to "civilize" them and prepare them for lives of servitude in white society. The government here seems somewhat more interested in preventing abuse than those governments did historically, since it appears there's actually some fear of social services coming and taking Mel away if they feel her master is abusing her. However, that doesn't change the fact that beastkin apparently cannot live without a guardian, be it the state or a master chosen for them.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Notice how in the original conception the main theme is about social class rather than about “the border between humans and animals.”

I think the border between humans and beastkin is an issue of social class. The "institute" at which Mel and the others were raised seems similar to the kinds of places the US and Australia and Canada forcibly took native children in order to "civilize" them and prepare them for lives of servitude in white society. The government here seems somewhat more interested in preventing abuse than those governments did historically, since it appears there's actually some fear of social services coming and taking Mel away if they feel her master is abusing her. However, that doesn't change the fact that beastkin apparently cannot live without a guardian, be it the state or a master chosen for them.

Point taken, but that just highlights all those previous questions about where beastkin come from (what are their families of origin?) and what, if anything constitutes maturity, sexual and otherwise. (To say nothing of their possible political/civil rights in a political system we know almost nothing about).

And I agree with the previous poster about the likely appearance of that rumored murderer of beastkin. Urk!

Itou Hachi, please end our (and Mel’s) suffering! Or at least don’t make it last too long.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

獣人 (Juujin) literally means animal/best person/people as 獣 stands for best/animal (kemono) and 人 (hito) means human and is commonly used as suffix in making names of nationalities and races. Like Nihon - Nihonjin. So as schuyguy said it is umbrella term which is pretty vague and can be used in variety of scenarios and proper translation usually depends on context. Still, what we should take from it is that using it implies some connection to animals.

last edited at Nov 5, 2018 9:28AM

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